Chapter 312

“Big…too big!”

The director tremblingly held his mobile phone, and he was uncomfortable talking.

“Shen…Mr. Shen, sit down quickly, how tired is standing?”

Thinking of those rich people who only donated more than one million yuan, the principals kindly faced them. If the amount reached ten million, the intensity of the hospitality would not be able to keep up even if the father came.

Now this is 100 million, the largest donation that Yunda has received since its founding!

This money is enough to rebuild the school several times. If the hospitality is not good, the principal will have to take him off!

“No, can I ask for leave now?”

“Ask for leave? Come as you want, leave as you like, I can’t spare him any instructor who dares to provoke him!”

The director’s face was serious, as if he was talking about the righteous truth.

“Okay, I’ll go if it’s okay.”

“Don’t sit down and have some tea? Mr. Shen, go slowly!”

The director smiled, nodded and bowed to send Shen Fei to the door, and waved goodbye to the door. The whole office staff was dumbfounded.

What’s the situation, is this still the superior dean just now?

Is it hypnotized?

Just facing an ordinary student, why is the attitude so good suddenly so outrageous?

After getting rid of the upper floors of the school, Shen Fei walked into the classroom leisurely, and fell asleep directly on the table and fell asleep.

The teacher was so angry that he was about to launch his own “chalk head offensive” when the phone suddenly vibrated, which was an urgent notice from the dean of teaching!

This is a group text message. All the teachers and even the aunt in the cafeteria received this text message.

The content is concise and concise: student Shen Fei is an important donor of the school, no matter what happens in the future, he must not conflict with him. Violators will be expelled on the spot!


The teacher swallowed in panic, looked at Shen Fei who was about to snore, and obediently took back the chalk head that was ready to go.

Although I don’t know why, but the risk is not thrown out.

This small chalk head is likely to ruin his entire career.

As the new super rich second generation in the eyes of all the faculty and staff, Shen Fei is enjoying his privileges arrogantly, not knowing what he dreamed of, and showing a happy smile.

Suddenly, the smile on his face stopped abruptly, and Shen Fei’s eyes suddenly opened, and his forehead was instantly filled with beads of sweat.

He didn’t dare to move, but his whole body was highly tense, and every inch of his muscles reached an unprecedented state of tension.

The reason for this performance is that Shen Fei has sensed the master, who is no more than 20 meters away from him outside the window!

So far, Shen Fei has met very few masters, only a few of the Sun and Wu families.

Although it was very strong, it was far from fatal for Shen Fei.

Relying on the system-enhanced Mental Energy, Shen Fei can distinguish the enemy’s strength more accurately.

But today this one is not at the same level as the enemies encountered in the past.

Too strong, strong enough to endanger your life!

Who sent it, enemy or friend?

Between the lightning and flint, Shen Fei’s brain was running at high speed, thinking about countless possibilities.

But no amount of thinking will help.

The only good news is that the visitor just stood quietly and didn’t immediately make a move, as if making a cold invitation.


Shen Fei bit his scalp and raised his head, stood up with a crash, and walked out with heavy steps in the surprised eyes of the classmates.

As for the teacher who was talking, as if nothing happened, he didn’t even look at it, and continued to talk about the lesson.

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