Chapter 146

The misunderstanding of this kind of thing was proactively said by Zhang Ziyang, and Shen Fei hadn’t even hinted at all.

Therefore, the persuasive power of this call is also obvious.

Xia Ziyun paused, then said timidly: “Yes… I’m sorry, Shen Fei, I misunderstood you, I… I don’t know you went to see them with them.”

“I’m sorry for what you said, you are angry, I am too happy to be too late.” Shen Fei smiled, and stepped forward and rubbed Xia Ziyun’s head.

Xia Ziyun looked blank: “I am angry, you are happy? Why?”

“If you are angry, it means that you care about me. Otherwise, why are you angry? If you go to a movie with a passerby and other girls, you will definitely not be angry, right? So, I like that you care. Looks like, even if it’s angry.”

“Who…who cares about you.”

Xia Ziyun blushed, decisively not to go too far.

Shen Fei smiled, took her hand gently, and pointed to the movie theater: “The movie hasn’t been finished yet, don’t waste the money to buy tickets, let’s go back soon.”


With an answer, the farce was brought to an end.

After returning to the hall, Shen Fei let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I went to the movie with Zhang Ziyang and the others today, otherwise, this matter is really hard to explain.

But you can also take it as a warning. When managing time in the future, you must never make this kind of mistake again.

Shen Fei made up his mind secretly.

Soon, the movie ends.

The two of them walked out of the cinema and drove Xia Ziyun back to the front of the villa.

Xia Ziyun seemed to be hesitating and did not get out of the car for a long time.

“Then…that, Shen Fei, didn’t you say that you are going to play with you for one night tonight?”

“Uh… yes! How do you want me to accompany you?”

“You’ll know when you come with me.”

Xia Ziyun smiled happily and rushed into the villa.

Shen Fei took a deep breath and followed decisively.

Arriving in the villa, Xia Ziyun did not stay at all, and rushed directly to the bedroom on the second floor.

The beds there are big and soft!

Shen Fei’s eyes lit up, and he leaned forward.

“Am I going to sleep here tonight?”

“Of course! Don’t you want to?”

“I… Of course I do!”

Could it be that from tonight, Xia Ziyun will officially become the first woman of own?

Shen Fei inevitably still had a hint of excitement in his heart.

Subconsciously, he moved closer to Xia Ziyun.

Xia Ziyun’s eyes were blurred, and he did not dodge, but just let Shen Fei approach.


The moment I’m about to touch!

Xia Ziyun suddenly raised a smile, turned her face away and stepped back.

“That’s right! I suddenly remembered that I seem to have clothes confiscated. When the wind is strong at night, I will collect the clothes first.”

She grinned, turned and ran towards the door.

Shen Fei was helpless for a while, and his interest came.

However, because of this, Shen Fei was not impatient, but waited quietly in place.

He didn’t know the reason why he couldn’t eat hot tofu in a hurry.

When Xia Ziyun finishes collecting the clothes, isn’t it the meal on his own plate?

Can’t fly!

After a while, Xia Ziyun returned.

This time, she had already put on her pajamas and showed her figure to the fullest.

Shen Fei became more interested and rushed forward.

But at this time, Xia Ziyun smiled again: “By the way, I’m cooking, Shen Fei, would you like to eat too?”

“It’s all night, what else to eat, it’s better to change to something else.”

“Other? Can it?”

Xia Ziyun smirked, and stroked Shen Fei’s chest with his hand.

Shen Fei’s complexion sank, and he attacked decisively!

This time, Xia Ziyun no longer refused.

The previous refusal was nothing more than Xia Ziyun wanted to deliberately make fun of it. In fact, when she decided to call Shen Fei here, she was already prepared, and even the tools she needed had already been prepared.

She is no longer a child, and she also knows that there are certain things that should be done.

Just like this time!

She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes decisively.

However, at this moment, a telephone ring suddenly broke the atmosphere!

Shen Fei frowned and didn’t want to pay any attention, but the voice continued to sound, which really made both of them lose their interest.

“You should answer the phone first, otherwise others will worry about you.”

“okay then.”

Shen Fei sighed before answering the phone.

It was Qin Shuran on the other end of the phone.

“Shen Fei, have you rested? Well… my dad asked me to ask you, do you have time now? Can you come out for a drink together.”

“Who? Your dad? Drinking? Now?”

Shen Fei will inevitably be a little unhappy.

The arrows are on the line here, do you want me to drink now?

Isn’t it troublesome?

After a short pause, he immediately wanted to refuse.

But there was obviously a wave of loss over there.

“Can’t it? I know it’s no good, then forget it, just as if I had never made this call.”

After finishing speaking, Qin Shuran hung up the phone without waiting for Shen Fei’s response.

Qin Shuran himself didn’t have a lot of affection for boys. Isn’t this rejection completely defeating the affection he has cultivated so hard?

Shen Fei frowned suddenly.

After thinking for a while, he still stood up.

“Ziyun, I may have something to leave now, and we will talk about it next time, okay?”

“Of course it can, men, it should be career-oriented, I can understand.”

Xia Ziyun smiled sweetly, and went forward to sort out the clothes for Shen Fei.

This situation and situation really means a bit of a good wife and a good mother.

Shen Fei was taken aback for a moment, before kissing decisively.


After a while, Shen Fei walked out of the villa and drove away according to the address given by Qin Shuran.

That is the most famous bar in Cloud City, TAX!

However, what Shen Fei couldn’t figure out was why Qin Tianzhu suddenly remembered asking him to drink?

And so suddenly, it must be bad.

With doubts, Shen Fei walked into the bar. As soon as he raised his head, the big waving hand from the second floor appeared in front of Shen Fei’s eyes.

It is Qin Tianzhu!

At Qin Tianzhu’s table, there was no one other than Qin Tianzhu.

Obviously, this is a 1V1 solo game!

Shen Fei frowned slightly and moved closer.

“What’s the matter? Uncle Qin, why are you suddenly interested in asking me to come for a drink today?”

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