Chapter 630: Terrifying Military Expenses

Catherine became the third figure of this behemoth with almost no effort.

But this is not the biggest reward.

Shen Fei is the ultimate treasure!

Becoming a senior in Longteng means that she will have more opportunities to contact Shen Fei in the future.

The relationship between the two can naturally go further.

This is the biggest gain for her!

After explaining the aftermath, Shen Fei immediately greeted Lu Yan, and then transferred a sum of up to 100 billion yuan to Jiang Yunxiang through her company.

“The money is spent first, but if it is not enough, don’t hesitate. My request is very clear. You must continue to strengthen Longteng and arm every inch of land here to the extent that you can strengthen the two empires!”

Speaking of excitement, Shen Fei felt that only money was not enough, and after a moment of indulgence, he added: “If you find more researchers, no matter how much money you spend, you must understand the magnetic research around here and make full use of these. Geographical advantage!”

Jiang Yunxiang was still shocked by the payment notification that popped up on his mobile phone. Hearing about Shen Fei’s more ambitious goal, his heart was surging with blood.

Two big empires?

I’m excited when I think of it. If I can do it, what a dragon’s existence?

Can you really get what you want…

Jiang Yunxiang looked at the string of amazing numbers displayed on the phone and nodded firmly.

As expected, the boss is not a mortal, and he didn’t blink his eyes for so much money.

As long as the funds are abundant, being strong is only a matter of time!

After learning that Jiang Yunxiang received the initial funding of 100 billion yuan, everyone’s eyes flashed with excitement.

This new boss is too awkward…

One hundred billion?

It is said that the annual military expenditure of the two empires is only one trillion yuan.

But they have a vast territory and a large number of troops.

It’s like their dragon.

There are less than 3,000 people in total, and the area of ​​Heaven Mountain is much smaller.

If you really want to spend these hundreds of billions on armaments, coupled with the natural reliance of the surrounding magnetism, Longteng really is not afraid of Xia State or the Federation!

The key person, Shen Fei, is generous, and he didn’t say that 100 billion is all.

You can continue to spend it, doesn’t it mean that there are two hundred billion, three hundred billion, or one trillion behind?

Just think about it briefly, and the leaders will be shocked.

This boss is really the right person…

For a moment, everyone looked at Shen Fei with respect in their eyes, and they had to burn a stick of incense to offer him up.

He is simply a living god!

When there is joy, there is sorrow.

The Zhao family’s scenery is no longer at this time, and dark clouds are hanging over everyone in the family.

At this time, the guests had already gone away, leaving Zhao Ruihai anxiously waiting in front of the bed.

Zhao Zhenghua, the old pillar of the Zhao family, was hit by the bad news of his son’s violent death and became unconscious on the spot.

Only then did he slowly open his eyes.

“Grandpa, are you awake? Let’s run…”

Seeing Zhao Zhenghua wake up, Zhao Ruihai said anxiously.


Zhao Zhenghua, who had just awakened, was a little confused. For a while, he hadn’t awakened from the prosperous dreams of the Zhao family. He was stunned for a long time. The poor old man remembered what had just happened.

“Hey, don’t be afraid, although without your Uncle’s restraint… but we have not reached the point of extermination, Lao Li, you can count immediately, in the past half month, which families have our Zhao family offended and snatched them from them. Benefits, the Zhao family will return it twice!”

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