The old man was sitting on the ground, and the old man was sitting on the ground.

Moyingfang, on the street.

Those practitioners frowned, and after thinking for a moment, they couldn't help but say: "Wow, it seems to make some sense..."

As the voices of those casual practitioners fell.

In Moyingfang, the team of practitioners rushing towards the Daofu Sect's medicine shop became more and more huge.


Moyingfang, in the Black Wind Valley Medicine Shop.

Qiu Hai, the honorable alchemist of the Black Wind Valley.

At this moment, he was in the shop, half lying on a chair.

He was shaking his body with an extremely leisurely expression.

The wooden fan in his hand was shaking from time to time.

As Qiu Hai flipped through the account book in his hand, the smile on his face became brighter. [Yesterday's income: 3258]. Yes, this is the income of the whole day yesterday in the medicine shop controlled by Qiu Hai. Compared with the previous few days, it has doubled several times. "Only on the first day after slandering Daofu Sect, the income can be increased to more than 3,000 low-grade spirit stones." "If the slander continues, wouldn't it be..." "Can the income continue to double?" The more he thought about it, the happier Qiu Hai felt. However, outside the street, the chaotic footsteps that came from it made him frown and feel a little irritated. "What's going on outside?" "Why is it so noisy?" Qiu Hai asked a servant in the shop. "Sir, it seems..."

"It seems that those people are going to the Daofu Sect's medicine shop to buy medicine, thus creating a commotion."

Qiu Hai: "Ah???"

"What did you say?"

The servant lowered his head and said with a somewhat uneasy look: "Outside, those people outside seem to be going to the Daofu Sect's medicine shop to buy medicine..."


Silence, deathly silence.

In the Black Wind Valley Medicine Shop, alchemist Qiu Hai was stunned.

The servant kept his head down and dared not move.

"Are you sure?"

Qiu Hai asked the servant in the shop with a somewhat ugly expression.

The servant did not speak, but nodded repeatedly.

"Why is it so?"

After a long silence, Qiu Hai could not help but ask again.

"Well, it seems that the price of a bottle of pills in the Daofu Sect's pill shop has been reduced by ten low-grade spirit stones again, so..."

Qiu Hai couldn't help but throw the wooden fan in his hand to the ground after hearing this.

The expression on his face was a little uncertain at this moment.

Price reduction, price reduction, and another price reduction...

Will the Daofu Sect ever stop?

If the previous one is added, the price of a bottle of pills will be reduced by thirty low-grade spirit stones.

This is a bit too much...

"Shouldn't the news that the Daofu Sect sells fake medicines spread throughout the Moyingfang now?"

"Why, why..."

"Why did those casual cultivators rush over like locusts as soon as the Daofu Sect reduced the price?"

"This shouldn't be..."

Qiu Hai lowered his head and talked to himself.

The servant swallowed his saliva and whispered tremblingly: "Sir, those casual cultivators outside said that even if the Daofu Sect's medicine shop sold fake medicine, they would explode and die after eating the medicine, and those casual cultivators would only praise the loud sound of the explosion..."

Qiu Hai: "..."


Soon, another day passed.

In the Daofu Sect's medicine shop, Chen Taiping was flipping through the account book.

Although the price of the medicine dropped again yesterday.

But as sales rose again, his income has returned to its previous peak.

[Yesterday's income: 18,000 low-grade spirit stones].

Looking at this number, Chen Taiping nodded with satisfaction.

However, this should not be the limit.

There are still many people who are probably still watching from the sidelines.

See if there is any problem with this medicine.

There are also people who have not received the news of the price reduction.

"I think today's income should reach a small peak again."



Thinking of this, Chen Taiping couldn't help but smiled and shook his head.

It doesn't matter how much you can earn...

What matters is that at this moment

The alchemists of the other eight medicine shops must have turned green with anger, right?


"My husband, I'm pregnant."

Just as Chen Taiping was thinking about these things.

Xiao Yin, who had just woken up, had a little smile on her fair and delicate face.

She came to Chen Taiping silently.


"It's really pregnant..."

Chen Taiping concentrated his spiritual power in his eyes and looked at the faint breath of life in Xiao Yin's belly.

His mood became more and more cheerful.

It's really refreshing when people are happy!

But after Xiao Yin got pregnant.

At night, he could only lie alone in bed to rest.

The night was long, but there was no one to accompany him.

Wouldn't that be a bit boring?

"Rest well in the future."

"I can handle the things in the medicine shop by myself."

Chen Taiping whispered to Xiao Yin, and Xiao Yin looked at Chen Taiping with smiling eyes.

Finally, she got pregnant with her husband's second child.

This made Xiao Yin, who was originally a little depressed, extremely happy.


As expected by Chen Taiping.

On the second day of the price reduction, business was much better than the first day.

Even some practitioners who originally chose to watch.

couldn't help but buy some.

It seemed that they were afraid that the pills would be sold out due to the large purchases of these practitioners.

Chen Taiping's alchemy skills also made great progress because of this.

Originally, a furnace could only put in three materials at most.

But now, a furnace can directly put in five materials.

One furnace can produce fifty pills.

The time for refining pills has also been greatly shortened.

Otherwise, he might not be able to supply the pill market in the huge Moyingfang.


The next day, early in the morning.

Chen Taiping slowly woke up from the bed.

Just when he subconsciously wanted to hold Xiao Yin in his arms and ravage her.

He found that there was no one beside him.

Until this moment, Chen Taiping remembered that Xiao Yin was already pregnant yesterday.

"It seems that I have to abstain from sex for a while."

Chen Taiping smiled and shook his head.

After that, he went downstairs and opened the door of the Daofu Sect's medicine shop.

Because it was too early, there were not many pedestrians on the street at this time.

Chen Taiping could only open the account book and read it.

[Yesterday's income: 28,000 low-grade spirit stones].

Looking at the number in front of him.

Although Chen Taiping was prepared in his heart.

But he still had to sigh.

This alchemy is really a lucrative industry!

"I don't know how the other eight medicine shops made money yesterday?"

"I don't think it would be much better..."

Chen Taiping almost laughed out loud as he thought about it.

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