After watching the video, Lin Boya seemed to have lost all her strength and sat down on the ground with a thud.

Lin Yueyi immediately stepped forward.

"Boya, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Lin Boya's eyes were filled with tears.

"Why, why, why?"

She almost shouted these three times.

Lin Yueyi was even more confused by her three shouts.

"Boya, have you been under too much pressure from studying recently and have a physical problem?"

Lin Yueyi thought that Lin Boya was too tired from studying, and what happened just now made her lose her energy all of a sudden.

But Lin Boya kept shaking her head.

"Sister, look, look!

Look, what did Dad do!"

Lin Boya handed the phone to Lin Yueyi.

Lin Yueyi took the phone with a puzzled look on her face, and then clicked on a video.

In the video, a man in plain clothes was digging in a yard.

Obviously, he wanted to dig a pit.

Lin Yueyi's eyes suddenly widened.

This man was none other than her father, Lin Guoqiang.

She couldn't help but tremble.

What was Dad doing digging a pit in the yard?

Suddenly, Lin Yueyi recognized this yard.

Isn't this the yard of the private house rented by Brother Lin Mo?

Why did Dad go there?

The video automatically fast-forwarded, and Lin Guoqiang took out a bag from behind.

He slowly lifted the bag and put it in the pit he had just dug.

This bag!

This yard!

This pit!

Lin Yueyi suddenly felt an electric shock all over her body, and a tingling sensation made her sit on the ground.

Isn't this the evidence that Lin Moge robbed the jewelry store?

But, all of this was planted by my father in advance!

Oh my God!

Lin Yueyi felt dizzy!

If this video is true, then it was not Lin Moge who robbed the jewelry store, but my father Lin Guoqiang.

Moreover, my father Lin Guoqiang buried the stolen goods in Lin Moge's yard, and when someone checked Lin Moge's house, they would easily dig out the jewelry.

Lin Yueyi didn't believe it at all, and this conspiracy was all done by her father.


Lin Yueyi cried out.

At this time, Lin Guoqiang's face had turned into dust.

If it weren't for the two police officers behind him, he would have fallen to the ground.

He also saw it when Lin Yueyi watched the video just now.

That familiar scene made him feel like he was struck by lightning.

He kept roaring in his heart, how could this be possible, how could a camera record this scene.

This is simply unbelievable.

The two daughters looked at him with complicated eyes.

"Dad, is this true?

Did you do all this?"

Lin Yueyi kept asking questions.

But Lin Guoqiang couldn't answer a word.

Lin Boya stared at Lin Guoqiang angrily.

"Dad, I really misjudged you.

I thought you loved Brother Lin Mo, I thought you were the best father in the world!

But what did you do!

You pushed Brother Lin Mo to the cliff!

You, you are simply a beast!"

Lin Boya squatted on the ground and cried bitterly.

This blow was too great for her.

A father she had admired for more than ten years actually did such a heartless thing, and her faith collapsed instantly.

Lin Guoqiang's face became more and more ugly, and his body kept shaking.

Lin Mo walked over.

"Lin Guoqiang, are you done?"

Lin Guoqiang was furious when he saw Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo, you, you bastard, how could you secretly take a photo of me!?"

Lin Guoqiang was like a vicious dog that wanted to bite people, and he wanted to rush towards Lin Mo desperately.

The police station staff held him tightly.

Lin Mo's eyes were bloodshot, and his teeth were clenched.

"Lin Guoqiang, I really didn't expect you to do such a thing!

You still have a little humanity!

Just now, you said hypocritically that even a tiger won't eat its own cubs. This is your tiger won't eat its own cubs!

Haha, it's really ridiculous!"

Lin Mo paused and continued, "Lin Guoqiang, you think you are very smart! But the smarter you are, the easier it is to reveal your true colors!"

"Lin Guoqiang, after you secretly installed a signal blocker on me, I knew you had bad intentions, so I was 120% more careful with you!

You are surprised, why is there this video?

To tell you the truth, I have installed video surveillance in that yard, which can be 360 ​​degrees without death

Monitor every corner of the yard!

When I learned that the jewels were found in my yard, I guessed that it was you who did it.

I immediately asked someone to check the surveillance and put your actions on the Internet!

Now, the whole Internet must have seen you burying the jewels! "


Lin Guoqiang felt dizzy and almost fell down.

It turned out that he fell into Lin Mo's trap.

"Lin Mo, you, you are so vicious!"

Lin Guoqiang gritted his teeth and glared at Lin Mo.

If there was no video, Lin Mo's crime would basically be a foregone conclusion.

By then, Lin Mo would go to jail.

And the Su family and the Zhao family would be seriously injured, and their reputation would plummet.

I could become the new business lord of Sucheng and the new king of Sucheng.

But now, all this has become a bubble.

Lin Mo glared at Lin Guoqiang.

"I am vicious?

Lin Guoqiang, at this time, you are still so ignorant of right and wrong, full of nonsense!

You are really hopeless!

Go inside and reflect on yourself! "

Upon hearing this, Lin Guoqiang shuddered violently.

"I, I won't go to jail!

You are delusional, I have a lawyer, I have the best lawyer.

I won't go to jail!"

Lin Guoqiang exerted all his strength to break free from the restraints of the police station personnel.

Lin Mo laughed up to the sky.

"Lin Guoqiang, you don't understand the law, or you are too naive!

Do you know what crime you have committed?

Theft from a jewelry store, a huge amount.

Framed me, almost put me in jail!

These two crimes are enough to keep you in jail for life!"

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Lin Guoqiang's breathing became rapid, and cold sweat could not stop flowing down.

"Lin Mo, please let me go, please let me go!

I am your father!

You can't do this to me, you can't!

I don't want to go to jail, I can't go to jail!

The Lin family can't live without me!

Without me, the Lin family is finished. "

Lin Guoqiang pleaded, his legs softened, as if he was about to kneel down to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo looked at him coldly, without a trace of emotion on his face.

Silence, silence for a long time.

No one spoke in the entire police station hall.

All around him were staring at him.

Even his two daughters kept their distance from him, as if they didn't know him.

Lin Guoqiang felt like he was falling into an ice cave.

He cried with a wow.

"I was framed, I was used.

I didn't steal from the jewelry store, that was all given to me by him.

He asked me to frame Lin Mo.

He said he would make me the king of Sucheng and let me get everything I wanted.

Now, I don't want it all, I don't want it!

Woo woo woo..."

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough, there was someone behind him.

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