"No, you take care of yourself and don't worry about me."

Xia Zhi didn't take these things seriously. It was just an assessment. As long as she wanted to do it, there was nothing she couldn't do.

Do you really think you can stump yourself?

Gu Zixi was a little confused after hearing these words. He thought his sister didn't understand the stakes here, so he said hurriedly.

"Xia Zhi, if you fail this assessment, you will be ranked high by the factory director, and you will definitely be recorded in the file in the future.

The factory manager won't be able to protect you after you return.

I know who you offended. Didn't you offend Wang Xiumei? I heard that her uncle is the deputy director of the factory.

If you come to the transportation team to learn to drive, no one else can fault you. Let me tell you, the master in my transportation team is very good. "

Xia Zhi glanced at Gu Zixi. Of course it was true. In fact, Gu Zixi was a gentle and elegant person.

Moreover, Gu Zixi is educated, so a cultured person will naturally learn things much faster than someone who cannot read a word.

Besides, practice makes perfect when it comes to driving, and it’s not a technical job.

Gu Zixi's temperament is destined to be very lovable.

"Don't worry about it. If I say you don't need to worry about it, don't worry about it. I can make the decision on my own affairs. It's okay. Just go back and learn what you do. Why don't you need to take an assessment?"

Xia Zhi replied fiercely, turned around and left.

Don't think she doesn't know, if Wang Xiumei initially wanted to be the boss in the dormitory and simply bully her.

But after seeing Gu Zixi, things escalated to the point of jealousy.

Gu Zixi's rotten peach blossoms were found on her head, and she really couldn't explain it clearly.

Fortunately, it will be over if she endures it for a few more years, as long as she gets admitted to college and leaves here.

Gu Zixi watched Xia Zhi leave and stomped her feet in anger.

He made up his mind and decided to ask his master for help. His master was the leader of the transportation team.

Therefore, these team leaders can still speak. Otherwise, let the team leader of the transportation team discuss with the workshop director to change the two to another job.

The leaders above have spoken, and they must be changed even if the summer solstice is not necessary.

When his master came in, Gu Zixi hurriedly handed over the cigarettes and brought the brewed tea.

"How is it, master? Has the director agreed?"

"The director doesn't agree!

You kid, you still stopped working so hard. In order to chase a girl, you didn’t even ask me to do such a good job. What can I say to you?

It worked this time. The director even scolded me. Can a girl drive in the transportation team?

You are not sincerely looking for trouble for the transportation team. Okay, don't mention this matter again. "

Gu Zixi looked disappointed, but he also knew that this matter would definitely not be possible.

Xia Zhi didn't know about this at all. When he arrived at the workshop, the factory director had already arrived.

The factory director wants to take an assessment today, and naturally he will start from the first process. There are 20 people in total in the first process.

The other female workers are in other positions, so today’s assessment is on the first process.

Because they attached great importance to this matter, the factory director, the secretary of the factory affairs office, and the directors all arrived, including the workshop director.

The factory director’s surname is Ke.

Factory Director Ke looks to be in his 40s, which should be considered the golden age for the position of factory director, and he seems to be old-fashioned and a bit serious.

Seeing the female workers in front of him, Director Ke coughed and winked at the secretary next to him.

"Since everyone knows that there will be an assessment this morning, let's start now. I have already called in the comrades from the Factory Affairs Office.

Hold your ingredient list in hand.

Start reciting one by one. As long as you reach 60 points or above, you will pass. "

Director Ke holds a stack of forms in his hand. This is an information sheet for each of them. For their first assessment, comments and evaluations will be written at the bottom, and there will even be scores.

The surrounding atmosphere was much more tense, although not all female workers participated in this assessment.

But everyone knows that no one can escape this round, and today is a different day.

From now on, employees in all positions must pass every assessment to be considered competent for the position and then proceed to the next process.

Their task is to go through each of the dozens of processes in the factory in two months, so that they can be qualified for every job on the assembly line after returning to the factory.

People around are watching, waiting for the assessment to begin.

The 20 female workers who participated in the assessment were obviously well prepared. After all, everyone knew that they would face the assessment today, and many of them didn't sleep well last night.

The factory director gestured to Xiao Song,

"Team Leader Song, these comrades were arranged by you, let's start now."

Xiao Song glanced at these female workers, and his eyes fell on Xia Zhi.

His eyes were slightly malicious.

Sure enough, the first page of her registration form was the summer solstice.

"Director, the first comrade to participate in the assessment is named Xia Zhi. This Comrade Xiao Xia is particularly outstanding among this group of female workers.

It is said that when their leader sent them here, he asked me to take care of Xia Zhi.

After all, Comrade Xiaoxia entered the food factory with special achievements. "

These words are said with malice. Most people will definitely think that this special achievement is a back door.

But Director Ke didn't rub his eyes, and he instinctively put on colored glasses as soon as he heard about the back door.

It would be surprising if the subsequent assessment went smoothly, and it would be surprising if they didn't find fault.

As expected, Director Ke's face immediately darkened after hearing this, and his eyes were sharp.

"Okay, let's invite this Comrade Xiaoxia to come out and start taking the assessment. I want to see what achievements this lesbian who entered the food factory with special achievements used to enter?"

Everyone became quiet when they heard these words.

Wang Xiumei had a proud smile on her lips, waiting to see Xia Zhi's joke this time.

Xia Zhi stood up.

Before the assessment started, Team Leader Li stood up hastily and deliberately.

"Director, Comrade Xiaoxia is not suitable to take the assessment today. How about letting her take a day off first?"

When everyone heard this, they were immediately in an uproar, especially the other female workers who participated in the assessment. Everyone was dissatisfied. Why could the summer solstice be given one more day than others?

The factory director looked solemnly and asked Team Leader Li,

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"Give me a reasonable reason, otherwise, I will think you are deliberately covering up this summer solstice."

Factory Director Ke was really angry. He didn't expect that this summer solstice would be so powerful, and that the new female worker who had just arrived would be able to have his team leader protect him to this extent.

Team Leader Li looked ugly when the factory director said this.

Obviously the team leader's words put her under great pressure.

After hesitating for a long time, he still gave an explanation.

"The factory director blamed me. Yesterday, Comrade Xia Zhi said that he had a photographic memory and read the ingredient list once and then stopped reading.

The rest of the time was busy with work, so I didn't urge her to read it twice more.

This is all my fault. "

Team Leader Li was very smart and laid out yesterday's work schedule on the table.

There was no favoritism at all, and he even put a high hat on Xia Zhi’s head.

No one knows whether Xia Zhi said he had a photographic memory, so Team Leader Li just let him talk.

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