Chapter 449 Disappeared into thin air?

On Qingming Festival, Zhang Changzheng, who was originally working in the provincial capital, also came back with his wife to pay homage to his ancestors.

 Zhang Changzheng was promoted to the province three years ago. Naturally, his wife took their two children to live in the province.

 His parents were unwilling to leave, so they stayed in their hometown in Anren County.

 Zhang Changzheng and his wife would come back with their children every holiday.

No, their family of four came back during the Qingming Festival.

 Zhang Changzheng also came to the Xu family with his wife and children.

 The Xu family is naturally happy and welcome to their arrival.

“Dad Changzheng, do you have any new cases recently that you can tell me about?” Xu Jinning asked.

 In the past, when Zhang Changzheng came to the Xu family, he would tell Xu Jinning about some recent cases that could be discussed.

Zhang Changzheng has a very good story-telling ability. He can tell the ups and downs of even ordinary cases.

Of course, there are also some cases that are quite bizarre and unexpected.

 That made Xu Jinning even more curious.

Therefore, every time Zhang Changzheng comes, Xu Jinning will ask him if there is any new case that he can talk about that does not need to be kept secret.

Zhang Changzheng looked at Xu Jinning, his eyes full of gentleness, and said: "Don't tell me, there is really one thing."

“This case is both new and novel. We don’t have any ideas yet.”

Zhang Changzheng thought that Xu Jinning was his lucky star, and Xu Jinning always had other ideas in his mind. Maybe Ningning could open up different ideas for him.

Hearing that his father was going to talk about the case, Zhang Changzheng's two children also sat over and planned to listen together.

 The rest of the Xu family also pricked up their ears.

Zhang Changzheng coughed slightly and went up, saying, "Recently, in the bureau where I work, people always come to report that things have been lost."

“Actually, this throwing thing was originally a very common thing.”

“However, recently, there have been many more people reporting missing items than before.”

 “These people who throw away things throw all kinds of strange things.”

“Some people lost several kilograms of rice.”

 “Someone lost a bag of candy.”

 “Some lost a piece of pork...”

 “Some even lost two chickens…”

The first reports of missing items were all food items.

Xu Jinning only remembered when Zhang Changzheng was talking about this. If it were in modern times, it would be impossible to call the police if these things were thrown away.

 But in this era, food is not that abundant. If these things are lost, someone will really call the police.

In the past, the police often did not investigate any cases, but helped find lost chickens and ducks. Even in modern times, there are police officers who help find lost cats and dogs.

 So, hearing what Chang Zheng’s father said now, Xu Jinning was not surprised at all.

 “But not long ago, the lost things began to change.”

“But more and more people come to report missing things every day.”

 “And this thing was lost inexplicably.”

 “It’s like disappearing into thin air.”

 Zhang Changzheng continued.

He gave an example. Not long ago, someone came to report that a newly purchased bicycle was lost.

 But the police asked why it was lost and whether there were any suspects. “That person is a man who lives alone, and the bicycle is a new bicycle he just bought with the money he saved.”

“At that time, he was reluctant to even ride the bicycle, so he carried it home and planned to ride it when he went to work the next day.”

“At that time, he closed and locked the door from the inside, and went to the kitchen to get food.”

“But when he came out from the kitchen after getting things done, only 20 minutes later, the bicycle that was originally placed in the yard disappeared.”

But the door to his yard has always been closed, with no sign of it being opened.

Moreover, he was in the kitchen and didn't hear any movement in the yard.

There were no other people’s footprints in the yard.

Especially because this person’s yard is more than three meters high, and there are broken glass shards on top to prevent people from climbing over the wall.

 Hence, with such a high courtyard wall and glass, it is unlikely that someone could climb over the wall and get in.

Especially if you want to steal the bicycle without making any noise, it is really impossible.

“There were no traces, no footprints on the ground, and no trace of the bicycle being pushed away. After our comrades went to investigate, they found that the bicycle seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.”

At first, Zhang Changzheng and others were still doubting whether this person would lie.

 But it was finally determined that the man did not lie, he really bought a bicycle, and the bicycle indeed disappeared out of thin air as he described.

"Not only the person who lost his bicycle, but also the money saved at home. It was obviously locked, and the key was kept close to his body. It was obvious that no one else came to the house during that time, but the money was opened again after It’s gone, and the lock is still intact…”

There are many people who report missing things.

 Some lost watches, some lost gold and silver jewelry, and some, such as a doctor, said that some of the only books he collected were lost...

Anyway, during this period, more and more people have come to report things lost in the crime.

“…And from their descriptions and after our investigation, we found that the things they lost really seemed to disappear out of thin air.”


Zhang Changzheng paused and looked at Xu Jinning, "Ning Ning, do you think it is really possible to disappear into thin air?"

 In the past, Zhang Changzheng himself would have denied this possibility.

 But since meeting Xu Jinning and reading Ning Ning's mind that time, Zhang Changzheng has begun to believe in metaphysics.

Especially after the investigation, when they found no suspects, he was thinking about the possibility of this kind of metaphysics.

  Or maybe there were other possibilities that he hadn't thought of.

Furthermore, after comprehensive analysis, Zhang Changzheng and others felt that the things they lost during this period were probably taken away by the same person.

 As for who it was, how this person took it, and where are those things now...

 They have no clue at all.

Zhang Changzheng's question made Xu Jinning stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

If it were in modern times, Xu Jinning would definitely answer that this kind of metaphysical thing should be impossible.


 She can even travel through time!

  Is there anything more mysterious than her traveling through time?

 So, it’s really hard for her to answer.

At this time, Xu Jinning remembered the benefit of something.

 That’s monitoring!

If these people who lost things had surveillance systems installed in every household like modern times, how the things were lost and who took them away would be able to be investigated as long as the surveillance is normal.

 But in this era, even electricity has not yet been fully connected, and the Internet has not yet appeared.

 Monitoring is naturally impossible.

 So, once this thing is lost, people have to investigate it.

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