Chapter 467 Kidnapped?

Just when Xie Miaomiao and Duan Wei were planning to attack Xu Jinning, they didn't know that their plan had already been known to someone.

 And this person is Mr. Xie.

At this time, Mr. Xie was listening to the people sent to protect Xu Jinning, repeating what Xu Jinning said to Xie Miaomiao word for word.

Unconsciously, his eyes turned red.

The old man knew that he had always been right about Xu Jinning. When Xiao Yu brought Ning Yatou to see him for the first time, he liked Ning Yatou very much and felt very kind to her.

 He is also willing to pamper her and protect her like a granddaughter.

  He was one thousand one hundred happy that Xu Jinning became his granddaughter-in-law.

 It is the Xie family's blessing that Ning Yatou can enter their Xie family. It is because the Xie family has reached a high level.

Now, listening to Girl Ning's words of thanks to that unfilial daughter, he knew even more that he was right to love and protect Girl Ning.

 Girl Ning understands him.

  also has been protecting him silently.

 She knew the pain and sadness in his heart.

How can Xu Jinning not be loved and loved by others?

 In any case, Xu Jinning's words, even through retelling, deeply touched Mr. Xie's heart and moved him.

After a long while, the old man regained his composure, picked up the handkerchief and wiped the moist corners of his eyes.

When the veil was put down and he opened his eyes again, he became the wise and rational old man again.

“So, are those two unfilial children planning to kidnap Ning Yatou?” Mr. Xie asked.

 “So far, yes.”


Mr. Xie snorted coldly, his eyes full of coldness.

He did not expect that the two unfilial children would not give up at this time, and even reached out to Ning Yatou in order to seek benefits.

The old man thought that even if they wanted to plot against him, he would not be so angry. After all, he had been betrayed and plotted once before.

However, he could not forgive them for putting their hands on Ning Yatou, whom he was protecting!

 Fortunately, he discovered their plan before it was implemented.

In fact, after knowing that the book was written by Xu Jinning and knowing her origin, the old man did not choose to report it despite Xu Jinning's wishes.

 But he also knew the importance of Xu Jinning.

Especially I learned from Xie Tingyu that Shen Huai had sent someone to assassinate Xu her before.

 So, he sent someone to secretly protect Xu Jinning.

It's just covert protection. As long as Xu Jinning's safety is not involved, no one else will interfere.

 This protection actually started a few years ago.

 Mr. Xie also told Xu Jinning at that time and obtained her consent.

And this time, the reason why I reported to him was because the people who went to Xu Jinning were Xie Miaomiao and Duan Wei.

Especially knowing that they are going to do harm to Xu Jinning.

 After thinking silently for a long time, Mr. Xie finally closed his eyes and made a decision.

 “I have given them a way to live.”

“Actually, as long as they keep to themselves and live their lives well, they can live a good life.”

“But now, if they don’t want a peaceful life, they don’t need to give it to them anymore.”

“Don’t they want to go abroad? Do they think life abroad is good?”

 “In that case, let’s send them away.”

 “Let’s go to...K country.”

The man was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that the old man would choose to send those people abroad.

However, this kind of going abroad is different from the so-called studying abroad and traveling abroad.

 He understood the implication of Mr. Xie’s words.

Send those people to Country K, but they have no relevant documents, no money, and even less understanding of Country K. You can imagine what kind of situation they will encounter when they arrive in Country K. Country K, in particular, is still a country with a very underdeveloped economy and very backward in all aspects.

 The old man wants to send them to Country K to fend for themselves.

 “Are you sending them all?”

 “Give them all!”


 Actually, Mr. Xie didn’t hesitate at all about the three big ones.

 For those few little…

Mr. Xie is indeed a little hesitant, but...

Thinking of what the few young people he investigated had done, Mr. Xie could only describe it in one sentence: The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

 Some of them are even so bad that they cannot be corrected.

Since he has drawn a clear line with those two, the younger ones have nothing to do with him.

 Mr. Xie told himself that he had to be ruthless.

If he hadn't been ruthless, it would be either Xiao Yu or Ning Yatou who would be hurt, and he would regret it beyond words.

So, when Xie Miaomiao, Xie Zeheng, Duan Wei and others were discussing how to kidnap Xu Jinning and how to arrange an escape route out of the country.

One night, when they were going out, a sack suddenly fell from the sky, knocked them unconscious, and kidnapped them and put them in a car.

 When they woke up, they were panicked.

Especially when I was in the car with a sack on my body, I couldn’t see what was going on, and even my mouth was stuffed with something, so I couldn’t speak at all.

  We could only tell from the shaking of their bodies and some sounds that they were in a car.

I don’t know how long this car has been driven.

 Later, they were taken to another place and seemed to be on a ship...

 The journey of this ship seems to be particularly long.

This time they were not put in sacks, but were all put into a dark room together, but they were tied and their mouths were still gagged.

 It can only be determined that both families are here together.

 For the next few days and nights, those who tied them did not allow them to leave the room except to give them water and food.

There was only a little water and food, which could only ensure that they would not die of thirst or starvation.

 But it was impossible for them to have enough to eat and drink.

 As for the toilet?

There is it in the room.

 So, they stayed in the room for several days and nights. No, even because the room was dark, they couldn't feel how much time had passed.

 All I know is that time passes very long.

 They naturally thought about escaping, but they couldn't find any chance.

They also thought about moving Mr. Xie out, but those people were indifferent even when they heard Mr. Xie's name.

I don’t know how long it took, but the boat finally stopped slowly.

After that, those people threw them to the shore like trash, left them without saying a word.

 “The old man asked me to bring you a message.”

"You should never have bad intentions and try to plot against the people he protects."

“Since you have plans to go abroad, I will give you a ride first.”

“Let’s live well in country K from now on.”

 After saying that, the man took his men and boarded the ship again and left.

 Only Xie Miaomiao, Xie Zeheng and others were left lying on the ground with almost no strength.

 When they heard these words and the words "old man", they finally understood.

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