Chapter 350: Stone Statue

Shen Fei, this soil bun, has simply thrown himself into a dead end.

The only thing Lin Dong was afraid of was the bodyguard named Chu Tian. Now that the two sides are negotiating, Shen Fei, the boss, has not arranged his biggest support?

It’s ridiculous.

Otherwise, it’s said that these soil buns won’t make a big deal.

There were only two people, Shen Fei and Lu Yan, Lin Dong sneered cruelly on his face and waved at his hand.

Since he is looking for death, then he will complete Shen Fei!

Swish, five fighters rushed out in an instant, and it was obvious that they were really good at fighting.

In just an instant, everyone had separated their main attack positions, and the five attacked Shen Fei’s deadly key separately, and they were intertwined with each other’s fists and legs, abruptly sealing Shen Fei’s retreat!

For a moment, the shadows of fists flew, and the sound of rubbing in the air that made her back teeth sore, causing Lu Yan’s nervous hands to tremble.

After all, she is just an ordinary woman. These five people are coming in fiercely, even if they accidentally run into it, from the perspective of Lu Yan’s weak body, it is estimated that at least they will end up with a fracture and serious injury.

The speed of everyone is extremely fast, and they are only less than ten meters away.

But Shen Fei seemed to be watching a play, with a light smile on his face, without blinking his eyes, and still had the time to reach out and pat Lu Yan gently on the two pairs of catkins.

Feeling the warmth from Shen Fei, Lu Yan suddenly had the courage to stop panicking, and continued to massage slowly.

Lin Dong was puzzled by the operation of the two.

What do these dumb hats mean?


Then why don’t you stop begging for mercy?

There was not much time to think, a few thugs had already rushed forward, the fastest fist turned into a black laser, and it was a cannon punch that went straight to Shen Fei’s head.


There was a crisp sound in the air.

Almost at the same time, the other four people followed closely with the ultimate move.


There were four more crisp sounds.

Lin Dong looked forward happily, wishing to see Shen Fei being beaten up.

But as the atmosphere became anxious, he gradually realized that something seemed to be wrong!

From beginning to end, Lin Dong stared at him, only blinking at the moment of the fight.

But apart from hearing the five crisp sounds coming from before and after, there was nothing left.

Yes, there is nothing left.

The five thugs still maintained an attacking posture, not moving like the stone statue.

And Shen Fei, sitting on a leather chair from start to finish, enjoying Lu Yan’s gentle massage service.

what’s the situation?

“Hands, are you invited to be telegraph poles?”

After waiting for more than ten seconds, the thugs were still silently “stopping”, Lin Dong couldn’t bear it, and roared loudly.

The longer time dragged on, the more anxious he became.

All five of them borrowed from their cousin, so there is absolutely no problem.

What are they doing?

“No more hands, believe it or not, daddy went back and took your skins?”

“Stop calling, they won’t respond to you.”

Shen Fei looked at Lin Dong from among the people, and smiled provocatively at him.

After that, Shen Fei stretched out his right hand and lightly tapped to the five people in turn.

The weird scene happened again.

The five “stone statues” fell to the ground under Shen Fei’s fingers, and there was no sound except for the muffled noise when they hit the floor!

Lin Dong stood up in shock and looked at the thugs tremblingly.

Seeing them all closed their eyes tightly, they had obviously lost consciousness.

“Don’t be afraid, I have a sense of measure, no one is dead, just fainted.”

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