A skinny cheetah, on the verge of death, decided to give it a go and attack the vampire who had killed his wife and children...

In a hurry, Lin Tai, who should have discovered the clues, gave Cheetah an opportunity to take advantage of it. This was his negligence.

Although the vampires are powerful, their defense is average.

Without the thick skin and fleshy bodies of wild beasts, they can only rely on their agility to avoid all kinds of harm.

Under normal circumstances, at the speed of the vampires, the ferocious beasts would never be able to get close, let alone cause damage.

Lin Tai's eyes narrowed slightly. The cheetah hit by the energy ball was completely dead, with blood and residual limbs spurting all over the place.

Regarding the attack just now, the cheetah itself did not want to survive. It was like a death squad, trying to use its last strength to give the enemy a hard blow.

Originally, there were many cheetahs in Silver Moon Mountain, but due to the purges of the Vampire Clan, the number was much reduced, and the balance among the creatures was broken.

The number of the population has decreased, and the cheetahs' hunting operations have encountered obstacles at every turn.

Grizzlies, which in the past could be surrounded and suppressed by virtue of their numerical superiority, are no longer opponents.

Moreover, the cheetah will be besieged by other ferocious beasts, and the situation will become increasingly difficult...

Desperate, the cheetah decides to take revenge.

Unfortunately, it is still too weak.

Although the attack was unexpected enough, it still failed to kill him.

The wound on Su Zhe's back ached faintly, and as blood energy continued to surge, the pain of the wound weakened.

But I don’t know why, the speed of wound healing seems to be much slower... Even the healing of blood energy is somewhat ineffective?

If blood energy is forcibly used to heal the wound, it may make the wound heal much faster, but it will definitely consume a lot of blood energy.

Su Zhe is still a first-level vampire and doesn't have much blood energy.

In addition, this wound is extremely weird and the healing effect is not good. Even if all the blood energy is used to heal the wound, it may not have a particularly good effect.

After a moment of daze, Lin Shiqing gradually came back to her senses. She looked at Su Zhe, who had a somewhat painful look on his face, and quickly approached him.

"What’s wrong with you?"

The next moment, she saw the bloody wound on Su Zhe's back. She was shocked and distressed.

"Su Zhe, why are you so stupid?"

In order to protect her, Su Zhe threw her to the ground and was seriously injured.

Seeing his white hair again, Lin Shiqing felt even more uncomfortable.

Su Zhe has saved himself twice.

In a panic, she quickly activated her blood energy and began to treat Su Zhe's injuries.

Bloody red light shone in the mountains and forests, and the rest of the tribe looked shocked. They looked at the scene in front of them, somewhat puzzled.

It's just a blood slave. Why does Lin Shiqing care so much? So what if the blood slave dies? As long as you can ensure your own safety, that's fine.

In their eyes, the blood servant is like an object.

And for an object, there should be no emotion at all.

Su Zhe looked at the anxious-looking girl under the glow of blood and smiled slightly:

"It's okay, just some skin injuries."

"There is no intact skin left on the entire back, and there is still trauma, please stop coming!"

As Lin Shiqing spoke, she activated her blood energy quickly, hoping to help Su Zhe heal his injuries quickly.

Lin Tai came over at this time.

"That cheetah is not an ordinary cheetah, but a mutated entity.

The toxins contained in its claws will corrode the wounds to a certain extent, making healing difficult. "

Just as Lin Tai said, when Lin Shiqing tried to heal the wound, she discovered that blood could adhere to the wound, but the healing progress always stalled.

“The wound is so deep that you can see the bone, and it may be difficult to recover as before.

Xiaoqing, why don't you just leave him here? When you get a human for the first time in the future, blood servants will be everywhere, and spending resources to heal him will outweigh the gain. "

Lin Shiqing frowned after hearing Lin Tai's words.

"Uncle Tai, what are you talking about? It was Su Zhe who saved my life just now, but you asked me to leave him here and let him be eaten by ferocious beasts?"

Su Zhe's face also turned cold for a moment. He suddenly realized that what he had thought before was still too simple. Going deep into the tiger's den would not be so easy.

Although the tribesmen would not attack him blatantly, with the variable existence of ferocious beasts, they could use their swords to kill people.

For example, in the current situation, if he is seriously injured and no help is given to him, he can report to hell and reopen directly.

Fortunately, Lin Shiqing absolutely protected him and prevented him from falling into a deadlock.

Lin Tai looked at Lin Shiqing helplessly. In his eyes, the blood servant was just a pawn and should be discarded decisively when necessary to stop losses in time.

The next moment, Lin Shiqing squatted down with her back facing Su Zhe.

"Climb up, I will carry you back to your clan, and I will ask my father to heal you. Don't worry, I will make sure you are well."

Hearing Lin Shiqing's words, Su Zhe felt warm in his heart.

Lin Shiqing was his greatest confidence to get involved in this.


Su Zhe only injured his back and was not completely incapacitated. He slowly climbed onto Lin Shiqing's back.

Lin Shiqing picked up her legs, and a man who was over 1.8 meters tall was firmly carried on the back of a young girl.

Why is there an inexplicable thing on my back and it's still a little tingly?

A blush flashed across Lin Shiqing's face. She guessed what the thing was and felt relieved.

It's just something that every boy has. Now is not the time to be embarrassed...

Now her only goal is to bring Su Zhe to the tribe as soon as possible so that her father can treat him.

His father is a baron. His blood is thick and condensed, and has more powerful healing ability. He will definitely be able to help Su Zhe recover as before.

Looking at Lin Shiqing's stubborn figure, Lin Tai didn't know what to do.

Forget it, let Shaohua handle this matter.

This is my brother's family matter, and it is not convenient for me to interfere.

After this episode, the group of ten people set off again.

Lin Shiqing was physically strong, so it was quite easy to carry Su Zhe on her back.

Her steps were shallow and deep, revealing a hint of impatience.

"Uncle Tai, can you hurry up?"

Lin Shiqing urged.

"Let's return to our clan quickly. Su Zhe's injury cannot be delayed."

Lin Tai glanced at Su Zhe with complicated eyes. It seemed that his niece was really passionate about this blood servant.

After sighing, he agreed to Lin Shiqing's request.

Turning his head, Lin Tai shouted to the remaining tribesmen:

"Everyone, hurry up and try to arrive at the clan area at half past ten!"

Speeding up the pace, Lin Shiqing felt slightly relieved amidst the bumps.

Su Zhe, on the other hand, was still thinking about how to heal the wound. He tried to guide the blood energy in the blood pill to his back, but the wound healing effect was very average, with little effect.

If this continues, the edges of his wounds will also be implicated, and the intact skin will become ulcerated.

"Su Zhe, don't worry. My father is very strong. He will definitely be able to cure you. Don't worry."

Lin Shiqing said firmly.

"No matter what, I won't let anything happen to you."

"I know." Su Zhe agreed softly.

After more than half an hour's journey, Su Zhe's sight gradually settled on a building in the distance.

That's... clan land?

The architectural style combines the East and the West, with both the eastern courtyard made of rubble bricks and the western castle spire. There is a towering wall on the outside that tightly wraps the entire clan.

Under the heavy darkness of night, it was like a mirage, which did not reflect the surrounding environment and did not look like a real thing.

Little lights turned on, and the surroundings became much brighter.

The clan land is like a city, more like a giant beast, entrenched in the basin between the mountains.

"We're almost there. Have you seen the lights? That's where the clan is." Lin Shiqing introduced Su Zhe.

"It's spectacular." Su Zhe sighed.

He has been to the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and many places of interest, but compared with the Lin clan land in front of him, he felt that something was missing.

The architecture here is natural, revealing a sense of craftsmanship and majesty, with a unique sense of heaviness.

Perhaps it is because the existing scenic spots and historic sites in the country have not existed as long as the Lin clan land.

The gate of the tribe was open, and there were two sentry towers next to it. They had already noticed Lin Tai and his party.

Lin Tai waved to say hello to the vampire on duty in the sentry tower, and then walked into the clan with a group of people behind him.

In the center of the clan is an avenue through which one can go to all corners of the clan. It is like the trunk of a tree, surrounded by veins.

"Brother Tai, let's go."

"Brother Tai, goodbye."


The other vampires on this trip waved goodbye to Lin Tai, then left and went home.

Only Lin Tai and Lin Shiqing, who was carrying Su Zhe, were left.

The three of them went to Lin Shiqing's home together.

Lin Shiqing's house is a Western-style castle with three floors located in the southwest.

Being able to live in the old castle is enough to show that Lin Shiqing's lineage is relatively prominent in the entire Lin family.

Lin Shaohua was waiting for his daughter at the door early in the morning, and the blood servant who had deceived his daughter into being fascinated.

Lin Wen stood on his left side, looking worried.

Judging from the husband's expression, he must be angry.

At home, the couple get along very well, but the main affairs at home are still handled by Su Shaohua.

Lin Wen is mainly responsible for the housework at home, as well as some daily small things.

She wanted to persuade her husband not to be so angry, but she hesitated several times.

She has been married to her husband for three hundred years, and she is very familiar with her husband's temper.

If he is really angry, no matter who tries to persuade him, it will be useless.

In the distance, two figures appeared, and Lin Shaohua, who was standing at the door, suddenly became energetic.

Why is my daughter carrying someone on her back?

Looking carefully, he saw that it was a young man with white hair.

Could it be that this young man is the blood slave Lin Tai talks about?

His daughter is carrying a blood slave?

I haven't even asked my daughter to carry her, so why should this blood slave do it?

The anger in Lin Shaohua's heart became even stronger, and his face became very ugly.

Lin Tai stepped forward first and pulled Lin Shaohua aside.

"Shaohua, something unexpected happened just now. This is what happened..."

In his words, he explained all the situations he had just encountered.

The anger in Lin Shaohua's heart slowly melted away.

It turns out that this blood servant was seriously injured while protecting his daughter, so her daughter kept carrying him.

I originally thought he was a sweet-talking human being, but I didn't expect that in critical moments, he would do anything to protect his daughter.

This can't help but make Lin Shaohua's impression of Su Zhe greatly changed.

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