The father's father was very happy, and he was very happy.

This moving scene made everyone present cry.

What a good father!

In order to save his son, he would rather go to jail.



Lin Boya and Lin Yueyi each hugged Lin Guoqiang's arm and cried bitterly.

Officer Liu sighed heavily.

He helped Lin Guoqiang up with force.

Lin Guoqiang wanted to kneel again, but he was not as strong as Officer Liu.

"You don't have to beg me here, the method you said is impossible to achieve!

Whoever made the mistake should bear the responsibility!

No one can replace it!

You should go back and stop making trouble here.

Don't you see how bad the impact is!

Besides, this will only aggravate Lin Mo's crime!"

In order to drive away Lin Guoqiang and his daughter, Officer Liu had to use the method of intimidation.

This last sentence really worked.

Lin Guoqiang was dumbfounded when he heard it.

"Is it really impossible?"

Officer Liu shook his head, "It's really impossible!"

Lin Guoqiang's face was full of disappointment.

He looked up at Officer Liu, his eyes full of begging.

"Then can you let Lin Mo come out to see me once, just once!

Officer, please satisfy the last request of a father!"


Officer Liu was very embarrassed.

As a police officer, he was not allowed to give this green light.

But as a father, he could understand Lin Guoqiang's feelings at this time.

"Okay, I'll bring Lin Mo out. We can only meet once, and the time is very short!"

Officer Liu agreed.

Lin Guoqiang's eyes lit up and he thanked him repeatedly.

"Thank you, officer, thank you, officer!"

Lin Yueyi and Lin Boya were also very happy.

They were very worried about Lin Mo's current situation.

Back in the interrogation room, Officer Liu stared at Lin Mo unhappily.

The more he looked at Lin Mo, the more he disliked him.

"Your father wants to see you!"

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows.

"I have nothing to see him!

He hurt me so badly, why should I go to see him!"


Officer Liu punched the table in front of Lin Mo, furious.

"Lin Mo, you really disappoint me.

I thought you were a good kid, but now I see that your character is really too low."

Lin Mo also stood up and looked at Officer Liu.

"Officer Liu, are you attacking me personally?"

Seeing Lin Mo looking at him, Officer Liu got even angrier.

Just as he was about to lose his temper, the police officer next to him immediately stepped forward to dissuade him.

Officer Liu realized that what he was doing was inappropriate, so he calmed down.

"I have promised your father that I will allow you to meet.

Lin Mo, you'd better go see him once.

Maybe this is the last time you and he can meet freely."

Lin Mo could tell that Officer Liu meant that he would be sentenced soon and would never be free again.


Lin Mo's phone vibrated.

It was Liu Qiang calling!

Lin Mo quickly picked up the phone.

Before Lin Mo could speak, Officer Liu snatched the phone away.

"You are a suspect now, and everything you say will be used as evidence in court!"

Lin Mo smiled coldly and did not respond.

The phone was turned on speaker, Officer Liu stared at Lin Mo and handed the phone to Lin Mo's mouth.

"Mr. Lin!"

Liu Qiang's voice came from the phone.

"Have you checked everything?" Lin Mo asked immediately.

"Mr. Lin, we have checked everything. Those people's accounts have suddenly received a huge amount of money in the recent period!

Although the money came from different banks, there are some clues that prove that it was all done by the same person!"

Lin Mo smiled.

"Good, very good!"

"Mr. Lin, I have seen the things. They were all done by Lin Guoqiang. I will transfer those videos to you now!"

Lin Mo glanced at Officer Liu and smiled faintly.

"Brother Qiang, I am not convenient now. Don't send it to me. Send it directly!

Let everyone see who is behind it!"

Liu Qiang paused. He understood what Lin Mo meant.

"Okay, I'll do it right away!"

Beep beep!

The phone was hung up.

Officer Liu grabbed Lin Mo's collar.

"What code words did you say just now? Are you trying to play tricks again?

Who is this Brother Qiang? Is he also your accomplice?"

Lin Mo pried Officer Liu's hands apart.

"Officer Liu, your imagination is too rich!

Let's go, isn't Lin Guoqiang waiting for me outside?

I want to see him now too!

Today, I think it's either me or him who will go to hell!"

Lin Mo pushed Officer Liu in front of him away and strode out of the interrogation room.

Officer Liu gritted his teeth in anger.

He had to make Lin Mo's case an ironclad case.

If such a person stays in society, he will definitely be a scourge, and the smarter he is, the greater the harm to society.

When Lin Mo walked out, everyone's eyes instantly gathered around him.

In just less than ten minutes, many media people were attracted.

There were even some media that were doing live broadcasts on the Internet, sneaking into the crowd and conducting secret live broadcasts.

Lin Mo glanced and saw those sneaky people.

He curled his lips slightly.

This time, he hoped that the more people, the better, and the more people who paid attention, the better.

Lin Guoqiang, you can no longer wear your hypocritical mask this time.

"Lin Mo, my child! "

Seeing Lin Mo coming out, Lin Guoqiang rushed up first, hugged Lin Mo and burst into tears.

Lin Boya and Lin Yueyi also ran over and hugged Lin Mo.

Lin Mo seemed very cooperative this time, without refusing or going all out.

He wanted to cooperate with Lin Guoqiang's family, play this scene well, and push everyone's emotions to the highest point.

"Lin Guoqiang, what are you doing here?" Lin Mo looked reluctant.

Lin Guoqiang wiped his tears, grabbed Lin Mo's shoulders and looked at him carefully, as if he would never see him again if he didn't look at him again.

"Lin Mo, you are my child. If something happens to you, how can your father not come to see you!

Although you don't want to recognize me as your father, I can't not recognize you!

Even a tiger won't eat its own cubs!"

Lin Yueyi wiped her tears.

"Brother Lin Mo, Dad regretted it so much after knowing about you.

Dad said that if he hadn't let you run away from home, you wouldn't have been used by the Su and Zhao families, and you wouldn't be what you are now!"

Lin Boya pinched Lin Mo hard, and Lin Mo frowned.

"Brother Lin Mo, you are the first in the city's joint exam!

You are so smart, how could you be fooled by the Su and Zhao families!

If you go to jail, what will happen to our family?"

The three of them expressed their regret for Lin Mo and their deep helplessness.

Looking at the emotional performance of the three, Lin Mo felt sick.

However, for the effect, Lin Mo decided to cooperate with them.

Lin Mo's eyes gradually turned red.

"You, you still care about me?"

Lin Guoqiang and the other two were shocked when they heard Lin Mo's words.

Is Lin Mo willing to recognize them?

"Lin Mo, my child!"

"Brother Lin Mo!"

"Brother Lin Mo! ”

“You will always be a member of my Lin family, and you are the son of Lin Guoqiang. How can I not care about you!”

“Brother Lin Mo, you are our best brother. We will always love you!”

The four people hugged each other.

The people around them kept shaking their heads.

Blood is thicker than water!

We are all Lin family members. No matter what barriers or grudges there are between us, we will love each other in the end.

Some people couldn't help but wipe their tears.


At this moment, everyone received a video message on their mobile phones.

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