Chapter 905

When Shen Fei opened his eyes again, the aura around him was already quite different.

Those heroic eyes are full of confidence, and Cai Zhongmou’s heart is refreshed when he sees it.

But he forcibly comforted himself: the other party is just a young man in his early twenties, even if he is a determined genius, how can he really paint a masterpiece without a long time to hone it?

“Just know that you will pretend to be a god-tier, just go as a god-tier.”

Land Yan Yunxiang also ridiculed strangely.

The spectators around have been divided into two factions, and some support Shen Fei, all wanting to see what masterpieces he can draw.

Others, as Cai Zhongmou’s diehard fans, bit their teeth and thought that Shen Fei had no strength, and they talked about gossip, just waiting to see Shen Fei’s jokes.

However, whether it is praise or ridicule, it has been automatically filtered in front of Shen Fei.

Just like what he said just now, if you want to draw fine works, you must use your heart.

At this time, Shen Fei’s attention was highly concentrated, reaching the legendary Realm.

That ordinary brush seemed to have a soul since it was held by Shen Fei.

Every time I write a pen, I am assisted by a god. With the flying brush, more and more elements are piled up on the paper.

The passersby onlookers have also undergone tremendous changes.

At first, everyone was still watching the excitement. Gradually, whether it was sincere appreciation, doubts and deliberate finding faults, everyone’s expressions became more colorful.

Especially in the end, when Shen Fei’s pen was lifted lightly, raising a dazzling arc in the air, and after completing the last magical pen, everyone’s mouth became unable to close.


Accompanied by the bursts of air-conditioning, Shen Fei slowly put down the brush in his hand.

After the pen was swayed on the holder for a few times, it started to exude magical heat!

Passers-by studied carefully before realizing that it was not a supernatural phenomenon, but was caused by the high heat of the pen.

God knows how much effort Shen Fei used when holding the pen to rub the barrel of the pen to generate heat, and finally he could condense in the air?

The pen barrel is just a small episode, and everyone who is serious is the Chinese painting that has just been created.

Everyone looked straight at the rice paper on the table, and no one said any more nonsense.

Everyone looked like a collective demon, staring at the thin layer of rice paper. After a long time, some people slowly recovered.

Deafening applause soon began to sound in the hall.

In addition to praise, almost everyone applauded spontaneously, and the applause became louder and denser, which lasted for several minutes.

It is enough to show everyone’s affirmation of Shen Fei’s painting!

This is a real on-site painting, and the harsh conditions that Shen Fei is facing, I believe everyone can see it.

In less than an hour, it was a noisy exhibition hall environment, which was made fun of by countless people, using the most common pen, ink, paper and inkstone…

With so many unfavorable factors added together, it is incredible that Shen Fei can paint this almost perfect work.

On the rice paper, the ink on the picture of the maid that Shen Fei just drew is still waiting for the appreciation of passers-by.

The woman in the painting Qiaoyan Yanran, in the bamboo forest, is laughing and playing with a butterfly.

The overall style is exactly as described by Shen Fei, with a few strokes, without spending too much pen and ink at all.

It’s a lot of money, but a few green bamboos, two butterflies, and a pure girl in tulle.

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