Chapter 552

Passerby teammates stomped straight in anxiousness, but couldn’t stop Shen Fei’s footsteps. When they crawled out of the bunker, Shen Fei had already rushed out of the screen.

A group of four, one dead, and three others left.

At this time, the three poor enemies had been “surrounded” by Shen Fei.

Da Da Da, only three shots were fired, and there was no more interest in a radius of 100 meters.

When Xia Ziyun and his two teammates arrived at the “crisis scene”, there were no traces of enemies on the ground, and only three golden backpacks caught the eye.

“This is… over?”

The two teammates looked at each other.

“Damn, I thought how good the players were to make it to the finals. I didn’t expect such rubbish to make me nervous just now.”

Seeing that Shen Fei managed to deal with the four enemies so easily, the teammates joked and joked, without credit for Shen Fei at all.

Only those players who were killed had cold hands and feet. They had seen Shen Fei’s marksmanship from close range and knew his horror best.

Kill a hundred enemies to enter the semi-finals, how can there be any weak ones?

The four of them teamed up to drive black all day long, and they felt soft when eating chicken. It is not an exaggeration to call a master.

But fighting against Shen Fei just now is like a kindergarten kid competing with a professional boxer. It’s not in the same class at all!

The three of them didn’t even have a chance to fight back, and as soon as they wanted to show up and aim, they were easily brought down by Shen Fei.

The real bullets…

You must know that what Shen Fei grabbed was only the sprayer. Although it hurt the watch at close range, the accuracy was seriously insufficient.

Just now, it was more than a hundred meters away from Shao said.

Is this a human operation?

But the loser never had the right to speak, and no one believed the madness of the four of them. Everyone only attributed the match just now to Shen Fei’s good luck, and at most added the sentence that the opponent was too food.

As Shen Fei’s team happily divided up the spoils, behind everyone, a young man turned slightly, frowned and pressed the communicator in his ear.

On the mountains far away from the square, Qi Yonghui armed with a sniper rifle, beautifully shot a fatal blow, easily harvesting the life of the last enemy.

At this point, their team has also passed the level safely.

“Young Master Hui, that kid didn’t die by chance, and even relying on the spray to kill the enemy in a daze. Their location and equipment are…”

Qi Yonghui’s complexion remained unchanged, but his head quickly calculated the strength of the enemy and himself, and soon worked out a detailed set of countermeasures.

He can achieve today’s achievements, of course he has his own outstanding talents, but it is by no means all the factors.

In order to win, Qi Yonghui can do whatever it takes, and the off-court tricks are countless.

For example, today, because of relatively loose management, he spent money to hire many “spy”.

This group of “spies” are distributed around the stadium, and they are in close contact with Qi Yonghui through the micro communicator in their ears.

They will report all the enemy’s information in a timely manner to ensure that Qi Yonghui will always be one step ahead.

Especially hiding places, for this game, hiding own position is very important.

Now that the enemy is bright and I am dark, and all the information of Shen Fei has been kept in mind by Qi Yonghui, how can it be possible to lose?

He was somewhat surprised at Shen Fei’s victory.

But without seeing it with his own eyes, who would have thought of Shen Fei’s shocking Deva operation just now?

So like most passers-by, Qi Yonghui only thought that Shen Fei was out of shit luck, so he didn’t take him anymore.

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