After a long time, the school was in trouble.

With the money, Lin Mo rented a house near the school.

Five hundred yuan a month.

These days, Lin Mo cleaned the room and took care of his body.

Although the house is not big, it is very clean and tidy. There is no street around, which is very suitable for quiet study.

There are still three months to the college entrance examination, and every minute and every second is very precious.

Lin Mo must not waste his studies in this life, and he must do well in the exam.

After recovering a little, Lin Mo began to formulate his business plan.

Without money, nothing can be done!

The fastest way to make money is undoubtedly to use leverage to make a fortune in the stock market.

Now the stock market of Xia country is at a low point, but it won't be long before the policies from above will come down, and with the influx of a large amount of hot money, the bull market will come.

In just two years, the Xiazheng Index soared from more than 1,000 points to more than 6,000 points, which made people's scalps numb.

Countless people became rich because of this, and some even put up banners saying "It's better to speculate in stocks than to rob"!

Lin Mo decided to use this wave of dividends to get his first pot of gold.

Stock market investment requires capital. Lin Mo now has less than 4,000 yuan in his hand, which is not enough.

Lin Mo suddenly remembered something in his previous life.

A herbal medicine dealer bought a blood ganoderma from the village and took it to Sucheng to sell.

He bought it for 100 yuan and asked for 10,000 yuan, claiming that it was wild.

But no one believed it and laughed at him as a liar.

Later, by mistake, the wealthy Zhao family in Sucheng was looking for wild blood ganoderma everywhere. The herbal medicine dealer went there with the mentality of giving it a try, and ended up getting 200,000 yuan.

It seems to have happened in the past few days.

Lin Mo decided to try his luck.

There is a street in Sucheng, which mainly sells medicinal materials and mountain products, with dozens of shops on both sides.

Lin Mo walked twice and did not see anyone selling wild blood ganoderma.

This thing is extremely rare and difficult to buy in the market. Most of them are farmed and pretend to be wild.

Maybe the medicinal material dealer has not arrived yet, and he should come in a few days.

Lin Mo turned around and prepared to go back.

"Hey, Lao Zhang, where did you get the good stuff again!"

"Yes, yes, open it quickly and open everyone's eyes!"

Not far ahead, a dozen people were gathered in a circle, and there seemed to be someone inside.

Lin Mo ran over and looked inside, and his heart moved.

A tall and thin man with a pointed face was taking out a ganoderma from a gray cloth pocket.

"Today I'll let you open your eyes. This is the good stuff I collected from Changbai Mountain, wild blood ganoderma!"

The middle-aged man named Lao Zhang carefully brought out the blood ganoderma as if he was protecting a treasure.

More than a dozen people were from several nearby shops. When they heard about wild blood ganoderma, they immediately got excited.

But after a few glances, they all frowned and shook their heads.

The whole body of blood ganoderma is red, but this blood ganoderma is too red. It looks like someone deliberately painted it to make it fake.

Seeing the expressions of the crowd, Zhang Deshun immediately raised his voice.

"Hey, do you know the goods? This is the real wild blood ganoderma. I came here because I know that you guys are knowledgeable!"

"Ten thousand yuan, no bargaining, is there anyone who knows the goods?"

Zhang Deshun looked around, but the expressions on people's faces had obviously lost interest.

Some people had already turned around and left.

Zhang Deshun was anxious, "It's okay if it's cheaper!"

"I want it!"

Lin Mo stuck his head out.

Zhang Deshun frowned when he saw Lin Mo.

A teenager.

"Little kid, stop fooling around here, go to school!"

Lin Mo said seriously, "I really want to buy your blood ganoderma!"

"Young man, you better watch it carefully, don't be fooled!"

Someone kindly reminded Lin Mo.

Lin Mo smiled, his eyes always fixed on the blood ganoderma, which was his capital for turning things around.

"Do you really want to buy it? Ten thousand yuan!"

Zhang Deshun looked at Lin Mo and placed his last hope on Lin Mo.

Lin Mo smiled and raised a finger, "One thousand yuan!"

"What? One thousand yuan, I won't sell it!"

Zhang Deshun said and put the blood ganoderma back into the gray cloth bag.

"I bought it for a hundred yuan, and it's good to sell it for a thousand. People are greedy, don't be too greedy!"

Lin Mo looked at Zhang Deshun with a smile.

Zhang Deshun shuddered.

How did this guy know his asking price?

"Ahaha, Zhang Deshun, you are really ruthless. You bought it for 100 yuan and want to sell it to us for 10,000 yuan! Why don't you just rob it!"

"Zhang Deshun, are you always like this?

You cheated us, we will never buy your stuff again!"

Seeing Zhang Deshun's guilty expression, the people around him began to attack him.

Now, it is impossible for Zhang Deshun to sell at a high price!

Besides, he himself thought it was fake, how could there be such a popular wild blood ganoderma.

"Okay, one thousand yuan, I'll sell it to you!"

Lin Mo was overjoyed.

The two exchanged money and goods.

Looking at Lin Mo's back, Zhang Deshun cursed him inwardly.

One thousand yuan to buy a fake, and he was so happy, this kid must have a problem with his brain.

After earning more than nine hundred, Zhang Deshun was ready to go to some friends to drink.


Zhang Deshun received a message on his mobile phone, which was sent by a group of people in his circle.

"The Zhao family is willing to spend two hundred thousand yuan to buy wild blood ganoderma! "

Zhang Deshun was stunned at first, then smiled.

It was fake, how could it be so easy to find wild blood ganoderma.

Lin Mo came to the Zhao family villa with the memory in his mind.

He knocked on the door, and soon a man who looked like a housekeeper opened the door.

Seeing a high school student standing at the door, the housekeeper was stunned.

Lin Mo didn't beat around the bush and took out the blood ganoderma directly.

The housekeeper's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly took the blood ganoderma in and asked Lin Mo to wait at the door.

Lin Mo was not in a hurry, and waited quietly at the door.

Soon, the housekeeper looked excited. He ran back excitedly.

The wild blood ganoderma is real, and it is more than a hundred years old. It can be said to be the best wild blood ganoderma.

After expressing his gratitude, the housekeeper wanted to transfer 200,000 yuan to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo looked a little embarrassed, he didn't have a bank card.

Lin Mo asked for cash.

The housekeeper didn't ask much, and came back with a box not long after he left.

Lin Mo didn't point it either. The Zhao family is a big family, and they still have some credibility.

After finishing the work, Lin Mo was ready to leave.

Suddenly, he remembered something.

"Please tell Mr. Zhao that it's better not to take the land in the east of the city! "

The housekeeper's expression froze, and he stared at Lin Mo for a moment.

Lin Mo said nothing more and left the Zhao family villa.

The Zhao family started out in real estate, and Mr. Zhao had a unique vision and completed many large projects, making him famous.

If Lin Mo remembered correctly, there was a piece of land to be auctioned in the east of the city in the past few days.

In the previous life, the Zhao family spent a lot of money to buy it, trying to build the highest-end real estate in Sucheng and create an ecological park belonging to the Zhao family.

But the land was bought and there was no movement for two years.

When Lin Mo heard the news again, the Zhao family had gone bankrupt because of this piece of land.

Carrying a huge sum of 200,000 yuan, Lin Lin Mo went to the bank.

He applied for a bank card, and deposited all the money he had paid back to Xu Fan and Xia Wan'er, as well as some necessary living expenses.

Holding the bank card, Lin Mo felt an indescribable joy in his heart.

The next step was to invest in the stock market, so that his money could accumulate quickly like a snowball.

Lin Mo took the bus back to his house.

A fragrance floated out of the house.

Lin Mo was stunned and walked inside to take a look.

Xia Wan'er was busy in the kitchen.

Hearing the footsteps, Xia Wan'er turned around and saw that it was Lin Mo, and smiled slightly.

"Sister Wan'er? What are you doing?"

Lin Mo looked at the several freshly fried side dishes on the small wooden table in surprise, both meat and vegetables.

"Did you have a quarrel with your family? Otherwise, why would you come out to rent a house alone!"

Xia Wan'er brought the last soup and put it on the table.

Lin Mo did not answer, which was considered as tacit agreement.

"The doctor said that you are severely malnourished, and you need to supplement more.

Besides, you are going to take the college entrance examination soon, so you can't be careless about your health!

Come, eat quickly! ”

Lin Mo was touched.

This Xia Wan'er has always taken good care of herself, just like a real sister.

“Thank you, Sister Wan'er!”

Lin Mo smiled and went to serve the rice.

After the meal, Lin Mo suddenly put a stack of money in front of Xia Wan'er.

Xia Wan'er was very surprised.

A few days ago, Lin Mo borrowed money from Xu Fan to live, how could he get so much money so quickly.

“Sister Wan'er, don't worry, I didn't steal or rob!

I got it by luck!

This is 40,000 yuan, 10,000 for you, and 30,000 for Brother Xu!

I said it would be ten times more! "

Xia Wan'er was so shocked that she didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

He actually did it.

Sucheng, a tavern.

Zhang Deshun was chatting with a few friends who also collected mountain products.

They were chatting happily when someone suddenly received a message.

"Hey, guys, someone got there first and found wild blood ganoderma!

The Zhao family really kept their word and gave that person 200,000!"

"Is it true? 200,000? My God, who is so lucky!"

"I heard it was a

High school student, it happened this afternoon!"

Zhang Deshun, who was drinking, was shocked.

"What did you say? Who found wild blood ganoderma!"

Zhang Deshun came over with his eyes wide open.

The man handed over his cell phone.

"Look, inside information, a boy who looks like a high school student found wild blood ganoderma and got 200,000 yuan.

Tell me, what kind of luck is this kid? It's just dog shit luck!

Hey, Deshun, what's wrong with you, Deshun, wake up!"

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