"Let me open it for you." Lin Shiqing took the blood-tempering potion from Su Zhe's hand.

Opening the lid of the potion, a burst of blood quickly poured out.

Su Zhe took a breath and suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of comfort.

After the blood was sucked into his body, it nourished his body.

Just one breath can have such an effect. If you drink it into your body, the effect should be stronger, right?

Lin Shiqing brought the blood-tempering potion to Su Zhe's mouth, and suddenly an idea flashed across her face.

Changing her tone to a soft tone, she comforted him: "Da Lang, take the medicine."

Su Zhe looked at Lin Shiqing in confusion.

? ? ?

Did he hear it correctly? !

"Da Lang, drink up quickly." Lin Shiqing couldn't hold herself any longer.

Su Zhe had a dark look on his face.

This guy must have watched some messy short video again.

He raised his hand to give her a blow.

But after thinking about it, this is my girlfriend, what should I do if she runs away?

Forget it, let’s not fight.

Su Zhe pinched Lin Shiqing's ears and said, "Stop watching short videos from now on. See what you have learned."

Lin Shiqing said, "I just think it's fun."

Lin Shiqing became different from before, and there was still a little bit of reflection.

That is, now he is even better at playing tricks and joking.

This is quite good, at least it makes contact with her a lot easier.

Su Zhe raised his hand and drank the blood-tempering potion in one gulp.

My body felt hot for a moment, lasting for more than a minute, and there was a fire burning in my belly.

The body made a few soft noises.

Then there was no feeling at all.


Su Zhe waited for a minute or two, but found that the effect of the medicine seemed to have ended.

Looking up at his attribute points, he found that his attributes had only increased by ten points.

[Host: Su Zhe]

【Power: 132】

【Spirit: 134】

【Speed: 133】

【Defense: 130】

[Skills: Time Stop (Elementary), Transformation into Vampire, Blood Devouring]

No wonder I don't feel anything big.

If this attribute point increases by ten points, he usually won't have any particularly serious reaction.

Only when it suddenly increases by twenty points, or even more, will he feel more painful and have to go through the process of pore discharge.

Lin Shiqing was also a little surprised.

"Have you finished your promotion?"

Su Zhe nodded: "Indeed..."

Lin Shiqing's eyes widened: "So fast!"

"Maybe it's because I've done so many lifts before that my body is used to it, so the reaction isn't that big," Su Zhe explained.

"How much have your attribute points increased?"

"Ten points." Su Zhe replied, "My current average attribute value has exceeded 130. This is surprising. I am now only twenty points away from being able to advance to the fourth level and become the last vampire."

Every level of 50, when the average value exceeds 150, it is the fourth level vampire.

"Your strength is about to catch up with mine." Lin Shiqing couldn't believe it.

"I have a question to ask you. How is your realm progressing now that you are sucking my blood?" Su Zhe asked, "Is it fast to break through the realm? In other words, when will you become a fifth-level vampire?"

He was a little worried about one thing, that is, his strength was developing rapidly, but Lin Shiqing was left behind.

That's not good.

He prefers that the two of them break through the realm together and maintain a relatively balanced state.

"...I can't tell you this very accurately, but with your current blood quality, it will take at least a month or two for me to reach the next small realm."

"So slow." Su Zhe held his head.

"Brother, this is not slow at all. If I were allowed to practice by myself, it would take me at least several years, or even more than ten years." Lin Shiqing said speechlessly, "You think the realm is like Chinese cabbage! "

Su Zhe was stunned.

In fact, it was because he broke through the realm too quickly that he had this illusion.

It is very difficult for ordinary vampires to improve their strength.

The curtains were opened at this time, and the moonlight shone in the room.

Lin Shiqing's body exuded a faint white glow.

This is the power contained in her absorption of moonlight.

In addition to sucking blood, vampires can also improve their strength by bathing in moonlight.

This is also the reason why Lin Shiqing's curtains must be opened at night.

Unless it is cloudy, the curtains will not be closed as long as there is moonlight.

When vampires are exposed to moonlight, they can increase their strength.

But this increase in strength is actually a bit small, and can only be accumulated over many years.

Su Zhe himself is human, so he is not enthusiastic about the act of bathing in the moonlight.

But according to Lin Shiqing, vampires have a natural affinity for the moonlight.

When the moonlight covers your body, you will feel extremely peaceful.

Moonlight is essentially the refraction of sunlight. Why do vampires hate sunlight but like moonlight?

This is a question worth thinking about.

Perhaps it is because the wavelengths of moonlight and sunlight are different, so moonlight has a certain mutation, and it is more favored by nocturnal ethnic groups such as the Vampires.

The two slowly got on the bed, hugging each other.

Vampires will only enter the coffin when they are sleeping or during the day.

You want to bathe in the moonlight at night, so sleeping in bed is the most suitable.

Lin Shiqing's body was soft, with a faint fragrance, and her hair rested on the tip of Su Zhe's nose.

During the kiss, Su Zhe hugged her neck.

Lin Shiqing's head rested on Su Zhe's shoulder.

They enjoyed the silence of the moment.

Um, ah, hum...


A quick groan broke the silence of the night.

Su Zhe and Lin Shiqing were instantly confused.

And the body became stiff.

Is it Lin Shaohua and his wife who are carrying out a campaign to breed a new blood clan? !

One cannot, or at least should not...

Logically speaking, there were several walls between them and they were still far away, so they shouldn't have heard it.

But the bad thing is that they are vampires and have very keen hearing.

Su Zhe realized when he looked at Lin Shiqing.

It was time to install thick soundproof walls in his and Lin Shiqing's house.

Otherwise, what should they do if they do something bad and Lin Shaohua and his wife hear the news?

At the same time, he also avoided hearing the indescribable voices of his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Su Zhe didn't have any messy habits. He would only feel ashamed when he heard this kind of voice.

In order to prevent their voices from reaching the ears of Lin Shaohua and his wife and causing their pregnancy plan to fail, Su Zhe and Lin Shiqing took out their mobile phones in tacit understanding.

Su Zhe: Your parents have a really good relationship. They have a really good relationship.

Lin Shiqing: It’s really strange. They never did this before. Why so often recently...

I still remember the night when Su Zhe and her established their relationship a few days ago.

We bumped into each other once, on the sofa in the living room.

Su Zhe: Maybe I want to give you a younger brother or sister.

Lin Shiqing: Really? I'm really looking forward to it.

Su Zhe: It’s just that you vampires have been giving birth for too long. It can take more than ten or twenty years. If you want to see them, it will take a long, long time.

Lin Shiqing: That’s true, there’s no way.

After a pause, she continued to send a message: If I am reborn in the next life, I will still be a human being.

Su Zhe turned his head and looked at Lin Shiqing's side face, expressing doubts.

Typing: Why? Why would you want to be human when vampires have so long to live and so much power?

Lin Shiqing: Living too long is not necessarily a good thing. In fact, it is better to spend your life like a human being and experience a rich and colorful life in a few decades.

As time goes by, life becomes boring and empty.

Su Zhe suddenly understood.

Maybe this is the siege.

Human beings want to pursue immortality and hope to never grow old.

However, the vampires find immortality boring and boring, and hope to experience a limited life.

People outside the city want to go in, and people in the city want to go out.

When you are really in the other person's situation, you will feel that this is not as good as you thought.

Everything has two sides.

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