Chapter 331

“There is a second condition, but it doesn’t make sense to say it now, and it won’t be revealed until it beats you.”

Shen Fei unhurriedly stretched out his second finger.

“How about a billion, compare these two conditions, think about it?”

Luther’s complexion grew darker and heavier. He knew that the mysterious young man in front of him hated him very much. Since they were in a group with Marin, it is almost impossible for him to come here for the incident.

But after so long, the necessary evidence is long gone.

What’s more, Luther spent a lot of money at the time, and several thugs repeatedly promised that they didn’t leave any handles. This is indeed the case. Until today, the incident has never been picked up.

The most tempting is that Luther has absolute confidence in his own car skills.

No matter what deadly demands Shen Fei made, as long as he wins the game, everything is empty talk!

One billion, if a fool gives one billion for nothing, why don’t you?

“Okay, I accept the challenge!”

After much deliberation, Luther gritted his teeth and shouted viciously.

“Boy, wash your ass and wait for bankruptcy. I will show you what a profession is!”

The audience also uttered bursts of color in a tacit understanding, dare to challenge their idols, simply irresponsible!

Shen Fei looked around the crowd and smiled confidently at Xia Ziyun and Wang Yufei.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely win!”

Because there are only two people competing, there is almost no preparation time.

After the simple arrangement is completed, as the signal lights go out again, the game begins quickly.


Luther took the lead, flying out of the starting point almost perfectly, roaring and rushing away.

However, Shen Fei had another accident. He didn’t turn off the engine like before, but the speed was still slow. What he didn’t know was that there was something wrong with the car.

Fortunately, after driving slowly like a “turtle” for more than ten seconds, Shen Fei’s car roared and finally took out the speed that F1 should have.

In the face of his strange performance, the old man in the stands made a self-righteous comment: “This kid has a high-profile challenge and knows that he will undoubtedly be defeated, so he deliberately falls behind at the starting point and is already making excuses for his failure.”

“Damn, so rubbish, don’t compare if you don’t have the ability to waste everyone’s time and energy.”

“Get out of the arena, get out of Cloud City!”

Gradually, the verbal abuse has formed a unified slogan, and Shen Fei, like a sinner intolerant of nature, has suddenly become the focus of resistance from the audience.

At the outrageous operation just now, Shen Fei was more than ten seconds behind.

Coupled with the mockery of the audience, Xia Ziyun looked at Marin worriedly.

“From your experience, can he win?”

Marin shook his head heavily.

“Almost impossible. Although Luther’s character is poor, he has to admit that his racing technology is indeed top-notch. If he starts at the same time, Shen Fei may still have a chance, but…”

At this time, the feelings of several people are as heavy as the weight of a mountain.

They really can’t figure it out, is Shen Fei crazy? Why should he fall behind so much on purpose?

Luther couldn’t manage so much on the field. After a beautiful turn, he looked in the rearview mirror triumphantly, hoping to see the desolate figure of the loser.

But it was this simple glance that almost made him let go of the steering wheel and roll over.

At a distance of less than ten meters from himself, Shen Fei instantly cornered like a ghost and chased after him.

And because of the curve just now, the distance between the two is less than ten meters!

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