Chapter 181

The underground killer organization itself hides in the dark and is not known to the world.

Shen Fei also got a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg through the computer of the man in black.

The ghost knows that Leng Shiman’s words are not just talking about his own words. In case he misses his mouth, the other party actually doesn’t want to know it by himself. Doesn’t he dig a hole for himself and jump in?

Shen Fei knows the truth about carefully sailing the Wannian Ship.

Sure enough, when Shen Fei responded in this way, Leng Shiman’s gaze was obviously a bit more suspicious, and he did not respond immediately, but quietly stared at Shen Fei for a few seconds.

It was as if he was watching whether Shen Fei was lying.

Shen Fei held his breath, letting himself be as natural as possible.

After a while, Leng Shiman smiled in vain and continued: “Nothing, they are just a bunch of killers who make special trips to collect money and help people eliminate disasters. The business I want to say is that you have disrupted their actions. In the days, please be careful, they are very likely to vent their anger on you.”

“It turns out that this is the case, the police officer can rest assured, I, Shen Fei, promise to complete the task!”

Shen Fei responded and returned a military salute.

Leng Shiman smiled again, but she didn’t say anything, turned and left the dormitory.

Seeing his back figure drifting away, Shen Fei let out a sigh of relief.

What he didn’t know was that shortly after Leng Shiman walked out of the dormitory, a phone call was connected.

“Hey, the city bureau? That young man doesn’t seem to know about the underground organization. Is there something wrong with the intelligence?”

“Impossible. According to our intelligence, those killers have dedicated contact channels, like a USB flash drive, but neither of them can find the USB flash drive. It must have been taken by the kid. Is he here? Pretending to be confused with you?”

“I don’t know, but just looking at him doesn’t look like…”

“Shiman, how many times have I told you that when dealing with things, you must not just look at the appearance. The appearance can be hidden. Even if you are well-trained, even the polygraph and other instruments are useless, you It’s not that I don’t know. Have you ever thought about why he can subdue those two killers? An ordinary person, why should he subdue these killers?”

At this point, Leng Shiman’s face also sank.

She had seen Shen Fei’s skill with her own eyes, and she naturally felt more deeply about this.

She frowned slightly before she continued to respond: “Okay, I see, then I will stare at him for the rest of the time to see if he has any special behavior.”

After speaking, Leng Shiman hung up the phone.


The other side.

Inside the dormitory.

When noon came, Liu Bo and others went out to eat together, and only Shen Fei was left in the dormitory.

Shen Fei took out his notebook again.

Happy hour is about to begin again!

He plugged in the USB flash drive, and the whale icon appeared in vain.

However, unlike before, a series of system prompts sounded for this login.

Shen Fei quickly turned off the sound before opening the prompt bar.

It turned out that the scarlet queen before could not bear the loneliness.

[Crimson Queen]: Do you dare to report your address? I can’t tell you how to break your corpse into pieces!

[Crimson Queen]: What’s wrong? Scared? A coward, who knows how strong his tongue is and has the ability to single out!

[Crimson Queen]: I think you are very active in other posts, but I didn’t expect you to even dare not reply to the news. What a coward!


The total number of replies from the Scarlet Queen alone reached ninety-three.

Shen Fei’s face was suddenly black.

No wonder people always say that you can provoke anyone, don’t provoke a woman.

A woman is really a strange creature.

Shen Fei shook his head helplessly, and suddenly there was a sense of war.

Is it going to be like this?

Of course not!

Soon, a reply was passed.


A certain place in a continent, within a certain base.

A woman with a beautiful appearance looked gloomy and stared at the computer in front of her.

I saw on the computer, the ID of Scarlet Queen was particularly eye-catching.

She is the Scarlet Queen!

As one of the top ten killer organizations, no matter what she encounters, she basically does not experience emotional fluctuations.


Can’t help it!

Take what happened yesterday. When she saw the original post, she was already furious, and she wished to just follow the network cable to smash the post.

But when you scrolled down, Shen Fei’s comment came into her eyes.

What is heavy taste?

Does greed for own beauty mean that the taste is heavy?

Who is looking down on!

As a woman, her dedication to beauty will naturally not be missing. Even if she is a killer, she has never given up the pursuit of beauty.

In the killer world, besides the Scarlet Queen, she even has another name-Scarlet Goddess.

There is no other reason, just because of the evaluations given by the senior leaders of those killer organizations after they met her.

For her who loves beauty, this is what she most wants to hear, not a heavy taste.

Therefore, as soon as she saw Shen Fei’s comments, she broke out directly.

Ninety-three replies represent not only her reply, but also her anger.

But the anger poured out, but the other party did not even respond, and instantly made her feel like being ignored.

Just ask, in the killer world, who would dare to ignore her?

I have to say that she was angry again.

“Coward! What a coward!”

She snorted and said hard.

However, at this moment, a reply reminder actually rang.

She hurriedly clicked on it, and suddenly froze in place.

[Upper sword does not practice lower sword]: What’s wrong? Did you miss me in just one day?

miss him?

How can it be!

The embarrassing expression on Queen Scarlet was even worse, she immediately bit her teeth: “Well, you want to be arrogant with me, don’t you really think that you can be arrogant to me across the screen? What age is it now? , I want to find you, it’s not easy!”

Her face became cold, and while replying to the message casually, she started operating on the computer again and again.

Shen Fei didn’t expect her operation at all, and responded directly.

Unexpectedly, this reply was directly found by the Scarlet Queen along the network to send the signal.

“Hua Guo, Yuncheng? Oh, just wait to die.”

Queen Scarlet’s face was gloomy, and she stopped replying, but took out her mobile phone and dialed a call.

“Book me a ticket to Hua Guo Cloud City. The sooner the better. As for why, don’t ask.”

“What? There’s a task just over there? Okay, it’s a matter of course anyway, just give it to me.”

“Joke, don’t you believe in my strength? Don’t worry.”


After the words fell, Queen Scarlet’s expression was soothed and she showed a smile…

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