The old man was very happy.

Along: "What was that just now?"

Chen Taiping said: "Of course it's a very good thing. You have to believe me, I won't hurt you."

Along was silent for a moment, and then said: "But why do I look at that thing, it looks like the product left after the failure of your alchemy..."

Chen Taiping frowned, and said with a somewhat unhappy expression: "What product of the failure of alchemy? That is clearly the nutrient solution I made for you, Along."

"Eating too much of that thing is good for you."

"Don't you feel that after eating that pool of nutrient solution, your whole body is a little warm? "

"Especially your stomach, it's a little hot."

Aaron thought about it, and then replied: "Okay, it seems to be true, but why is the color of the nutrient solution so scary? It's actually dark black..."

Chen Taiping smiled and replied: "Aaron, you have to look beyond the appearance to see the essence. What's the use of color? High nutritional value, good for you, isn't it?"

Aaron nodded and muttered in a low voice: "Master, what you said seems to make sense..."

Chen Taiping: "Okay, Master, I'm going to continue to make pills, you stay a little quiet next to me."


Time passed.

About an hour later.

This time, Chen Taiping didn't inform Aaron, he directly opened Aaron's mouth.

Poured the pool of dark mysterious liquid into his mouth.

A Long: "Master, didn't you say you were going to make an elixir? Why are you doing it again this time..."

Chen Taiping had a smile on his face, he interrupted A Long: "I was wrong, I didn't make an elixir just now, I was making nutrient solution for you, Long Long, to improve your cultivation level."

A Long: "Master, you are so good to me, Long Long."

Chen Taiping said: "Of course, I am your master, if I am not good to you, who will be good to you? So, remember to repay the master for your kindness in the future."

A Long: "Okay, okay, Long Long remembers!"


Another hour later.

Chen Taiping opened A Long's mouth again.

Poured a pool of dark black "nutrient solution" into A Long's mouth.

A Long: "Master, have you finished another nutrient solution? Long Long is a little full and can't eat anymore..."

As he spoke, A Long also burped.

Chen Taiping said: "Don't worry, I will start to refine the pills next, Longlong, watch carefully and don't make any noise."


An hour later.

Along opened his mouth with some pain and swallowed a pool of dark nutrient solution again.

Along said with tears in his eyes: "Master, Longlong is really full and can't eat anymore..."

Chen Taiping said expressionlessly: "Don't waste it, these are all good things. After eating these, your cultivation level will definitely be improved. Don't you want to become stronger, Aaron?"

Along: "I want to, but just..."

Chen Taiping said: "Since you want to become stronger, don't be long-winded, just digest the nutrient solution in your body."

Along: "Then master, are you going to refine the nutrient solution or the pill this time? Longlong, I really can't eat anymore, master, don't refine the nutrient solution anymore..."

Chen Taiping said: "Don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely refine the pill this time, and I will definitely not make a mistake."


Another hour later

Chen Taiping looked at the pool of dark black liquid in the alchemy furnace in front of him.

Then, he quietly turned his gaze to the red body behind him, and the temperature of his body was already a little scary.

He looked at A Long, whose eyes seemed to be on fire.

A Long: "Master, Master, I really can't eat anymore, Long Long, I'm too full..."

While A Long was talking, a trace of extremely terrifying and violent red flames would occasionally emerge from his mouth.

Although this flame is not as strange as Chen Taiping's palm fire.

But its lethality seems to be no worse than that of Chen Taiping's palm fire.

It may even be more powerful than Chen Taiping's palm fire.

"Are you full?"

Chen Taiping looked at A Long, he thought about it, and then said: "It's okay, I can still hold on a little longer. After this portion of nutrient solution is finished, it's over, and there will be no more after that."

Chen Taiping

Ping said this to A Long with a smile.

Actually, what he said was not wrong.

In the process of refining several times, he basically used up all the Nascent Soul-level spiritual plants that could be used.

Except for the many single-species Nascent Soul-level spiritual plants that were left over.

There were not many others.

So, even if he wanted to refine the "nutrient solution" again, he couldn't do it.


A Long looked at his smiling master Chen Taiping with horror.

He wanted to retreat and run away.

However, under the oppression of his master Chen Taiping.

He could only lie on Chen Taiping's shoulders silently and let his master play with him at will.

"It's done!"

"Next, Longlong, you digest it well."

"This time, even if I can't break through the Nascent Soul realm in one go, at least I can easily reach the realm of Golden Elixir Perfection."

Along said with flames in his mouth: "Master, Longlong, I can't eat anymore, I really can't eat anymore, I'm too full!!!"

Chen Taiping said: "Don't worry, it's really gone this time."

While Chen Taiping said, he also took back the Nascent Soul-level alchemy furnace in front of him into the storage ring.

Although the refining of the Nascent Soul-level elixir failed this time.

But he did not gain nothing.

Just the experience he gained in refining the Nascent Soul-level elixir, this is already the most precious thing.


Walk out of this hall dedicated to refining elixirs.

Chen Taiping saw Yuan Qingshan and Jiang Yuanyin who were waiting outside.

Seeing Chen Taiping, Jiang Yuanyin immediately stepped forward: "Master, just now, the high-level meeting of the sect was held again, but I saw you in seclusion to make pills, so..."

Chen Taiping has not responded to Jiang Yuanyin's words.

On the contrary, A'long, who was lying on Chen Taiping's shoulder, was red all over and also emitting scorching heat, was a little unhappy.

It looked at Jiang Yuanyin fiercely.

Then, it roared loudly.

Retreat to make pills? What do you mean by retreat to make pills?

The reason why the master retreated was to make nutrient solution for me, Longlong. If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense, and make pills?

Ha, funny!

Since Jiang Yuanyin had no special connection with A'long, he didn't hear what Longlong meant.

Although Chen Taiping understood, he didn't say anything.

Just smiled awkwardly.

After that, he put his hands behind his back and walked silently towards the direction of the sect's meeting hall.

The previous time, they wanted to deprive him of his status as an elder.

This time, no one knew what it was for?

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