Chapter 641

At any rate, he is also a master of the top rankings, wherever he goes, he is treated as a big man. Looking at the face of the money, he comes to assassinate a small person, but he has no temper at all to be cured!

What kind of ranking is this particular?

They obviously didn’t even have a chance to fight back!

“Three billion is a lot, but it’s really sad to think about it…”

Shen Fei gave a sneer, no longer giving the two a chance to explain, with a slight force with both hands, they ended their lives.

At this point, the super killers of the two Realms have become so confused as dead souls in the forest.

If their lives have a chance to choose again, they will definitely do two things: first throw Wu Ziwen’s grave, and then throw the damn reward to their feet!

Although this wave of killers has been killed, the 3 billion is still hanging on the account.

Maybe one day, another wave of warriors who are not afraid of death will come to die…

Shen Fei sighed helplessly, and immediately contacted Liu Yuntao.

The matter of the killer was not a secret in Team Yanhuang, he had no need to conceal it.

After less than ten minutes, two helicopters flew in the sky.

Shen Fei was amazed by Liu Yuntao’s own professional logistics personnel to clean up the corpses.

Isn’t it just a little killer, as to let him go?

And Liu Yuntao looked at own eyes…

Why does it feel strange?

What Shen Fei didn’t know was that Liu Yuntao’s heart was mixed at this moment, because Long Teng’s mysterious head had already had a great clue.

Everything is directed towards Shen Fei, this sensational event, in all likelihood, is what Shen Fei did!

Although he is very cautious in his work, he has insufficient experience after all, and there are still loopholes in the details.

The clue is Chutian!

At that time, Shen Fei was in anger, and his heart was holding fire and wanted to kill the Zhao family immediately, so he sent Chutian abroad without much thought.

And the early recruitment of Longteng was all done by Chutian.

The intelligence collection of the Yanhuang team is so powerful, these small pieces of information are not lost, and they are all clearly investigated by Liu Yuntao.

Following the vines, the encounter between Chu Tian and Shen Fei and the subsequent intersection were all involved.

Good guy, after learning that Chu Tian was Shen Fei’s younger brother, Liu Yuntao was half cold in blood.

The existence of this layer of evidence, plus all the time and motives are surprisingly consistent, and Shen Fei has no alibi…

Everything is directed at Shen Fei, he is definitely the mysterious master!

This kid…

Did you really kill Zhao Tiankui?

At the age of twenty, he will break through the top of the sky list…

Liu Yuntao was completely confused, and even though he had seen strong winds and waves, he didn’t know what to do for a while.

But there is one thing he is very clear in his heart: Shen Fei is his own, the foundation of Xia Guo, and must be strictly protected!

If this matter is spread, the Federal Empire will most likely start a frenzied assassination against Shen Fei regardless of the loss.

In order to protect Shen Fei, Liu Yuntao can be said to have broken his heart in the past two days.

All traces of Chu Tian and Shen Fei were carefully erased by Liu Yuntao, leaving no handle.

At this time, no matter how powerful an intelligence agency was, it could not detect the slightest suspiciousness of Shen Fei.

Thinking that this secret would completely rot in his stomach, Liu Yuntao’s phone rang suddenly.

Seeing the caller ID, he was shocked in cold sweat, and pressed the Connect button in a panic.

It turned out to be Xia Guo’s undefeated God of War!

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