Chapter 132 Shen Fei Really Has a Problem

Luo Changtian wouldn’t call on weekdays. Could it be that something happened?

Shen Fei frowned and quickly connected.

Luo Changtian’s hearty voice suddenly rang on the other end of the phone, and Shen Fei let out a sigh of relief.

At least, if Luo Changtian can laugh, it means that something is not a bad thing.

“What’s wrong? Lord Luo, is there anything wrong with me suddenly looking for me?”

“Master Shen, I’m sorry to bother you. Actually, it’s not a big deal. I just want to ask Master Shen, do you know the underground boxing match?”

“Underground boxing match?”

Shen Fei murmured and shook his head: “I don’t know, what’s the matter?”

This kind of thing is seen a lot in novels and film and television dramas, but in the real life, it has never been seen.

After obtaining the system, Shen Fei obtained the extraordinary force value.

He used to be an ordinary student, how can he understand this?

When Luo Changtian heard the words, he continued: “So, two days later, there is an underground boxing match around Yuncheng. I just want to ask Lord Shen, will you be free by then? My situation. .. You know, it’s almost the same as last time. Of course, don’t worry, I will never be ambiguous about the reward.”

Luo Changtian made a vow.

When Shen Fei heard it, he was immediately interested.

The so-called remuneration is only second, the most important thing is that Shen Fei also wants to see the underground boxing match.

The last time she helped Luo Changtian, Shen Fei saw the other side of the world for the first time, and this time, maybe so too.

Knowing more about the whole picture of this world, for yourself, you will never suffer.

Thinking of this, Shen Fei also readily agreed.

“No problem! That’s it. You send me the time and place, and I will pass by on time.”


at the same time.

While Shen Fei was talking with Luo Changtian, a father and son were having a long conversation in another villa area in the city.

“Son, don’t do this, the future family will need your shoulders to resist. If you continue to do this, you…what do you want our family to do in the future!”

“I know, you just can’t pass the level of Shen Fei, but you have also seen that Shen Fei can easily put out more than one billion yuan, don’t you understand the gap with him?”

“When people are similar, jealousy and dissatisfaction can certainly become a motivation, but the gap between you is really too big. If this goes on, it will only be you who will be abolished!”

The elder man was stubborn, and in front of him, it was not someone else, it was Shen Fei’s high school classmate Lu Hai!

Since the last time he was slapped in the face by Shen Fei, Lu Hai started to feel helpless when he returned home.

Even during this time, even Xin Lili left him and went to a more powerful big money.

The successive blows caused him to shirk all the blame on Shen Fei. He only thought that if Shen Fei were not there, then he would never have been such a field.


Only revenge can get rid of his hatred!

He didn’t hear a word of Lu’s persuasion, his eyes only focused on the documents on the table in front of him.

After a while, he suddenly brightened his eyes and looked at Father Lu: “Dad! Maybe, the gap between me and him is not as strong as you think!”

“Wh…what? Son, are you stunned? Can you also come up with a billion? Why is it not that strong?”

Father Lu couldn’t believe it, and even faintly worried about Lu Hai.

But Lu Hai just handed over the documents in his hands.

“Dad, look for yourself. These materials are all about Shen Fei. Do you know what I found in the materials?”


“Shen Fei is not the so-called rich second generation at all! His family is clearly too poor!”

Lu Hai was determined, his eyes also faintly fascinated: “Dad, you see, his experience is actually more like a nouveau riche, and suddenly he has money, although I don’t know how he is rich, But think about it, what can be the way to suddenly have so much money?”


Father Lu murmured, pondered for a moment, and his face suddenly changed: “You…you mean to say…”

Lu Hai nodded his head heavily: “Yes, even if it wasn’t, it should be almost the same. If he spends so much, I guess, he has almost run out of money recently. It is actually very simple to confirm my guess.”

“How to say?”

“Look at me, I’ll call him to try it out.”

After all, Lu Hai directly took out his cell phone and called Shen Fei.


Shen Fei just finished chatting with Luo Changtian, and was about to walk into the dormitory, but the phone rang again.

“Dare you not want me to go back to the dormitory?”

He gave a wry smile, looked at the stranger who was calling, and connected it decisively.

The voice of Lu Hai suddenly appeared.

“Is it Shen Fei? I am Lu Hai.”

“Lu Hai? What are you calling me for? Is there something wrong?”

Shen Fei inevitably frowned.

Since it is not an excellent relationship with Lu Hai, Shen Fei would naturally not think that Lu Hai’s move was simply a relationship.

Sure enough, Lu Hai didn’t make any obtuses under the sound of inquiries.

“It’s not a big deal. I heard that you have good skills, so I just want to ask you if there is an underground boxing match in our Cloud City some time ago. Are you interested? It is said that the prize money this time has reached 5 million U.S. dollars. If you can win the championship…”

Underground boxing field?

Isn’t it a coincidence?

Luo Changtian just invited himself, now why is Lu Hai also here?

Although Shen Fei was quite puzzled, there was nothing to conceal, so he interrupted Lu Hai’s words directly: “Oh, you said this, I know, I have already participated, what’s wrong?”

“Already…have already participated? That’s okay, that’s OK, then I won’t bother you to rest.”


The phone hangs up.

Shen Fei looked confused and couldn’t understand Lu Hai’s operation at all.

However, he didn’t pay much attention to it, shrugged and returned to the dormitory.

As everyone knows, after receiving his response, the Lu Hai father and son on the other side have already looked at each other with joy.

Shen Fei really has a problem!

To participate in this kind of life-and-death arena for a mere five million dollars, who would normally do this?

Obviously, he is a fake!

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