The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Mother Zhao lowered her head, but she couldn't hold back her tears and they flowed down.

"Master, the eldest young master really doesn't have many clothes. Apart from two school uniforms, there is the clothes he wore when he came!"

Lin Guoqiang was stunned.

"How is it possible? He only has these few clothes?"

Lin Yueyi was also surprised.

Although the Lin family is not a wealthy family, it is also an upper-class family in Sucheng.

How is it possible that the children of the Lin family only have two sets of school uniforms!

She has a living allowance of 20,000 yuan every month, and the other sisters have the same standard.

Lin Haofan has more, with 30,000 yuan in pocket money every month, not to mention the various brand-name sneakers and clothes that Xu Lengshuang usually buys for him.

The first thought that came to Lin Yueyi's mind was that Lin Mo was lying, which was impossible.

"Dad, this Lin Mo must be pretending. He has money in his hands, but he doesn't spend it. His purpose is to win the sympathy of you and mom.

He is acting!"

Lin Guoqiang frowned when he heard it.

He had the same idea.

"What is this Lin Mo doing?"

Mother Zhao was stunned when she heard what the father and daughter said.

Lin Mo has money in his hands? How could he have money!

But she is a servant, and she dare not say a word if the master does not ask.

After searching for a long time, the father and daughter found nothing.

Lin Guoqiang was a little dejected.

"This Lin Mo is really going to leave the Lin family completely!

Go down and find another way!"

Lin Guoqiang left the room angrily.

Lin Yueyi also looked ugly.

What exactly does this Lin Mo want to do?

Why run away from home when he doesn't stay in the good Lin family!

Lin Yueyi glanced at the storage room and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, she saw a black bag in the corner.

"What is that?"

Lin Yueyi's heart moved.

She walked over a few steps and picked up the black plastic bag.


A doll with a broken head and some shredded paper!

"What is this?"

Lin Yueyi picked up the doll and shredded paper.

She frowned and looked at the shredded paper, then slowly put the shredded paper together.

"Happy birthday to sister Yiran, your brother Lin Mo!"

Under the text, there is a simple drawing.

The drawing is simple, but very vivid.

An older brother holding his sister's hand, walking in the sunset.

What is this?

Lin Yueyi seemed to remember something.

That was when Lin Mo had just arrived at the Lin family, and it happened to be the birthday of the third sister Lin Yiran.

That night, Lin Yiran invited many friends, and Lin Yiran was the focus of everyone's attention.

Lin Mo was also very happy, and took out the greeting card and doll in front of everyone.

Lin Yiran was furious on the spot, kicked the doll away, and tore the greeting card into pieces.

Lin Yueyi was also there that night, and she was also very angry about Lin Mo's behavior at the time.

He actually took a broken doll as a gift, and wrote a greeting card, which was really a slap in the face of the Lin family!

There seemed to be something in the corner.

Lin Yueyi touched it.

It was square, a diary.

Could it be a diary written by Lin Mo?

"Yueyi, what are you doing in there?"

Lin Guoqiang shouted outside.

Lin Yueyi's movements paused, and then she put the things back to their original place.

Lin Guoqiang returned downstairs dejectedly.

"Did you find anything?" Xu Lengshuang asked.

Lin Guoqiang shook his head.

Then he looked up at his wife.

"Lin Mo has always lived in that room?"

Xu Lengshuang was stunned and frowned, "Yes, he has always lived there!"

"That's the storage room, why not change to another one?"

Xu Lengshuang's face turned cold.

"He is so clumsy, what if he breaks something if he changes to another room!

Besides, he has always been used to living in the countryside. If he suddenly changes to a room that is too good, he will not be able to adapt, and it is easy to develop a hedonistic problem!

I am doing this for his own good!"

Xu Lengshuang spoke righteously, like a strict mother.

Lin Guoqiang did not dwell on this topic anymore.

"Now it seems that there is only one way!"

Lin Guoqiang said with a cold face.

Everyone looked at Lin Guoqiang, waiting for his next words.

"Stop his bank card, so that he will soon have no money to spend.

Then he will have to come back!"

As long as Lin Mo's financial source is cut off, he will soon be unable to hold on.

"Lao Li!"

Lin Guoqiang picked up the phone and called his housekeeper Lao Li.

"Immediately freeze all of Lin Mo's bank cards, don't touch a penny!

This rebellious son actually dared to run away from home, look at me..."

Lin Guoqiang suddenly looked stunned.


What did you say, Lin Mo doesn't have a bank card?

How is this possible!

Are you sure?

Okay, let's do this!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Guoqiang looked at Xu Lengshuang in disbelief.

"Why are you looking at me like that!" Xu Lengshuang said dissatisfiedly.

"Lao Li said that Lin Mo never had a bank card at all?

Is this true?"

Xu Lengshuang's expression did not change at all.

"Lao Li said no, then there should be no!

How can I remember such a small thing!"

"But how do you usually give Lin Mo living expenses?

You won't take cash, right?"

Lin Guoqiang asked in confusion.

Xu Lengshuang nodded, "It should be cash!"

"What? Cash? "

Not only Lin Guoqiang, but also Lin Yiran's sisters were confused.

Their daily living expenses were all transferred to their bank cards by their mother, so why did Lin Mo use cash?

And it would be so troublesome to withdraw more than 20,000 yuan in cash!

"The eldest young master's monthly living expenses are 300 yuan, all deducted from the money for buying vegetables!"

Zhao Ma spoke at this time, with confusion and helplessness in her tone.

Xu Lengshuang seemed to confirm something when she heard what Zhao Ma said.

"I remember that I told Zhao Ma that I would take out 300 yuan from the vegetable money every month for Lin Mo! "

Three hundred yuan?

When these words came out, Lin Guoqiang and others all widened their eyes.

Lin Mo's monthly living expenses are only three hundred yuan!

Lin Guoqiang thought for a long time, but didn't know what to say.

Lin Yiran was shocked for a moment, then calmed down again.

It seemed that it was natural for Lin Mo to have these living expenses.

Lin Boya's expression was indifferent, and it was hard to tell what she was thinking.

Lin Haofan held his head, still in pain.

Only Lin Yueyi had a wave of emotions in her heart at this time.

Three hundred yuan?

The Lin family's child only has three hundred yuan for living expenses per month?

If this is said out, people will laugh at it.

Three hundred yuan, how did he survive? ?

He is still in high school, and the monthly canteen food costs more than 300 yuan.

Lin Yueyi attends an aristocratic school, and the monthly food expenses are more than 10,000 yuan.

She really can't imagine how Lin Mo went to school?

Drinking plain water and eating steamed buns?

All along, she has never paid much attention to this brother who was suddenly brought back.

When they met occasionally, she just regarded him as a servant of the Lin family, almost the same as Zhao Ma.

It turned out that Lin Mo's life in the Lin family was probably worse than that of a servant.

For a moment, she seemed to understand why Lin Mo ran away from home.

Lin Guoqiang sighed heavily.

"It seems that he really has no money to spend, so he went to cheat the Zhao family!"

Thinking of Lin Mo's situation, Lin Guoqiang figured out Lin Mo's behavior.

Lin Mo was forced into a desperate situation!

"Mom, I have a headache! "

Lin Haofan's painful voice suddenly broke the silence of the living room.

Xu Lengshuang hugged Lin Haofan all of a sudden.

"Haofan, where are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you want to see a doctor?"

Lin Haofan bit his lip and said firmly, "No, Mom, I can handle it!

Maybe he's tired from the exam today!"

Xu Lengshuang then remembered that Lin Haofan had taken a whole day of exams.

"Okay, okay, don't worry about that beast anymore!

Tomorrow, ask every school, and you'll definitely find him!"

"Zhao Ma, quickly prepare some foot-washing water for Haofan. I'll take him back to his room and have a good rest! "

Lin Guoqiang had no choice but to go back to the company.

We will study ways to find Lin Mo tomorrow.

Lin Boya was anxious to go back to school and left without eating.

Lin Yiran went back to her room to apply a facial mask and watch TV series.

Lin Yueyi sat quietly in the living room for a while, then got up and went upstairs.

Lin Mo's door was ajar.

She walked in subconsciously.

Walking to the corner, she picked up the black plastic bag and the diary.

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