Chapter 443 is born!

But there is only one toilet in the small courtyard, and it is still outside.

Afraid that it would be inconvenient to wake up in the dark all the time, so Xu Jinning suggested putting a pail in the house.

 With Gongtong, it is indeed a lot more convenient.

Xu Fanghua can go back to bed quickly after using the toilet in the house.

  There is no need to light a lamp and then go to the toilet outside as before. This trip takes a lot of time, and the light is not good at night. I am afraid that someone may trip or fall accidentally.

 I still fell in the third trimester of pregnancy, but it was a very serious matter.

Moreover, this time comes again and again, and the night is cold, and it is easy to catch a cold.

 Now, with Gongtong, the problem of going to the toilet at night is solved.

 The problem of cramps, with Xu Jinning here, Xu Fanghua can now sleep well at night.

And for some reason, Xu Fanghua always felt that Ning Ning was sleeping next to him, and he would never feel flustered and depressed in the middle of the night like he did before.

She slept peacefully and comfortably. If she didn't need to go to the toilet, she could sleep until dawn.

 In fact, Xu Fanghua’s perception was not wrong.

Xu Jinning has strong luck now. Anyone who is around her or close to her will also be blessed by her luck.

 This is why Xu Fanghua feels very relieved.

 My heart is at ease, my mood is better, and my complexion is very rosy.

 So, in the third trimester of pregnancy, Xu Fanghua's complexion and condition were very good.

 Waiting and waiting, the time for two is about to pass, and Xu Fanghua’s due date has also arrived.

The time for the little one in Xu Fanghua's belly was also very precise. Early in the morning on the day of the expected delivery, Xu Fanghua had just finished breakfast and was walking around to eat when he suddenly felt a pain in his stomach. Then something flowed down and his pants became wet.

Xu Jinning doesn’t have to go to work or go to class today.

After hearing the eldest sister's "Ouch" sound, I immediately looked over.

 Having experienced the modern information explosion, she reacted immediately.

"This is because the amniotic water has broken." Xu Jinning hurriedly went over to support Xu Fanghua, and called Mrs. Song who was folding clothes in the room, "Aunt Song, my eldest sister's amniotic water has broken. She is going to give birth. We have to go to the hospital quickly."

Song's mother ran out immediately when she heard Xu Jinning's voice.

Having given birth to two children, she knew what was going on at a glance.

Immediately ran to Xu Fanghua's room, picked up a bag that had been prepared for delivery, and came out immediately.

"Hurry, let's get to the hospital quickly. The amniotic water has broken. It is estimated that the birth will be faster. There is no time to delay. We have to get to the hospital quickly."

 The hospital is still quite far away from the courtyard, but it doesn’t matter, Xu Jinning has a car.

This car was borrowed by Xu Jinning and Xie Tingyu.

 It is this kind of emergency that I am afraid of.

Xu Jinning drove out the car and helped Xu Fanghua get in. After Mrs. Song also got into the car with her things, Xu Jinning immediately drove to the hospital.

Xu Jinning knew how to drive in Hyundai and got a driver's license.

 In this life, she will also be able to drive.

The eldest sister's situation was urgent, and Xu Jinning was a little nervous. However, as a driver, he was responsible for the safety of the people in the car. Xu Jinning told himself not to be anxious, and took several deep breaths to calm himself down.

Xu Fanghua was afraid that her voice would affect Xu Jinning who was driving, so even when contractions were painful, she gritted her teeth and did not make a sound.

Although Song’s mother was worried about her daughter-in-law’s condition and wanted to go to the hospital quickly, she also knew that she couldn’t rush her at this time.

 Fortunately, Xu Jinning’s driving skills and psychological quality are still acceptable. Moreover, the road from the small courtyard to the hospital was relatively smooth and unobstructed. They arrived at the hospital in ten minutes.

Although Xu Fanghua is the first child, this child is an angel baby and does not bother her mother much.

Half an hour after Xu Fanghua was pushed into the delivery room, the nurse came out holding a swaddle.

“Congratulations, Comrade Xu Fanghua has given birth to a girl. She is very fair.”


“Sister, you’re awake, look, this is my niece.”

After giving birth to the baby, Xu Fanghua was still conscious and insisted on being in the ward, while Xu Jinning also held the baby to show her.

Xu Fanghua looked at the swaddled little one with tenderness in her eyes, "Just like her father."

“Yeah, I feel like A Yi too.” Song’s mother also said happily.

"Fanghua, how are you? Are you hungry? Do you want to eat? Or are you tired and want to take a nap?" Mother Song was concerned, with a look of pity for her daughter-in-law in her eyes.

Xu Fanghua started it not long after breakfast in the morning, and the morning had not yet passed.

 So I don’t feel hungry, but I am definitely tired.

“Since you are tired, sister, just go to sleep. We will stay by your and the baby’s side,” Xu Jinning said.

"Okay." Xu Fanghua was really tired, so after answering, she closed her eyes and fell asleep quickly.

 Xu Fanghua was hospitalized for the next two days. Xu Jinning arranged a single room for his eldest sister. Although it was more expensive, at least it avoided some miscellaneous people.

  She had read Chronicle novels before, and every time she saw the heroine giving birth, Xu Jinning saw that after the heroine gave birth, she lived in a multi-person room, and the facilities and people in the same room were not very good.

 It will be noisy, and there may even be cases of children being stolen.

 For another example, the original owner was replaced by the Lin family.

 So, when the eldest sister gives birth to a child, she is very cautious.

 Even if you spend a little more money, it doesn’t matter. What’s important is that you can live in peace and comfort.

Xu Fanghua is hospitalized, so the school will naturally ask for leave.

Xu Jinning also wanted to take care of her eldest sister, so she temporarily asked other teachers to take her place at school.

 After staying in the hospital for two days, I was discharged and returned to the small courtyard.

 First of all, Xu Fanghua's body is recovering well.

 Second, it is really not that convenient to be hospitalized. It is better to go to the place where you live to have confinement, whether it is eating or doing other things, it is more convenient.

So, after returning to the small courtyard, Xu Fanghua’s confinement period officially began.

Xu Jinning’s main goal is to take care of the baby, and Song’s mother’s task is to provide Xu Fanghua with food and health.

Xu Jinning bought a lot of supplements in the previous quarter and asked Song's mother to stew the eldest sister to eat at a suitable time during the confinement period.

 Confinement period means eating well and sleeping well so that your body will be healthy and you will not suffer from any confinement diseases.

This incident happened to Xu Fanghua. On the same day, Xu Jinning made a phone call back to his hometown and told his parents about it.

Of course, not only her parents knew about this, Zhang Ailian and others also quickly told the Song family the news.

Everyone was very happy when they found out. If it weren't for the distance between Qinghe Village and the capital, they would have been eager to come to the capital right now to see Xu Fanghua and the newborn baby.

 Perhaps telepathy.

 On the same night, Song Yi, who was far away in country A, also had a dream.

He dreamed that a little girl with pigtails and beautiful face hugged him and called him daddy in a sweet voice.

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