Lin Mo just wanted to make a joke with Xia Wan'er. But after saying this, he felt that there was some ambiguity in what he said. He scratched his head. "Hey, Sister Wan'er, I mean, I opened this store for you!" Xia Wan'er was surprised, "Opened it for me? Didn't you say you wanted to try to start a business and bought this store from Brother Xu?" "I'm starting a business, and you're the boss, this is very reasonable!" Lin Mo smiled calmly. "Lin Mo, you..." Xia Wan'er looked at him puzzled. "Sister Wan'er, don't refuse.

I have to study wholeheartedly now and have no time to manage this milk tea shop. All the work has to be done by you, Sister Wan'er.

So, all the revenue during this period belongs to you alone!"

Xia Wan'er's eyes were red.

She looked at Lin Mo and was moved.

To be honest, she really needed money.

In addition to the cost of living, she also had to take care of her sick grandmother, and the monthly medical expenses were her heaviest expense.

Lin Mo already knew about her situation and was willing to help her.

Xia Wan'er's eyes were red.

Suddenly, she opened her arms and hugged Lin Mo.

Lin Mo was smiling, and suddenly a faint fragrance surrounded him, and he was stunned for a moment.

"Lin Mo, thank you!

You are really my good brother!

I will run this shop well!"

Xia Wan'er said with a trembling voice.

Lin Mo slowly put his hand on Xia Wan'er's back, and the touch was soft.

"Sister Wan'er, I believe you, hehe!"

Two part-time students were coming out of the kitchen, and immediately went back in when they saw this scene.

Lin Mo and Xia Wan'er blushed and separated quickly.

"Well, Sister Wan'er, I'll leave this to you. I won't come here for a while!"

Xia Wan'er nodded.

"You should review well, don't forget that you are going to take the entrance exam for Tsinghua University and Peking University!"

Lin Mo made an OK gesture.

"Don't worry!"

After taking two steps, Lin Mo turned his head again.

"Sister Wan'er, if anyone from the Lin family comes again, notify me immediately.

Next time, I will definitely make them look good!"

When mentioning the Lin family, Lin Mo's gentle eyes instantly turned cold.

Xia Wan'er nodded in agreement.

Thinking about Lin Mo's life experience, Xia Wan'er couldn't help but feel a little sour.

'Brother Lin Mo, even if everyone in the world doesn't like you, give it back to me! '

At this moment, Xia Wan'er looked at Lin Mo with love in her eyes.

Lin Mo returned home.

In the next few days, Lin Mo reviewed the exam questions while planning the blueprint for the north of the city.

The milk tea shop was his test run. Based on his current experience, he is fully capable of making the milk tea shop bigger.

Even making it a national chain.

In the previous life, there was a milk tea chain that was popular all over the country.

Relying on the advantages of quality and price, even those big brands have to stand aside.

Lin Mo has already designed the future of the milk tea shop. He just needs to move forward step by step.

But compared to the milk tea shop, Lin Mo is more optimistic about the North City Ecological Park.

The concept of the ecological park is still a new concept at this time and is not recognized by many people.

But Lin Mo knows that once the ecological park is built on a large scale, the commercial reaction it causes will be at the level of nuclear fusion.

This is the most important beginning for him to build a business empire.

Lin Mo found that his brain was like a high-speed computer, and all the information from the previous life was at his disposal.

Lin Mo drew all the eco-parks in his memory of the last life, and then took advantage of their strengths and weaknesses step by step to synthesize the most perfect blueprint of the eco-park.


Lin Mo was drawing excitedly when his cell phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was a call from Zhao Chengzhou.

"Mr. Zhao, do you have something to talk to me about?"

"Haha, Mr. Lin, did I disturb your study?"

Zhao Chengzhou's hearty laughter came.

"No, Mr. Zhao, from your voice, it seems that you have something good to tell me!" Lin Mo smiled.

Zhao Chengzhou's voice rose.

"Haha, Mr. Lin, you are really good at predicting things!

There is indeed good news to tell you!

I have completed the planning of the land in the south of the city, and the location and style of the building have been roughly determined.

Guess what!

I just released the model of the building, and it was sold for 1 billion in less than a day!"

For businessmen, there is nothing more exciting than making money.

Selling 1 billion in one day, this is faster than robbing money.

Even Zhao Chengzhou, who is calm and steady, couldn't help but jump up from the armchair.

"Little friend Lin, you are bored studying at home. I will treat you to dinner tonight. You must show your respect!"

Without Lin Mo, the Zhao family would not have seized this great opportunity.

Lin Mo also knew that Zhao Chengzhou was thanking him on purpose.

If he didn't go, it would be impolite of Lin Mo.

Lin Mo quickly agreed.

In the evening, a luxury car drove to the door of Lin Mo's house.

Some neighbors poked their heads out.

They couldn't help wondering where their new neighbor came from and why luxury cars drove in every now and then.

Arrived at the skyscraper in the center of Suzhou.

There is a diamond restaurant, the tallest in the city.

The structure inside the restaurant is like a diamond.

Moreover, the restaurant is surrounded by extremely transparent glass.

Sitting inside, you can see the night view of the entire Suzhou city, which is beautiful.

However, those who can eat here are either rich or noble.

It's not that they don't receive ordinary people, but they can't afford it.

"Little friend Lin, I haven't seen you for a few days!"

Zhao Chengzhou enthusiastically took Lin Mo's hand and walked into the elevator leading to the Diamond Restaurant together.

There were also many people eating in the lobby, and these were ordinary consumers.

When they saw the special elevator open, everyone cast envious eyes.

In the Diamond Restaurant, Zhao Chengzhou took Lin Mo to sit down in an excellent position.

Lin Mo saw that there were only two of them, and he couldn't help but feel a little flattered.

"Haha, little friend Lin, you don't have to be nervous.

This dinner is specially for you.

Serve the dishes!"

The waiter immediately brought up the top ingredients one by one.

Looking at the sumptuous dinner, Lin Mo was very moved.

"Mr. Zhao, this, this is really too expensive!"

Zhao Chengzhou waved his hands.

"These can't express even one ten-thousandth of my gratitude to little friend Lin!"


Zhao Chengzhou personally poured a glass of wine for Lin Mo.

"Come on, I wish our Chengnan project a big sale!"


Lin Mo was also in a good mood, and he raised his glass and clinked it with Zhao Chengzhou.

The two of them ate for a while.

Zhao Chengzhou smiled slightly and waved his hand.

A waiter came over with a tray.

"Mr. Zhao!"

The tray was handed to Zhao Chengzhou.

A red book was placed inside.

Zhao Chengzhou picked it up and slowly slid it across the table to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo was stunned and looked at Zhao Chengzhou in confusion.

"Mr. Zhao, what is this?"

Zhao Chengzhou kept a smile on his face.

"Little friend Lin, why don't you open it and take a look yourself!"

Lin Mo put down his chopsticks and picked up the red book from the table.

There were a few words on the book.

'Property certificate! '

Lin Mo was startled and looked inside again.

A 400-square-meter single-family villa with Lin Mo's name on it.

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