Chapter 189

“So I said, surrender, you are not my opponent!” The Scarlet Queen said coldly.

The boss suddenly changed his face.

Since childhood, he is indeed the leader among his peers, and he has always been fearless.

But Martial Dao does not move forward and retreats, even if you stay still, it is considered a step backward.

With the disappearance of these years, he is no longer the proud man of heaven.

At this moment, he will inevitably be a little lost.

The flame in the hands of the Scarlet Queen also descended.

The boss recovered, and quickly dodged, but he was still contaminated by a trace of sparks.

The spark suddenly began to start a prairie fire, spreading along the boss’s sleeves, and in just an instant, the boss completely became a fire man!


Screams resounded across the sky.

The boss fell to the ground, but the strong vitality still kept him from losing his mind.

I saw him hit the big tree with a backhand, suddenly causing the tree to break and fall to the ground.

He lifted the trunk and threw it straight at the Scarlet Queen.

But the Scarlet Queen didn’t panic at all.

“Small bugs!”

She gave a cold snort and punched out, which directly smashed the huge tree trunk to pieces.

Looking intently again, the boss is running away in a hurry.

“You can’t escape, you know, I don’t want to do anything to you, you should go back and get a wife with me obediently.”

“I will marry your sister!”

“I… my sister won’t marry!”


While bickering, the boss also fled to a waterfall, feeling the heat on his body, he jumped into it without hesitation.


The fire was under control in an instant, and the boss let out a sigh of relief.

The Scarlet Queen rushed to the waterfall and glanced at the boss coldly, but she didn’t mean to enter the water at all.

“You… if you are a man, you hide in hiding, come up, we have a good fight!”

“Ah yuck! Were we fighting? I was beaten by you when I came up. I won’t go up. You can come down and fight if you have the ability.”

“Come up and fight!”

“Come down and fight!”



The two insisted on their own words, and both wanted to let each other take the initiative, but Shen Fei who was following by the side really suffocated his face.

These two people, how old are they, why do they quarrel like children?

Shen Fei shook his head helplessly.

At this time, the boss also suddenly realized that the other party seemed to be extra vigilant about water, as if he had a fear of water, and he dared not enter the water for a long time.



Incompatible since ancient times!

The boss suddenly brightened his eyes: “Scarlet Queen, are you afraid of water?”

The Scarlet Queen was a little guilty: “I…I don’t!”

“If you don’t have one, why don’t you come down?”

“I…I just don’t want to get the clothes wet, you know how expensive my suit is.”

“Haha, don’t explain, I know everything, waterphobia, it’s not a big deal, but I won’t be with you tonight.”

The boss laughed, and said no more, just dived into the water.

The Scarlet Queen was taken aback, and finally panicked.

What she practices is the element of fire, which is inherently incompatible with water. Perhaps after reaching a certain Realm, she will no longer be afraid of this kind of waterfall, but at this time, she does not dare to enter the water easily.

But if you don’t get into the water, won’t the other party run away?

And still run away under his own eyelids!

If this is spread out, where should I put my face?

The Scarlet Queen frowned and stomped her feet, before she suddenly looked at the big tree aside.

Her eyes lit up suddenly, and she hurriedly stepped forward with a hand knife to chop down the big tree.

Then decisively picked up the big tree and threw it towards the boss in the water.


With a loud noise, the tree entered the water, and the boss was hit hard and had to come out again.

“Fuck, don’t take you to play like this, if you want to catch me, come down and catch it yourself, don’t destroy the trees!”

But the Scarlet Queen doesn’t care so much, she is throwing a big tree again.

The boss couldn’t dodge, he was smashed upright, and he was smashed into the water again.

Seeing this situation, the Scarlet Queen did not hesitate, stepped forward, jumped up, and stepped directly on the tree trunk floating on the water.

“Now, are you willing to go with me?”

“I…oh, well, I can’t escape anyway, let’s go with you.”

The boss sighed as if he had accepted his fate.

The Scarlet Queen gradually smiled and relaxed a little.

However, at this time, an accident suddenly occurred!

The boss suddenly slapped the water with a palm, splashed the water stains, and flew towards the Scarlet Queen.

The Scarlet Queen was forced to hide her face and close her eyes, but she did not know that at the same time, she also broke through the water from the position behind her, and slapped her with a palm.

The Scarlet Queen just hid her face and didn’t react at all. When she turned her head, a palm was already on her chest.


Under the force, the Scarlet Queen suddenly fell into the water.

“I… I can’t swim!”

Just ask, how can people who dare not even get out of the water can swim?

Falling into the water, the Scarlet Queen suddenly lost her square inch, but she kept scratching around indiscriminately.

It wasn’t until he grabbed a section of the tree trunk that he was able to relieve a little panic.

But at this time, the person rushing out of the water was slapped again.

If in normal times, the Scarlet Queen is absolutely not afraid of the power of this palm, but in the water, she can’t even panic, how can she have the energy to fight it?


With a palm of the hand, the Scarlet Queen is also sprayed with blood!

Only then did she clearly see the appearance of the visitor.

It turned out to be a shameless woman!

The woman looked at her coldly, and said angrily: “Dead Fox Spirit, you dare to hurt my husband!”


Could it be that…

After the boss fled, he married his own wife?

That’s why you resist going back to get married like this?

Thinking about it this way, everything seems to make sense.

It’s not that the boss dislikes the weight of the third daughter of the Qin family, but that he already has a heart!

The Scarlet Queen frowned and was about to question, but saw the woman pull the boss back to the shore, and said with concern: “Husband, are you okay? That dead Fox Spirit made such a heavy move!”

“Ahem, it’s okay, it’s just a small injury, no harm.”

The boss coughed twice, but he also coughed up traces of blood.

Seeing this, the woman couldn’t bear it, and decisively put down the boss, and hit the Scarlet Queen with another palm.

The Scarlet Queen was still in the water, unable to avoid herself, and was beaten upright.


Another mouthful of blood sprayed, and the Scarlet Queen instantly began to lose sight of her eyes.

Can’t go on like this!

Otherwise, you must die!

The Scarlet Queen realized this and immediately gritted her teeth, using the trees in her hand, exhausted all her strength, and slapped her palm on the water.

The water splashed everywhere, but her whole person also jumped up with the help of the reverse thrust, and the gesture was about to fall on the ground.

Seeing this scene, the woman frowned, and quickly took out a needle from her sleeve and flicked her fingers away!

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