Chapter 653

In the evening, Hu Cuilan also called specifically to inquire, and repeatedly told Shen Fei to dress decently.

Because that banquet was very rare, everyone who was eligible to attend was a top talent.

If you want to enter the market, your assets must be at least 5 billion yuan.

Naturally, Hu Cuilan was not qualified, but thanks to a series of major events that happened recently, she received an exceptional invitation because of a blessing in disguise.

The matter is actually very simple. The Zhao family wants to be neat. This is not news at all in Shangjing.

I thought that the weak Qi family would collapse in an instant, but never expected that things would turn around one hundred and eighty degrees.

For some reason, the Zhao family suddenly lifted all sanctions, and the various actions were quite intriguing.

Later, under the leadership of Zhao Ruihai, the family strength improved by leaps and bounds, and the Qi family was suppressed for the second time.

The spectators predicted from the bottom of their hearts that Hu Cuilan would never be able to pass it, right?

As a result, the Qi family had not collapsed yet, and the Zhao family, one of the eight major families, had collapsed first!

As a result, speculations about the Qi family have been launched one after another.

There are rumors that Hu Cuilan has a backing behind her, and that she is so strong that she is not under the Zhao family at all.

Otherwise, how do you explain that the Zhao family failed to break each other twice in a row?

The rumors are getting more and more outrageous, and finally some people even assert that Hu Cuilan has an old friend who is the real power of Xia Guo. Whoever dares to provoke her will end up like the Zhao family…

Hu Cuilan listened to her ears, naturally she didn’t take it seriously, she could see the jealous eyes of those big guys, and her heart had already blossomed with joy.

So everyone followed the trend and speculated, and the master pretended to be mysterious without explaining or refuting it.

All of a sudden, the statement behind the Qi family background spread more and more…

Although most people treat these gossips as jokes, there is no loss in inviting her to a banquet.

If someone really has a background, they can still give their personal affection for nothing, why not do it?

The next day, Shen Fei drove his leaky cross country and arrived at Hu Cuilan’s house on time.

Seeing such a “chic” car, the mother-in-law naturally didn’t give a good face.

After pulling Qi Mo into the own car, she led the way, three people and two cars, and arrived at the banquet venue slowly.

When he came to the parking lot and looked at the luxury cars everywhere, Shen Fei was speechless for a while.

His off-road is the “trophies” to kill the killer.

In order to reduce the risk, the two guys kept everything low-key, and naturally they would not buy expensive cars.

This off-road vehicle is the most popular vehicle, and it can be seen everywhere on the road, and because of the two holes in the glass, Shen Fei does not suffer from the security’s eyes.

Also, there are many famous cars in the parking lot. At least half of them are worth more than 10 million. Although the remaining ones are almost a little bit, the lowest is more than 5 million.

The gatherings of big brothers are naturally divided into three, six or nine grades, the top of which is the upper-class gatherings headed by the eight big families and the four giants.

It is not ordinary people who are lucky enough to participate, they are definitely the most respected existence in Beijing, and even the status of Xia Kingdom.

Today’s banquet is naturally no match for the previous one.

There are not those rich and expensive, but instead are the top rich and powerful in the shopping malls.

Although it is not as good as it is, it is also noble and unusual, and it is not qualified for the flat-headed people to participate.

The bosses came naturally to consolidate relations and exchange beneficial resources with each other.

Almost businessmen will keep their eyes open, wishing to sell themselves to everyone.

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