Chapter 686 Trophy

It is estimated that the God of Cookery will only cry for the pot of rice, right?

For some reason, Shen Fei seemed completely unaffected.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly from beginning to end, and Xianxin blinked with Lu Yan amused.

The rice is already in the pot, so there is no need for “Chef Shen” to do anything.

Taking advantage of the gap, he clasped his hands behind his back and wandered like an old man.

At this time, Master Xu has made nearly ten famous dishes, large and small.

A simple glance can make the population flow.

Chicken, duck and fish are all side dishes. The real main course includes antler, bear paw, fish roe and foie gras, all kinds of precious ingredients, which is simply eye-opening.

Many of these dishes are not in today’s cooking plan.

There is no need for Master Xu to take a small competition so seriously.

It is strange that Shen Fei deliberately provoked just now, which completely angered the senior chef.

He has been in the kitchen since he was a child, step by step from clerks to where he is today, how can he easily imagine the hardship?

What Xu Huaiyu hates most is that others look down on own cooking!

The rubbish on the other side actually criticized him for half his life for nothing. Can this be tolerated?

With a raging fire in his heart, he vowed to use all his strength and slapped the arrogant and ignorant kid in the face!

However, Shen Fei had no sense of crisis at all.

“This dragon sculpture is pretty good, but the eyes are not vivid enough, you have to work hard.”

“Then who, the water has boiled for seven minutes, hurry up, or it will be cooked…”

“Hey, hey, how can you cut vegetables? How can you cut the knife like that?”

Shen Fei’s mouth was like a machine gun, provoke the owed children everywhere, and the angry people couldn’t wait to pick up the kitchen knife and solve him in public.

“Go away, make trouble again, I really beat you!”

Shen Fei waved his hand apologetically, and pointed at the half pot of juice thrown on the ground when he left.

“Is that the leftover chicken soup? Give it to me if you don’t need it.”

Master Xu was irritated by his annoying eyes. In order to blast away this “fly” quickly, he naturally agreed.

“Give it, take it and go quickly.”

“Hey, I don’t have a basin, look…”

“The basin will give you too, please go quickly…”

In this way, Shen Fei triumphantly returned to his own “kitchen” holding the pot of “trophies” triumphantly.

If he was seen by someone who didn’t know, he might have thought how much advantage he took.

“Silly fork, can the white rice be mixed with the leftover soup in the pot, can it turn into a flower? Look at the appearance that I have never seen in the world.”

Liu Hui snorted disdainfully, and didn’t care about this little episode at all.

Not only him, almost everyone thinks so.

Rice with soup is better rice at best, and there is still no chance of winning.

The waste in the eyes of others is invaluable here in Shen Fei.

He set aside the leftover soup with satisfaction, and finally started the final “finishing” work.

I saw Shen Fei calmly and concentrating, and then…

Take out the only two eggs left.

“Who said that except for rice is soup? You forgot about my two eggs?”

“Hahaha, this stupid brain designation is abnormal, Miss Lu, please write down my bank card number first…”

Liu Hui teased triumphantly, turning Lu Yan’s face into purple with anger not far away.

Seeing Shen Fei’s bosom, she still had a glimmer of hope, thinking that Shen Fei could make a wonderful comeback at the last minute as before.

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