After Being Read By the Cannon Fodder Group, the Idiot Beauty Won

Chapter 478: It is imperative to meet Lin Bai

Chapter 478 It is imperative to meet Lin Bai

 “Plunder?” Lin Wangshu exclaimed,

 Yes, it is plunder. The things the system rewards Lin Bai actually belong to other people around him, whether it is buns, meat, bicycles, or other things. "

 “These things do not appear out of thin air.”

 “But for other people around you.”

“It was plundered by the system and made into its own, then Lin Bai signed in and the reward was given to Lin Bai.”

“Things in this world have always abided by the conservation of energy, and nothing can appear out of thin air.”

“And these things were plundered by the system and rewarded to Lin Bai, so the original owner of these things lost this thing.”

Xu Jinning felt that only in this way could it completely make sense.

I just don’t know if Lin Bai knows the origin of the things the system rewards him with.

But Xu Jinning thought that he probably didn’t know.

Xu Jinning looked at Lin Wangshu, "Don't you think the cases of things disappearing out of thin air that I told you about are all reasonable after talking about it like this?"

“During that time, was Lin Bai, the male protagonist of your novel, active in Gan City?”

Lin Wangshu paused, then nodded slowly.

Indeed, she remembered that the place where Lin Bai traveled through was a village under Ganshi.

 “Then tell us about Lin Bai now.”

Xu Jinning seemed to have thought of something and asked eagerly, "Tell me where exactly Lin Bai traveled through time? And what is his temperament..."

Xu Jinning felt that they needed to understand what kind of person Lin Bai was.

 It would be best to meet Lin Bai.

  No, it is to find Lin Bai. It is imperative to see Lin Bai.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that if he continues to let things go, Lin Bai will cause trouble again with his golden finger.

Lin Wangshu also knew the seriousness of the matter at this time, and she did not hide it.

 Hurryly, he told Xu Jinning the information he still remembered.

 Fortunately, fortunately, she still remembers all these.

Lin Wangshu soon talked about a small village under Gan City, which was the place where Lin Bai crossed over.

  also talked about what Lin Bai got by signing in after traveling through time.

Xu Jinning compared it and found that it was very different from what Zhang Changzheng told her about the disappearance case.

Those things are almost the same.

 This also further verified her previous guess.

“After leaving Hougan City, did Lin Bai come to Beijing?” Xu Jinning asked.

Lin Wangshu: "...Yes."

“After arriving in Beijing, did he get any rewards for signing in?”

 “For example...a brochure, or a book?”

Lin Wangshu had forgotten it originally, but after Xu Jinning said this, she finally remembered it.

"Yes." Lin Wangshu said immediately, "After arriving in Beijing, Lin Bai went to the Forbidden City to sign in."

 “Then I got the reward of being able to flip through a book.”

“That book records what will happen in the future.”

 “But it only takes one minute to flip through it.”

 “In a minute, the book will disappear.”

“As for how much he can remember and how many pages he can read, it all depends on Lin Bai’s ability.”

Xu Jinning:…

 Sure enough.

It seems that everything is clear.

That booklet and those future events were written by her.

Xu Jinning never expected that the plot could be connected like this.

So, everything is caused by this Lin Bai and his golden finger who signs in.

 “What happens after that?”

“Where did Lin Bai live after he came to Beijing?” “What did he do after reading this booklet?”

This time, Lin Wangshu shook his head, "I don't know."

 “When the plot reaches this point, I stopped updating.”

 The update has been discontinued, so there is no more.

 As for the development of Linbai.

Lin Wangshu doesn’t know.

“Didn’t you save the manuscript? Is it written in the saved manuscript?” Xu Jinning asked again.

Lin Wangshu still shook his head, "When I wrote this novel, it was my first time and I had no experience."

 “I don’t know how long it will take to write, and I don’t know if I will save it.”

“So I just wrote it up to this point, and I stopped updating it and didn’t save it.”

 “Have you not thought about the subsequent plot?”

Lin Wangshu still shook his head, "No."

At that time, she was really completely naked. She only thought about the plot of the day as many words as she wanted to publish that day, and she really didn’t have any notes at all.

 She did not think about the subsequent plot.

 At that time, after the break, she was thinking about how to please her stepfather.

Xu Jinning: ...Okay.

Xu Jinning and Xie Tingyu looked at each other, then frowned slightly.

 At present, they already know that those things are caused by Lin Bai and his golden fingers.

 Actually, this is already very good.

As long as you find Lin Bai.

 You can talk to Lin Bai.

“By the way, you haven’t said what Lin Bai is like yet?” Xu Jinning asked.

Lin Wangshu recalled it for a moment, and then said after careful consideration, "Lin Bai has a relatively normal outlook on life among the novels I wrote..."

At that time, although Xu Jinwen was living with her divorced mother, she was not that violent.

 At that time, her writing and outlook on life were still acceptable.

 So, at that time, the Lin Bai she created was pretty good.

“… Before time travel, Lin Bai was a freshman in college. His father was an alcoholic and violent, so his mother divorced him.”

“His mother didn’t want all the money at that time, she just asked to take little Lin Bai away.”

“After having Lin Bai, the mother and son had a difficult time in the first days.”

“Lin Bai was only a primary school student at that time.”

“His mother was uneducated and the job she found paid very low wages. In order to save more money, Lin’s mother worked as a dishwasher in a restaurant during the day and went to the night market to sell girls’ accessories and other small things at night.”

“As for Lin Bai, he attends school during the day and helps his mother set up a stall at night.”

Lin Bai knows his mother’s hard work.

 He has always been very filial.

 At a young age, he knew he wanted to help and take care of his mother.

 Because he knew that if there was no divorce, the man would not only get drunk and beat his mother like crazy, but also beat him.

 Once, he was beaten to the point of dying.

It was also that time when my mother was determined to get a divorce. Even if she had to leave the house, she would divorce him and take him away.

 He knew that if his mother had not taken him with him, he would probably be beaten to death by that man.

 So, Lin Bai knew that his mother loved him.

I also know how difficult it is for my mother.

Although he is young, he can see clearly.

 So, he is also doing his best to help his mother so that her mother will not have to work so hard.

“…Although they didn’t earn much by running a stall, the mother and son still lived in that city.”

 Later, Lin Bai went to junior high school and high school...

 That is to say, when Lin Bai was about to take the college entrance examination, Lin's mother fell ill.

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