"This woman cannot stay!"

There was a cold light in Mr. Wang's eyes. He was worried that Irene still had evidence in his hand, so he did everything possible to get rid of Irene.

Of course, before doing it, make sure that the evidence in her hand has been destroyed.

"Second, I leave it to you."

The division of labor in the family is clear, and things like this kind of dark side are basically done by the second child.

Wang Xingguo knew in his heart that this was the last glimmer of hope to save the Wang family.

Once the truth is found out by the regulatory authorities, not only will the Wang family go bankrupt, but the main person in charge will also go in for free prison meals.

For the Wang family, and of course for myself.

If the matter can be settled this time, the old man has no reason not to hand over the power of the family to himself.

In addition to the three major listed companies, the current Wang family's total asset value is at least around 100 billion.

Taking a step back, even with a worth of hundreds of billions, he is still a respectable figure in Dagang.

With Wang Xingguo's ability, it was too easy for him to deal with Irene.

It's just that his purpose is not to kill Irene directly, but to take her down and find out if she has any evidence against the Wang family.


Unexpectedly, there will be a lot of rain in Dagang this autumn, and it has been raining continuously during this period.

Irene was suddenly restless in the office of the Victoria Hotel. She and Wang Laosan had been married for many years and had no children. This was also one of the important reasons why she left Wang's house without any worries.

But for some reason today, she always felt uneasy.

A unique cell phone rang, and Irene only called her mother after answering the phone.

My mother's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone, "Irene, your father is dying, come back quickly!"

Erin's mind buzzed and her body trembled.

After hanging up the phone, he picked up his bag and got up. As soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by two bodyguards, "Mr. Ai, where are you going?"

"My dad is sick! I'm going back right away."

After learning that Irene's father was suddenly ill, the bodyguard immediately notified, "Prepare a car for President Ai!"

Erin came downstairs and her Bentley was ready.

"You don't have to follow me, I'll just go back by myself."

Erin drove away at a fast speed.

Irene's parents can also be regarded as high-level intellectuals, and they like living in the countryside.

quiet place.

When Irene and Wang Laosan got married back then, they could be considered as married into a wealthy family.

The rumors spread vigorously in Dagang. At this moment, Irene didn't have any ideas. She just wanted to hurry home and kept talking, hoping that her father would be fine.

She drove the car very fast, and when she came to a quiet country road, a big tree in front blocked the way.

Eileen looked anxious, and got out of the car to check.


As a result, a Jinbei car suddenly drove over from behind.

Four or five men jumped out of the car and rushed towards Irene. Irene was shocked when she saw this, and turned around and ran away.

It's a pity that she was held down by two men before she had time to step over a tree branch in the middle of the road.

The other party sealed her mouth and carried her to the car.

The Jinbei car turned around and left immediately, leaving a few men to clear the roadblock and drive away her Bentley car.


Irene was struggling in the car, and a leading man pointed a knife at her, "Be quiet!"

"No noise!"

"Otherwise I'll stab you with a knife."

Irene stared at the group of people, and said vaguely, "Hmm, let me go, I have something to say!"

Seeing this, the other party tore off the tape that sealed her mouth.

"Did the Wang family send you here?"

"Do you want money or your life?"

"As much as the Wang family pays, I pay double."

The men in the car froze, but soon sneered, "Stop your tricks, we have our rules."

"As long as you cooperate honestly, at least we won't kill people. As for whether he kills you or not, it's none of our business."

Irene understood that it was indeed sent by the Wang family, and she also knew that the Wang family would not let her go.

Sure enough, the car soon drove to an abandoned shipyard.

This used to be the factory of the ship king's family, but for some reason it was shut down for many years, and now it has become a wilderness.

Seeing this group of people brought her here, Irene wondered if she had made a mistake?

After the car drove in, she immediately learned the truth.

Wang Xingguo!

A man with the deepest scheming in the Wang family and the city, and the most like Mr. Wang.

Wang Xingguo sat there, smoking a cigar leisurely, and casually glanced at Irene who was brought over.

"Brother and sister, I haven't seen you for a while, but you are getting more and more nourished!"

"It seems betrayed Wang

The other party has given you a lot of benefits, right? "

After speaking, he put the cigarette on the ashtray in front of him, and walked over slowly with his hands behind his back.

A pair of eyes looked at Irene, "You bitch, you betrayed the third child, but you still dare to betray the Wang family?"


Wang Xingguo suddenly looked fierce, and slapped Irene heavily.

And scolded angrily, "A woman like you should have died a long time ago!"

"Tell me, where do you hide the Wang family's financial data?"

"If you cooperate well, I can consider giving you a way to survive."

Irene sneered, the Wang family was ruthless, and the old man was hurt to the extreme. She stared at Wang Xingguo in front of her, "I'm sorry, I have already handed over to the supervision department, if you have the guts, kill me!"

"You think I dare not?"

"Don't forget your good friend, since you refuse to tell, then I will send you to reunite with him."

"Come on, wrap her up and throw her into the sea to feed the fish!"

Two men came with a sack and wrapped Irene from head to toe.

But Irene didn't struggle from the beginning to the end, and seemed to have resigned to her fate.

Wang Xingguo was a little puzzled at this point, did she think she dared not kill her?

But at this moment, a buzzing sound came from above his head.

Everyone looked up, "There's a drone over there!"

Wang Xingguo yelled that something was wrong, and instinctively raised his head and looked around vigilantly.


Got it!

"Quick, knock it down!"

Wang Xingguo suddenly felt that he had been caught in a trap. If he ordered someone to expose the kidnapping of Irene, he would have nothing to eat. Can't help but become angry from embarrassment, "You bitch, how dare you set me up!"

The conversation is not over yet, woo woo woo——

A police car siren sounded suddenly in the distance. Seeing this, Wang Xingguo didn't bother to dress up?

"Quick, withdraw quickly!"

"Boss, what about this woman?"

Wang Xingguo originally wanted to kill her, but considering that his actions had been captured by drones, if he really killed her, his charges would be confirmed.

So I can only let this woman go temporarily, so I waved my hand, "Leave her alone, run!"

A group of people didn't even want their lives and fled.

Two white off-road vehicles drove over, Tang Wu took off the siren from the roof and said with a smile, "These people run very fast!"

"Brothers, implement the next plan."

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