The battle was a battle, and the battle was a battle.

"So, I decided."

"Be prepared for war at any time, and be prepared for the war that may happen next."

"If those forces are just talking casually, it's fine."

"If those forces want to fight with my Daofu Sect."

"I Fu Wu will let those forces know that our Daofu Sect is not a soft persimmon that can be thrown and kneaded by others."

After saying this.

Fu Wu quietly sat on the main seat.

He held his hands on his chest, his eyes slightly narrowed.

It seems that he is observing the expressions of others.

"The Sect Master is right."

"This world of immortal cultivation is a place where the strong prey on the weak and the fittest survive. This is true in other places, not to mention the deep mountains of ours."

"So, if some forces use the threat of war to coerce our Daofu Sect in order to curb the development of our Daofu Sect."

"I will be the first to support the Sect Master's decision and make an absolute contribution to the sect."

Tu Yang, a member of the Baifeng Sect faction who has just joined the Daofu Sect not long ago.

The old man was somewhat unexpected. He was the first to stand up and clearly expressed his support for the Sect Master's decision.

Even if it was Nangong Hong, the current deputy sect master of the Daofu Sect.

At this moment, his firm attitude was not as resolute as that of the old man Tu Yang.


Chen Taiping looked at the meeting hall at this moment. The atmosphere seemed to be gradually becoming a little weird and a little wrong.

On his calm face, he couldn't help but smile a little.

Sect Master, and the Baifeng Sect faction.

Obviously, he intends to deal with everything with a tough attitude.

Fu Wu, as the current leader of the Daofu Sect.

It is natural that he can have such an attitude.

And the Baifeng Sect faction that has just joined the Daofu Sect expressed so firmly that it would support the opinions of the leader Fu Wu.

It is estimated that there is a high probability that it wants to forcibly gain a foothold in this somewhat unfamiliar Daofu Sect through the line of the leader Fu Wu.

The Baifeng Sect has now become a history.

Those who are loyal to the Baifeng Sect have basically turned into a handful of yellow earth at this moment.

The many forces in this world of cultivation are originally huge communities of interests.

So, under normal circumstances.

Even the Baifeng Sect faction that has just joined the Daofu Sect.

In such a situation, it will give some support.

After all, the Baifeng Sect faction will still survive in the Daofu Sect in the future, right?

"Elder Yin."

"What do you think about this matter?"

Seeing that the scene fell into silence again.

Fu Wu chose to name names again.

This time, he pointed out Yin Jiuyou, the current hall master of the Alchemist Hall and the second elder of the Daofu Sect, to answer this question.

Yin Jiuyou, don't think that this old guy's status is not as good as that of the deputy sect master Nangong Hong.

But in fact, this guy's influence in the sect is definitely much higher than that of Nangong Hong, the deputy sect master of the Daofu Sect.

Let alone other things, just the faction of the Alchemist Hall plus the faction of the Demon Flame Mountain.

This is already quite terrifying.

If, in addition, some factions of the Puppet Master Hall in the sect that have a good relationship with the Alchemist Hall, and some sect elders who have to maintain friendly relations with the Alchemist Hall in order to improve their cultivation and obtain elixirs,

With this calculation, Yin Jiuyou is even more powerful than Fu Wu in the eyes of Daofu Sect.


Yin Jiuyou looked at Fu Wu in front of him in a daze. He seemed to have not expected that Fu Wu would suddenly kill him.

He, Yin Jiuyou.

He must be a scoundrel in the meeting hall.

He never expressed his opinions and ideas.

No one in the sect would dare to easily provoke him in the Alchemist Hall.

Therefore, Yin Jiuyou's life was quite comfortable.

And now Fu Wu suddenly asked him to express his opinion, which made him a little confused about what to say.

"Good disciple, what do you think?"

Yin Jiuyou did not choose to answer this question, but silently turned his head to the direction of his direct disciple Chen Taiping.

His old face was smiling.

He looked very kind.

As Yin Jiuyou said this, most of the people at the scene

The people also shifted their sights to Chen Taiping.

In an instant, you could hear a pin drop.

At this time, the breathing sounds were particularly loud.

After all, Chen Taiping's answer and attitude later would determine the general direction of the sect.

These high-level people in the sect would naturally attach great importance to it.

"I think..."

As Chen Taiping was talking, he suddenly shifted his sights to the sect master Fu Wu. He said calmly: "Whether it is the outside world or the millions of mountains, the rule has always been the law of the jungle."

"Now, some nearby forces want to curb the development of our Daofu Sect, so they threaten us with war."

"This kind of thing doesn't seem to be a big deal."

"But in fact, if you think about it carefully, you will find that there are many things hidden in it."

"Many forces in the outside world are probably watching our Daofu Sect's next decision."

"If, our Daofu Sect Choose to temporarily stop expansion or something like that. "

"We can indeed usher in a period of peace."

"However, the status of our Daofu Sect in the hearts of nearby forces will also be reduced, and many things in the future will be very difficult to deal with."

"But if we choose to deal with it head-on."

"Whoever threatens us, we will threaten him, and even fight him directly if we don't obey."

"In this way, although the overall strength of the sect may be slightly weakened in a short period of time."

"But in the long run, this will definitely be a good thing."


Chen Taiping's words.

Echoing in this meeting hall.

After listening to Chen Taiping's speech, everyone at the scene has already made their own choices in their hearts.

In fact, whether it is Chen Taiping, Fu Wu, or other conservatives.

These decisions will not be wrong.

But because of Chen Taiping's absolute influence in this Daofu Sect.

So, it also led to.

As soon as Chen Taiping opened his mouth, the wind direction in the entire Daofu Sect would change rapidly.

"Elder Chen said it well."

"I, Zhao Xuan, support Elder Chen's idea."

"I, Feng Yu, also support Elder Chen's idea."

The Moyan Mountain faction expressed its opinions loudly at the first time and followed Chen Taiping closely.

The Puppet Master Hall naturally supported Chen Taiping directly.

The rest of the elders, as long as they wanted elixirs, or had something to ask the Alchemist Hall for.

would directly support what Chen Taiping said.

And Fu Wu, who was sitting quietly on the main seat and was the current leader of the Daofu Sect.

He looked at this scene and couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded.

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