Chapter 171 What Are You Doing?

Slowly approaching the women, before Shen Fei could speak, the women took the lead in questioning their souls.

“Do you have anything to say?”

Shen Fei’s face was full of black lines: “That…or else, would you give me a chance to explain?”


The five cold snorts of Qi Qi sounded at the same time, which really made Shen Fei’s scalp numb for a while.

Shen Fei wanted to cry without tears, but still had to bite the bullet and make it up.

“Actually, the truth is not what you think…”

He spoke earnestly and began to explain, but at this moment, another place in the stadium suddenly heard a cry for help!

“Ah! Teacher Chen, what’s the matter with you? No, Teacher Chen fainted!”

At the sound of cry for help, Shen Fei’s faces were all stagnant, looking towards the screaming place, they saw a young female teacher slumped to the ground.

Shen Fei frowned, but he was overjoyed in his heart. He quickly changed the subject and said, “Let’s go over and take a look.”

After speaking, he did not wait for the other women to respond, and rushed over in the first place.

The women knew the truth of the priorities, and didn’t say much, and hurriedly followed.

When she rushed to the fainted female teacher, a shout was also heard from the crowd.

“Don’t surround yourself, keep the air unobstructed, don’t hurt Teacher Chen instead!”

In a hurry, most of the people present were like headless flies. They didn’t know what to do. They didn’t know what to do until this sound was heard, and they all stayed away from Teacher Chen.

Shen Fei looked from a distance, frowning even more.

The person who fainted seemed to be no stranger to him, or in other words, everyone present was no stranger to him.

Isn’t it the famous beautiful teacher in the university city?

The first beautiful teacher of Yuncheng Conservatory of Music!

Chen Zhiyi!

Even if she was pale and fainted on the ground at this time, she still couldn’t hide her beauty, and it touched the hearts of many students.

“Ms. Chen, what’s wrong? Does it matter? Don’t hurry up and call an ambulance.”

“I have already called, but I think Teacher Chen seems to be uncomfortable. Will he not be able to support the ambulance coming?”

“What nonsense are you talking about! You are not allowed to talk about me, Mr. Chen, because Mr. Chen has a natural appearance, and he will be fine!”


The crowd was noisy, but no one dared to step forward.

Judging from the current situation, Chen Zhiyi is obviously suffering from acute symptoms. If he rushes forward, not only will it not help but also easily aggravate Chen Zhiyi’s condition.

If one doesn’t handle it well, he might be dead!

Who can afford this responsibility?

Who is willing to take on this responsibility?

Therefore, most people chose to stand by and wait for the arrival of the ambulance.


The ambulance is still some distance away from the gymnasium, and it is difficult to reach it instantly even if it leaves the car immediately.

The distant water cannot save the near fire after all.

Chen Zhiyi lay on the ground, closed his eyes tightly, and even had difficulty breathing.

Although there is consciousness in my mind, it is more painful than not being conscious.

She clearly felt the passing of life, and she clearly felt the pain in her heart!

Are you going to die?

Could it be that this is going to die?

At this moment, she was left with this desperate thought.

However, at this time, a male voice looming in her ears gave her hope again.

“Thank you, everyone. I have studied medicine, so let me try it!”

With a loud cry, everyone turned their eyes.

The speaker was Shen Fei.

Not to mention someone who didn’t know Shen Fei well, even the five girls couldn’t help but be surprised.

“You…when did you learn medicine?”

As soon as this remark came out, all the people present at the scene were beginning to be grateful for their vigilance. Not only did they fail to make concessions to Shen Fei, but instead blocked them in front of Shen Fei.

“You said you studied medicine, when did you study medicine? If you can’t tell me one reason, how dare we give Teacher Chen to you!”

“It’s illegal to pretend to be a doctor. If something happens to Teacher Chen, you can be regarded as deliberate homicide!”

“That is, we will defend our teacher Chen to the death!”


The impassioned words screamed one after another, until Shen Fei frowned, checked the medical awards he had received, and then replied firmly: “Your teacher Chen has an acute myocardial infarction. If no measures are taken, it will be extremely It may threaten your life. If you don’t believe it, you can ask someone who is familiar with Teacher Chen if she has a heart-related disease!”

“Acute myocardial infarction?”

The blocking crowd murmured and looked at the students whom Teacher Chen had taught.

One of them suddenly realized: “Yes! Yes! I remembered that, Teacher Chen said that she had hereditary heart disease since she was a child and has been taking medicine all the time.”

Heart disease is real!

After getting the confirmation, everyone who blocked them couldn’t help but waver.

At the same time, another exclamation resounded.

“It’s over, it’s over, Teacher Chen doesn’t seem to be breathing anymore!”

After hearing this, everyone changed their expressions.

Shen Fei did not dare to hesitate, and decisively ran into the wall.

“Get out of the way, let me out. If Teacher Chen is gone because of your obstruction, are you worthy of your own conscience?”

The words said, how dare everyone stop it anymore.

They can’t afford this responsibility!

Let Shen Fei pass, if there is any accident, Shen Fei’s responsibility is naturally alone, and at best they will only be charged with a crime that has not been blocked.

But Shen Fei was not allowed to pass, and there was an accident, I am afraid that Chen Zhiyi would not let them go as a ghost.

For a little measurement, it is a wise choice to give up the road.

Soon, after everyone gave way, Shen Fei finally rushed to Chen Zhiyi.

Shen Fei quickly checked, but no one dared to show up.

“It’s too serious, the condition is really too serious. If there are equipment here, there is still a chance to rescue it, but now…”

Everyone trembled as soon as he said this.

Without equipment, it can’t be rescued, isn’t Teacher Chen…

Everyone dared not think deeply, but closed their eyes helplessly.

However, no one expected that just after the voice fell, Shen Fei suddenly changed the conversation.

“Fortunately, I met me, if I change to anyone else, maybe I won’t be able to save it.”

After finishing speaking, I saw Shen Fei squatting down and decisively facing Chen Zhiyi’s body with his hands up and down, constantly performing various operations.

Everyone looked at them, and they were all nervous to the extreme.

But a few minutes later, Chen Zhiyi’s situation still did not improve, but Shen Fei was still working together!

Is this really a rescue?

Isn’t it taking this opportunity to take advantage of Teacher Chen?

At this moment, a group of students who supported Chen Zhiyi finally couldn’t stand it anymore.

“You…what the hell are you doing! Are you trying to rescue? I haven’t seen this kind of rescue since I was a kid!”

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