The two of them were buried in the tomb, and the two were buried in the tomb.

Yin Jiuyou looked at his good disciple Chen Taiping in front of him, and whispered: "You kid don't really think that this Yuanying late-stage alchemy furnace and the Yuanying-level spiritual plant original species are so easy to get, right?"

Chen Taiping said: "Old Deng, do you mean that the people from Qingfeng Mountain will take action?"

Yin Jiuyou said: "In this Qingfeng Mountain, perhaps the people from Qingfeng Mountain will be cautious and not take action against you, but if you leave Qingfeng Mountain and something unexpected happens..."

"As a result, the alchemy furnace and the Yuanying-level spiritual plant original species in your hand are lost."

"This kind of thing is hard to say."

Listening to these words, Chen Taiping couldn't help but be silent.

At this moment, Jiang Tai, who was standing next to Chen Taiping, showed a somewhat shocked expression. He seemed to be a little surprised that things would develop to this point. He did not expect that the people of Qingfeng Mountain would be so insidious. However, if you think about it carefully, it seems to be more reasonable. After all... That is a late-stage Yuanying-level alchemy furnace and a Yuanying-level spiritual plant. Qingfeng Mountain prepared these things for its own people. But now, things are beyond the expectations of the people in Qingfeng Mountain. Chen Taiping, the alchemist trained by Daofu Sect, won the first place in the young generation of alchemists. Under such circumstances, the people of Qingfeng Mountain want to take these things back. This is also unexpected, but reasonable. "The Sect Master and the Deputy Sect Master..." Chen Taiping said in a low voice. However, Yin Jiuyou was not worried about this at all. "Don't worry, no one who can survive in these millions of mountains and climb to the current status is stupid."

"When the sect master and the deputy sect master see that the situation is not right, they will naturally run away on their own."

"Besides, the original species of the Nascent Soul-level spiritual plant and the alchemy furnace are in our hands."

"If we run away, what's the point of the people of Qingfeng Mountain taking action against the sect master and the deputy sect master?"

After Yin Jiuyou's voice fell.

Chen Taiping immediately stood up and looked out of the room quietly.

Until he realized that there was no one outside the room.

He then said to Lao Deng Yin Jiuyou seriously and solemnly: "In this case, if you don't run now, when will you run?"

Yin Jiuyou packed up a little, and then quietly opened the door.

Walked quietly out of the room.

Jiang Tai followed behind the two at this time.

However, unlike Chen Taiping and Yin Jiuyou, Jiang Tai had an irrepressible smile on his face at this moment: "Exciting, really exciting..."

"I just don't know if the people in Qingfeng Mountain will know about this."

"Forget it, who cares."

"If it doesn't work, I'll just take out a Yuanying-level humanoid puppet. Isn't it easy to run away?"

Jiang Tai thought silently in his heart.

So, under the plan of the three people.

Soon they came to an area outside Qingfeng Mountain.

Taking a small floating boat, they quickly sailed towards the direction of Daofu Sect outside Qingfeng Mountain.


At this time, it was late at night.

A bright crescent moon hung high in the sky.

This land was also covered with a silver-white coat.

Qingfeng Mountain, outside a hall.

At this time, Zhang He, the current great elder of Qingfeng Mountain, was looking up at the sky with his hands behind his back.

His eyes were quite deep and a little helpless.

He lost. Qingfeng Mountain was completely defeated this time.

In the young generation of alchemists competition, let alone the top three, even the top five...

There was not a single young alchemist from Qingfeng Mountain.

In this situation, how could Zhang He, the current great elder of Qingfeng Mountain, accept it?

And the most unacceptable thing for Zhang He was...

This time, Qingfeng Mountain not only paid a lot of resources and three Yuanying-level alchemy furnaces.

There were also the Yuanying-level spiritual plant original seeds that Qingfeng Mountain spent countless resources on.

He gave them all, a seed.

You know, even in Qingfeng Mountain, there are only three varieties of spiritual plants like this kind of Yuanying-level spiritual plant original seeds that have been cultivated.

If you talk about it in a small way, the matter seems

It doesn't seem that serious.

But if it is, let's talk about it in a big way.

Such an outflow of the original species of the Nascent Soul-level spiritual plants will most likely cause the original species of the Nascent Soul-level spiritual plants monopolized by Qingfeng Mountain to be reduced from three to two.

In this way, the future income of Qingfeng Mountain will be greatly reduced.

"Grand Elder."

Suddenly, Xu Yi, who was dressed in white and was the leader of the young generation of alchemists in Qingfeng Mountain, appeared behind Zhang He, the Grand Elder of Qingfeng Mountain.

"What's wrong?"

Zhang He didn't look back, he still looked up at the starry sky.

Xu Yi was silent for a moment, and then he whispered: "Grand Elder, the loss of the alchemy furnace is lost, but the original species of the Nascent Soul-level spiritual plants... Grand Elder, you should still make plans early."

Zhang He listened to this, and he couldn't help but be silent.

He thought for a long time, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

A cold look flashed across his narrowed eyes.

Yes, Xu Yi was right.

The Yuanying-level alchemy furnace is lost, so is it.

This kind of thing is only a temporary loss.

It will not have a big impact on the future of Qingfeng Mountain.

However, the original seed of the Yuanying-level spiritual plant is completely different.

If things go wrong, Qingfeng Mountain will have a big hidden danger for its future development because of this original seed of the Yuanying-level spiritual plant that was sent out.

"You're right. I should have planned this earlier."

"Even if doing so will affect the reputation of Qingfeng Mountain."

"But I still have to do it..."

Xu Yi lowered his head and said to the elder Zhang He with great respect: "Just give me your orders, elder. I will definitely complete what you have ordered."

Zhang He nodded with satisfaction when he heard this: "Okay, okay, in that case..."

As he was talking, Zhang He suddenly froze.

He was a little, unable to say the rest of the words.

Nothing, just because...

In the sky, at a very far distance, he vaguely seemed to see a small airship rushing towards the distance at a very fast speed.

"Xu Yi, look at that small airship over there. Is it similar to the small airship that Yin Jiuyou rode?"

Xu Yi subconsciously raised his head when he heard this.

Squinting his eyes, he looked into the distance with great effort.

After a while, Xu Yi whispered, "Great Elder, that doesn't look like it, that's the small floating boat that Yin Jiuyou, the second elder of Daofu Sect, rode!!!"

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