"Wang Xingguo is dead!"

Su Ruzhen came to Chen Fan's office.

"I know, I heard it was an accident." Chen Fan didn't care, this kind of person deserves his own fault, and death is not a pity.

Su Ruzhen was also very smart, so she didn't ask too many questions, but changed the topic to work.

"Recently, we have acquired more than a dozen assets in Dagang, including transportation, medicine and people's livelihood, communications, and even a few restaurants."

"At present, more than 200 billion yuan has been invested, and I suggest temporarily stopping it for a while."

Chen Fan nodded, "It's ok, sell when you see good assets, there's no need to invest indiscriminately."

Money really doesn't matter to Chen Fan now, not to mention that the money was all stolen from Wang's family.

Eat up the Wang family and use his money to buy these industries in Dagang.

This is also Chen Fan's layout. The industries that Su Ruzhen said just now are enough to control all aspects of Dagang.

From medicine to transportation, to communications, etc., everything revolves around basic necessities of life.

These livelihood industries are also the foundation of the development of Dagang.

Then there is finance.

All that Chen Fan is doing now is to further encircle and suppress the Wang family. Wang Xingguo is dead, and old man Wang probably won't last long.

To the enemy, be like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves!

Now that it has started, there is no possibility of stopping.

Now that old man Wang was sick and Wang Xingguo died abroad, Wang Xiangguo was at a loss and felt in a mess.

Wang Fuguo has no ability, he only knows how to yell.

During this period of time, Wang Xiangguo has been living with the old man, and it is raining outside.

Several police cars from the law enforcement department drove over, and the staff announced the results of the investigation into the financial fraud of the Wang Group.

From now on, the three listed companies under the Wang family are officially ordered to delist.

As a legal person of the company, Wang Xiangguo will be held accountable.

The law enforcement officer showed the arrest warrant, "Mr. Wang Xiangguo, you are under arrest!"

Wang Xiangguo stretched out his hands helplessly and actively cooperated with the police investigation.

He had already had a hunch that the Wang family had come to this point.

The old man was too stubborn, he didn't listen to his persuasion, and insisted on going his own way.

Now that the second child is dead, and he is going to jail, he made a request to the staff.

"Allow me to say a few words to the old man."

The old man was lying on the bed, surrounded by two full-time medical staff.

The butler is also respectful

Standing by the bed, Jing has already reported to the old man that the law enforcement officers came to summon the boss.

When the old man heard that the results of the investigation had come out and he wanted to take the boss away, he couldn't help coughing again in anxiety.

Wang Xiangguo walked in, and felt even more sad seeing him like this, "Dad, take care of your health, my son may not be able to fulfill his filial piety by your side." Pen Fun Library

"Someone has to take care of the affairs of the Wang family. I have already told the third child to deal with the aftermath of the second child's affairs. Don't worry about these things any more. Take care!"

After watching the boss leave, old man Wang shouted, "Come here, call a lawyer immediately, and release the boss on bail at all costs."

"Cough cough cough—"

Seeing him like this, the housekeeper couldn't help but panic, and hurriedly supported him.

"Don't worry, I'll call a lawyer right away."

After Wang Xiangguo was taken away, the lawyer rushed over immediately.

After hearing what the old man said, the lawyer said, "It is also possible to ask for bail, but it will cost a lot of money."

"The matter of the Wang family this time is not a trivial matter after all."

The old man knew it in his heart, but in order to release the boss on bail, he had no choice.

The current Wang family cannot do without Wang Xiangguo, the third child is overwhelmed and is a complete waste.

The old man entrusted the housekeeper, "Then sell all the jewelry stores!"

The Wang family began to sell the rest of the property. The news spread in the Dagang circle, and many people were a little bit moved.

You must know that although Dagang is an international financial city, it is also a tourist city. There are a lot of people who visit Dagang every year, and they also know that the profits of these stores are considerable.

Of course, such a high profit is mainly due to the brand value.

This is also due to the management and building of the Wang family over the years. After hearing the news, some people secretly made up their minds.

The Cao family naturally also heard the news, and the ship lord shook his head, "The Wang family has really sunk down this time."

"Come on, prepare the car!"

The ship king gave an order, and the driver immediately prepared the car.

In less than half an hour, Chuan Wang came to the gate of Wang's house, looking at the Wang family's house, Chuan Wang said with his hands behind his back, "Sure enough, it is a treasured land of geomantic omen, but no matter how good the land of geomantic omen is, it cannot keep their Wang family. "

The ship king walked into the courtyard, the butler saw this, and immediately stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Cao, why are you here?"


The boat king laughed loudly, "I heard that your old man is ill, I'll come and have a look."

He really brought a gift, but this gift was extremely cheap.

It was still the two catties of brown sugar they used to use in those days. Mr. Wang only said that the ship king was coming, and he came out to meet him with a strong breath.

He and the ship king have been fighting openly and secretly for a lifetime, and they are friendly on the surface, but in fact they are very clear in their hearts.

The Cao family has always been dissatisfied with the Wang family, and has long thought of replacing it.

This time it was even more so, but the Cao family didn't get any benefits.

It was a lose-lose situation.

Seeing Mr. Wang's appearance, Chuanwang laughed and said, "Old man Wang, you have been strong all your life, how did you end up in this state today?"

"Hey! You are also a man of your age, accept your fate!"

"This country belongs to young people."

Old man Wang knew what he meant, and still refused to admit defeat, "You are not much better, don't just talk about me."

"I have already seen Lord Yan waving to us."


This dead old man actually brought himself along.

The ship lord cursed again and again, "Bah, bah, bah! Fuck your crow's mouth, my body is very strong, but you... I'm afraid I won't last long."

Keke cough——

Old man Wang vomited blood in anger.

But the ship lord did not intend to let him go, "I brought you two catties of brown sugar, you can drink some water."

"The road to Huangquan is very bitter, and there is no one to accompany you. Drink something sweet to comfort yourself."


Mr. Wang spat out a mouthful of old blood, "You—"

"Come on, get him out of here."

The Wang family's bodyguards were about to drive them away, Chuan Wang said, "If you drive me out, who will release Wang Xiangguo on bail?"

When old man Wang heard this, he froze again.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

The ship lord didn't even bother with him, for fear that he would die if it was a little later, and he wouldn't even have a chance to talk. So he said directly, "Sell me the Wang family's ancestral house! Make a price."


Old man Wang couldn't bear it anymore, spat out a mouthful of old blood, grinned and pointed at the ship king and cursed, "Get lost!"



"My Wang family will never be able to sell their ancestral property even if it declines."

Seeing old man Wang being so hysterical, Chuan Wang laughed happily. How could this old guy not be able to survive himself?

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