Chapter 622

In addition to building prestige, today’s banquet has a more important purpose, which is to hand over the position of the head of the family!

The power struggle in the family is often very severe.

Although it’s not like a TV series, where the bones and the flesh and the father and the son are fighting, the internal disputes may be even more severe for the top behemoths such as the eight big families and the four giants.

Regardless of the eight princes of the rich second generation being proud of the spring breeze outside, in fact, their family has not yet carried out a real transfer of power.

The power is still firmly held by the fathers of the few people, and at most they are only given some of the rights and let a few rich second generations go out to practice.

Even Liu Tianjun, the best young man, can’t escape the shackles of his family.

He was named as a future young master, but he was still far away from the throne of the real Patriarch.

The most ruthless emperor’s family. Don’t look at him now being treasured by Liu’s treasure. Once the ten-year appointment goes wrong, the Liu family’s power and face will be damaged and the family will definitely not hesitate to abolish Liu Tianjun and establish a new successor. .

Seeing that the guests had arrived, Zhao Zhenghua, the current owner of the Zhao family, slowly walked to the front desk.

At this time, the old man was radiant, as if returning to his peak.

He has a reason to be happy. In fact, although it has only been less than half a month, under the leadership of his grandson Zhao Ruihai, the Zhao family not only returned to the top, but even worse.

The current strength of the Zhao family can be described as unprecedentedly strong. As an old man with little time, how can he not be relieved when he sees his grandson become a talent?

“Thank you all for coming to this banquet hosted by the Zhao family. I believe that some changes have taken place in the Zhao family and even in Kyoto these days, but please don’t worry, I believe that with our joint efforts, everyone will have a better tomorrow! ”

Several top families smiled on their faces, but there was endless contempt in their hearts.

What do you mean, the old man Zhao is out of words, it seems to be the rhythm of the first family in Beijing.

But people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

To make them tear their faces on the spot, they really don’t have the guts.

Seeing a few big brothers did not say anything, the rest of the small families were even more shocked.

They were a total wall and grass, and whoever is strong will depend on whoever is strong. Looking at the current situation, the Zhao family is really going to heaven.

“Lady Zhao, we must follow your instructions.”

“Yes, we firmly support the Zhao family. The pattern of Shangjing is too old. It’s time to incorporate some fresh blood.”

For a time, the flattering sound was endless, and Zhao Zhenghua couldn’t help being overjoyed.

What he wants is this kind of effect. Those who win the hearts of the people will win the world. Now in Beijing, more than half of the small families have surrendered, and the prosperity of the Zhao family is just around the corner!

“Thank you for your support to the Zhao family, and I promise that as long as you follow the Zhao family, your future will surely be promising!”

Zhao Zhenghua clapped his hands to signal everyone to be quiet, and then summoned his grandson Zhao Ruihai to the stage.

“I believe everyone is familiar with him. His name is Zhao Ruihai. He is my eldest grandson. Under his leadership, the recent glory of the Zhao family is obvious to all. Now I announce that the position of the head of the Zhao family has officially passed to Xiaohai!”

As the tokens of competing rights changed hands, thunderous applause erupted from the audience.

“Master Zhao is young and promising, he is definitely the dragon among people.”

“More than that, I have lived for decades. Today, it seems that Hai can’t even compare with a finger. Under his leadership, the Zhao family can definitely become the strongest family!”

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