The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

"Xiao Li..."

"What a pity for this guy."

Chen Taiping looked at Xiao Li in front of him silently, and then he also left with the inner sect senior brother.

In fact, as early as when Chen Taiping just caught up.

The inner sect disciple of the sect had already noticed it.

But it doesn't matter...

How could a mere nominal disciple of a sect make such a distinguished inner sect disciple take it to heart?

The next target of the inner sect disciple was Nie Hongyan.

However, what was a little different from the treatment of men was...

The inner sect disciple did not directly take action against women.

He just stood beside her and said to Nie Hongyan calmly: "Nie Hongyan, your physique is more than 80 times better than that of ordinary people. Do you know how much a woman like you with such beauty and figure, and even good physique, is worth in the slave market?"

Nie Hongyan lowered her head and said nothing.

The inner disciple looked at Nie Hongyan deeply, and then said: "A virgin like you is worth at least 10,000 low-grade spirit stones in the slave market."

"So, there are only two ways in front of you now."

"One is to contribute to the sect obediently."

"The other is to be sold as a slave by the sect."

After saying these words, the inner disciple left.

Of course, he had thought about it.

Take Nie Hongyan in and enjoy it slowly.

But, after thinking about it.

He gave up again.

A woman like this is not easy to control.

What's more, if you want to cultivate immortality well.

Women are creatures, so naturally you should touch them less.

If you are not careful, you will be immersed in this endless desire.

Then, this person will be completely useless.


After the inner sect left with three outer sects.

Chen Taiping silently glanced at Nie Hongyan.

Then, he left.

The time has not come yet......

I want to completely break Nie Hongyan's pride and let her lower her head obediently.

The current pressure is still not enough.

The Daofu Sect has its own rules. If there is no output in a year, it will be targeted by the sect.

If there is still no movement in two years.

The sect will not continue to support these people.

The Daofu Sect will try every means to get several times the assets originally invested in these people.

Women like Nie Hongyan.

If he appeared in the slave market, not to mention recovering several times the investment, even recovering a hundred times the initial investment would not be excessive.

"Brother Chen, how are you doing recently?"

On Chen Taiping's way back.

He ran into Zhuge Zhan, whose courtyard was also nearby.

After a year of practice and growth, Zhuge Zhan's height has risen again.

The muscles on his body have swelled to a scary level.

The full sense of power seems to indicate that this body of muscles is not for show.

"Not bad..."

Chen Taiping glanced at Zhuge Zhan silently, and he answered in a low voice.

His character is cautious.

Many times, he likes to say half and hide half.

"A few days ago, Brother Jiang was spotted by the four elders of the inner sect and accepted as a disciple."

"Now, Brother Jiang is already an outer sect disciple of the sect."

"Although he is an outer sect disciple, his status is much higher than some inner sect disciples."

"And we are still just registered disciples of the sect."

"I don't know how much time it will take to be promoted to the outer sect..."

Zhuge Zhan sighed and said helplessly.

Chen Taiping gathered the spiritual power in his body in front of him.

Silently looked at Zhuge Zhan's Dantian.

Judging from the amount of spiritual power that guy has...

Probably, he is at the second level of Qi Refining.

One year, the second level of Qi Refining.

This speed is not fast.

"Oh, right." Zhuge Zhan seemed to have thought of something, and then he said quickly: "After a while, our Daofu Sect will open a market a hundred miles away, which is dedicated to the transactions of practitioners."

"Our Daofu Sect is also one of the actual controllers of that market."

"Brother Chen, do you want to go to that market when the time comes?"


Zhan said excitedly.

The Million Mountains are almost endless in area.

It is located at the junction of the four major divine states.

The terrain is extremely complex.

Although there are many demon sect forces in the Million Mountains, not all of them are demon sect forces.

When some casual cultivators, or when they accidentally obtain some precious resources that cannot be handled.

Those immortal cultivators will come to the Million Mountains to sell their goods.

It is actually not a problem to say that the Million Mountains are a huge black market.

"Does the sect allow us to go out?"

Chen Taiping asked curiously.

Daofu Sect, the demon sect force.

After finally plundering these people into the Daofu Sect, how could the sect let them go so easily?

Zhuge Zhan smiled helplessly and said, "Of course there will be some restrictions. If you want to leave Daofu Sect, you must make certain contributions to the sect, that is, produce at least three offspring."

"And, when you leave Daofu Sect, you can only bring one partner at most."

"Of course, if you become an outer disciple."

"Naturally, there will be no restrictions."

Listening to these words, Chen Taiping felt speechless.

Outer disciple...

If you really become an outer disciple of Daofu Sect.

Basically, you are also a vested interest of the sect.

Status and status, as well as the resources that can be received every month, are not few.

In this case, who would easily leave the sect?

"When the time comes, I will consider it."

After saying that, Chen Taiping turned and left.


In a blink of an eye, another day has passed.

Today, Chen Taiping went to the sect a little bit rarely.

The small spiritual energy pills are almost finished.

He naturally needed to buy some materials and replenish some goods.

It's a pity...

There are no equipment refiners in the sect.

So, he couldn't buy a decent furnace.

After Chen Taiping replenished the materials for the small spiritual energy pill, he went to the Alchemist Hall again.

Mainly, he wanted to take a look.

What has the Alchemist Hall become now?

Is it different from when he left?

"Junior brother?"

"Why are you here?"

Outside the Alchemist Hall, Zhu Chen asked Chen Taiping in surprise after seeing him.

"I replenished some materials for the small spiritual energy pill and came to see on the way..."

As Chen Taiping was talking, he noticed something strange in the Alchemist Hall.

"What's going on?"

"Why are there so many people?"

"Did I go the wrong way?"

Chen Taiping stepped back a few steps and looked at the three words "Alchemist Hall" written above the palace. Only then did he confirm that he had not gone the wrong way.

This is indeed the Alchemist Hall.

"Junior brother, after all, the reason why the Alchemist Hall is so lively now is mainly because of you, junior brother..."

Chen Taiping asked with doubts in his eyes: "Me?"

Zhu Chen nodded silently.

Then, he took Chen Taiping to the Alchemist Hall.

Along the way, more than 20 outer disciples of the sect immediately bowed their heads after seeing Chen Taiping.

There was also sincere respect on their faces.

"Senior brother!!!"

The doubts in Chen Taiping's eyes became more and more intense.

"Senior brother?"

"What senior brother?"

"I am just a nominal disciple, and these people are all outer disciples. What do they mean by calling me senior brother?"

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