Chapter 334 Despicable Means

There was thunderous cheers from the audience, and they witnessed the history with their own eyes in this game.

An unknown amateur driver has beaten professional players one after another, and finally led the car king by a full lap!

At this time, Shen Fei’s car has completed the cornering action, as long as it drives forward for more than ten seconds, the race will end.

Most viewers are eager to witness this moment, but some are unwilling.

Such as Luther!

A full lap behind, Luther, who was deeply humiliated, was full of anger, staring at Shen Fei straight ahead through the glass.

Compared to this, even the car loses to the opponent, he knows that he may never be able to mix in the racing world.

That being the case, no one can think about it!

The rule of racing is who gets to the end first, not who is faster.

In other words, as long as the opponent can’t compete smoothly, no matter how slow you run, you can still become the final winner!

Luther’s eyes flickered, and he gritted his teeth viciously and suddenly slammed the steering wheel.

At this time, Shen Fei, who had just overtaken the car in the inner corner, almost clung to Luther’s body, and the sudden turn of the opponent did not leave him room for it, and it was too late to avoid it.

The high-speed F1 car cannot be affected by any external force at all. Even a small stone may cause a car in a normal situation to fly into the air.

Not to mention Shen Fei, who was turning at the limit speed.

There was a loud bang.

The rear wing of Shen Fei’s racing car was hit hard, and even the whole car was rotated in place for a few laps, and finally it rolled into the air in a terrifying manner.

There were bursts of exclamation from the audience in an instant, and the courage directly covered their eyes, and Xia Ziyun and Wang Yufei burst into tears in an instant.

But both of them opened their eyes firmly, staring at the car that was still rolling in the air.

They believe that Shen Fei, no matter what kind of desperation he encounters, he can definitely create miracles!

“Hahaha, deserved it, let you go through the corner so fast, did you come to retribution?”

The culprit of everything-Luther grinned wildly. He was mentally prepared before the crash, coupled with the timely deceleration, so the own car only swayed slightly and did not suffer much loss at all.

He greedily looked at the end point ahead. Although he needed to run another lap, Shen Fei was still floating in the sky. According to his years of experience, the car was crashed into this way, and there was a high probability that a serious explosion would occur.

The driver’s probability of surviving is infinitely close to zero. Even if he is lucky, without death on the spot, Shen Fei will never be able to return to the track.

Luther won this game!

Before he could give himself an early celebration, there was again tumult in the audience.

This puzzled Luther, who was focused on driving.

Are these horrible fans crazy?

Why are you surprised all day, endless?

By the way, this guy Shen Fei has been flying in the sky for long enough. For such a long time, he couldn’t hear the explosion of the car landing…

Hum, the longer you stay in the air, the worse you will fall when you land.

At first, Luther was still comforting himself, but after a few more seconds, there was still no movement behind him.

He looked behind him with a little panic, and was shocked to collapse by the weird picture in an instant.

Shen Fei was indeed knocked into the air, but he was not flying randomly.

At this time, his racing car is like a full-rotating drill, rotating forward regularly!

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