Chapter 425 I miss you so much

 It is even less likely to care about Lin Wangshu.

 So, after asking Lin Wangshu about the possible results, she was anxious to go home.

Xie Tingyu also left after seeing Xu Jinning to the door of the small courtyard.

 He also had to go back and tell his grandfather about the situation in Hong Kong City these days.

 So, for now, this matter is considered over.

 After that, she no longer has to worry about other people and can just live her own life.

That night, Xu Jinning slept in Xu Fanghua's room. She had no choice but for the first time, the eldest sister asked her to sleep with her.

 What can Xu Jinning do? It's still the same sentence, my eldest sister can only be pampered.

Until dawn the next day, Xu Jinning, who woke up relatively early, looked at the eldest sister sleeping next to him and holding his hand, and sighed slightly.

 In the second half of the night, the eldest sister didn't seem to sleep very well. Every time she woke up, she would touch her to make sure she was really back.

 After feeling her warmth and confirming that she was really back, she breathed a sigh of relief and fell asleep again.

 Wake up like this, confirm, fall asleep again...

 This happened several times in the second half of the night.

 This also made Xu Jinning understand how worried the eldest sister was during the past few days when she left.

 Xu Jinning felt that she shouldn't have done it. Her eldest sister was pregnant, so she shouldn't have thought too much about it, but she made her eldest sister worry about her so much.

 She really deserves it.

I heard from Aunt Song that the night before last, my eldest sister woke up crying in the middle of the night, calling her name all the time, as if she was having a nightmare.

 “Hey.” Xu Jinning lay down again and planned to continue sleeping with her eldest sister.

 She squeezed Xu Fanghua's hand tightly and said in her heart: Sister, Ning Ning will never let you worry again.

 After this incident, Xu Jinning’s life returned to peace.

 Continue to take classes and practice.

 After her return, the eldest sister's condition improved a lot, her appetite increased a lot, and her complexion became rosy.


Time passed by unconsciously, and it was almost summer vacation in a blink of an eye.

“Ning Ning, are you sure you’ll be back the day after tomorrow?” Zhang Ailian asked on the phone.

“Yes, it’s the day after tomorrow. My eldest sister and I will go back in Brother Tingyu’s car.”

"Ning Ning, will Yueyue come back with you?" At this time, a male voice suddenly interrupted on the other end of the phone, his voice was anxious and full of expectation.

Xu Jinning chuckled, "Brother, don't worry, Yueyue will also take this car and go back with us."

She just knew that the little brother couldn't wait to ask, so she deliberately didn't say anything before. It wasn't until the little brother couldn't wait anymore that she revealed it.

“That’s good, that’s good.” On the other end of the phone, Xu Xiangbei’s voice clearly cheered.

“Give me the phone.” Zhang Ailian took the phone back and glared at her younger son with a smile.

“You’ll come back the day after tomorrow, okay? When you come back then, my mother will prepare delicious food for you every day.”

“By the way, will my mother-in-law come back with me?” This is what the Song family is asking.




 The days waiting to go home always seem to pass very slowly.

However, Xu Jinning has not had nothing to do these two days.

 She, her eldest sister, and Yueyue were all busy buying things to take home.

 When you are busy, time passes faster.

 The day of departure arrived in the blink of an eye.

Xie Tingyu drove the jeep. Xu Jinning, Xu Fanghua, Song Mu, and Huang Minyue all got on, and the car set off.

Originally, Huang Yuxian and his wife wanted to see him off, but Huang Minyue refused. The distance from Beijing City to Qinghe Village is not short, and it takes a day and a night to drive.

 It is definitely not possible to rely on Xie Tingyu to drive alone.

However, Xu Jinning can also drive, so they plan to take turns driving.

 Because Xu Fanghua was still pregnant, they tried to walk on a flatter road and took more time to stop and rest along the way.

The journey was relatively smooth. After a day and a night's journey, they arrived at the county seat at almost noon the next day.

In the county town, when passing by the market, Xu Jinning looked over and soon saw her little brother at one of the big stalls selling clothes.

She hurriedly pulled Huang Minyue up and said, "Look, my little brother is there."

 Huang Minyue also missed Xu Xiangbei very much. Now Xu Jinning said it. Although she was a little shy, she still looked over.

 At a glance, he saw Xu Xiangbei surrounded by customers.

There were quite a few customers at this moment, and they all had chosen their clothes and were ready to check out. Of course, some of them were asking Xu Xiangbei about the clothes.

Although there was another person helping, Xu Xiangbei was still very busy, and his mouth and hands could not stop.

 The moment he saw it, Huang Minyue's eyes turned red.

 Brother Xiangbei seems to be a lot darker and a lot thinner.

However, this kind of brother Xiangbei, talking eloquently and calmly in the field he is familiar with and likes, seems to be shining, attracting Huang Minyue.

 Perhaps it’s a connection between the lovers.

Here, Xu Xiangbei was doing business while thinking about when his younger sister and Yueyue would get home.

 Calculating the time, it should be almost there.

Then should he pack up and go home to wait?

 He wanted to see his younger sister, eldest sister and Yueyue as soon as possible.

 It would be great if I could see Yueyue now.

Thinking this way, he inadvertently raised his head and glanced. This glance stunned him on the spot.

It was quite obvious that there was a jeep parked on the road, so Xu Xiangbei's eyes naturally fell on the jeep.

I also saw the man looking out of the window from the car.

 The moment when their eyes met.

 Xu Xiangbei was stunned.

Is it Yueyue?

 Is the person sitting in the car Yueyue?

"Brother, we are back, you should go home quickly." Xu Jinning waved his hand in greeting, instantly breaking Xu Xiangbei's daze.

 He also realized that it was indeed Yueyue, not only Yueyue, but also the younger sister and the eldest sister were back.

Very good.

Xie Tingyu's car had no space, and it was not good to keep occupying the road, so after saying hello to Xu Xiangbei, he left and continued driving to Qinghe Village.

 “Help me look after the stall, I have something to do and I have to go home now.”

“Hey, Brother Xiangbei, there are so many people now, I’m afraid I won’t be able to handle it by myself.”

 Dan Xu Xiangbei was already riding his bicycle and heading home quickly.

When Xu Xiangbei arrived at Qinghe Village, he saw a man standing at the door waiting for him from a distance.

 As he got closer, he recognized the person immediately.

 “Brother Xiangbei.”

 Such as his Yueyue.

The bicycle was braked suddenly. Xu Xiangbei threw the bicycle aside, then rushed over quickly and hugged Huang Minyue in his arms.

“Yueyue, I miss you so much.”

Huang Minyue didn't expect that Xu Xiangbei would hug her at the gate and tell her that he missed her. However, she liked Xu Xiangbei who was so enthusiastic and emotionally passionate.

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