The more you go, the better.

Zhang Haidai knew that Jiang Han had read a lot of books, so he naturally believed in Jiang Han.

When they reached a range of ten meters, Zhang Haidai shoveled away the sand and mud on top, revealing small holes underneath.

"Brother Han, you are really amazing. It seems that people really need to read more. Otherwise, you can't even catch the sea well."

Jiang Han smiled and said, "Hurry up and work."

With the system in hand, he naturally didn't want to roll up. But in the absence of good things, he could only compete in quantity.

And competing in quantity depends on physical strength.

There are many clams in this area, and he plans to dig all that can be dug.

The two of them still attracted the attention of the villagers on the other side.

When the villagers came over with buckets, Jiang Han had already dug up a lot of clams.

Although the villagers were envious, they didn't want to start in the clam nest that Jiang Han found.

"Jiang Han, I've never seen you go out to the sea before. How come you are so good at finding things?"

"This luck is too good, why don't we get some of it."

They touched Jiang Han's hands and clothes, why didn't this good luck come to them at all.

But looking at Jiang Han's posture today, it seems that the bucket is about to explode.

Jiang Han looked at the villagers with different expressions and began to fool them, "Maybe it's because I read a lot of books. If you read more books, it will be fine."

"The wind direction, the size of the cave, and the speed of the waves are all knowledgeable."

He really didn't want to be touched by others.

Old man Zhang immediately became interested, "What's the knowledge in this? Tell us."

Jiang Han smiled and said nothing.

Old man Zhang blushed and couldn't ask.

In the past, there were some craftsmen in their village, and that was their skill to make a living. If you ask them what the secret of this skill is, they won't tell you.

Others were skeptical about Jiang Han's words. After thinking about it, they felt that it was a combination of luck and knowledge.

So people should read more. People like them can only live like this.

Jiang Han once again dug a right one under the villagers' onlookers.

The villagers became more and more envious.

Aunt Damei, who was the one who hung out in the chess and card room all year round, suddenly felt that playing cards was not fun anymore.

She found a place and dug like a dog.

Aunt Jinju glanced at him and said, "It's Jiang Han who always gets good stuff. Why are you so excited?"

Aunt Damei looked at Jinju as if she was a fool and said, "Do you know why I lose in mahjong?"


"Why else? Of course it's bad luck. I have no luck in mahjong and no luck in sea urchins. If I had the luck of Jiang Han, would I still lose in playing cards?"

Aunt Damei glanced at Jiang Han again and said, "I found a good way to verify my luck, which is sea urchins. When I can get good stuff in sea urchins, it means that my luck has come and I can play mahjong."

Isn't it stupid for her to rush to lose money when she has no luck?

Aunt Jinju thought it made sense.

If she could get good stuff in sea urchins, could she also go to the card table for a few rounds?

Aunt Jinju also started to dig like a dog.

What Jiang Han and Zhang Haidai dug today were basically all clams. Occasionally there were some clams and some small snails, which were all collected.

Thinking that he had to buy vegetables anyway, he kept some.

Jiang Han looked at the time, it was almost twelve o'clock.

They came back early.

Jiang Han did not knock on Jiang Ermao's door in the middle of the night, but kept the clams in a pool with seawater.

The next morning, the clams were weighed, a total of 60 kilograms.

Jiang Ermao gave him a price of 32 yuan per kilogram.

Jiang Han knew that this was the highest price Jiang Ermao could offer.

The final total price was 1920.

It was obviously less than 2,000 yuan, but the villagers looked at him more like some supernatural species.

Everyone smiled at him as if they saw a big leader, as if smiling at him like this would bring luck.

Jiang Han was scared by being looked at.

[Host sold seafood for 1920 yuan and obtained 1920 system points. ]

[Total system points: 3872 points]

[Does the host consume 2,500 system points to exchange for a five-meter scanning range? ]

[Ding! The exchange is successful, and the host has a twenty-meter scanning range. ]

[The exchange is successful, 2500 system points are deducted, and 1372 system points are left. ]

[The host needs 1128 system points to exchange for the next five-meter scanning range. ]

[Please host

Keep working hard! 】

Jiang Han didn't expect that the system would encourage him.

After returning home, he transferred the money to Zhang Haidai, a total of 192.

They left a lot of things this time.

Jiang Han felt that he couldn't finish it by himself, so he called Zhang Haidai.

Zhang Haidai was quite noisy.

"Brother Han, I won't come to eat."

After hanging up the phone with Zhang Haidai, Jiang Han felt strange.

When Zhang Haidai left his house in the middle of the night yesterday, he saw him riding a bicycle and didn't go in the direction of his home.

Instead, he went in the direction of the town.

This guy wouldn't sleep in the Internet cafe to play a game, right?

Jiang Han stretched and planned to take a nap in the rocking chair, but he woke up after a while of sleep when he was knocked on the door.

When he opened the door, the village chief was standing at his door with two girls who looked the same.

Jiang Han was stunned.

Is this... twins?

"Jiang Han, did you know that Ye Tiantian got a couchsurfer?"

Jiang Han shook his head, "I don't know about this."

However, Ye Tiantian always does some messy things, which is her style.

"Village chief, what can I do for you?"

The village chief sighed, "These two are couchsurfers."

The village chief couldn't explain it clearly, so he let the twins explain it themselves.

The elder sister Ma Xiaomei said, "We are the kind of people who travel around whenever we have time."

"In order to save costs, we don't stay in hotels or hostels, but sleep on people's sofas at home."

"Couchsurfers are a group. People who join this group have to share their sofas with other couchsurfers. When other couchsurfers come to their homes, they have to contribute their sofas."

The village chief felt a little embarrassed, "This was caused by Ye Tiantian, and the address written was her home. Ye Tiantian was not here, and Tiantian's mother refused to let these two girls in."

"My family's love Besides, you know that tigress in my family, if I bring two young girls home, I don’t know what will happen.”

“Since you and Tiantian are boyfriend and girlfriend, I will bring the two girls here to show you.”

“Ye Tiantian and I have broken up.”

The village chief froze, looking anxious, “What should I do? A typhoon is coming soon. We can’t even leave the island now.”


“Yes, I saw that in the weather forecast.”

When Jiang Han was surfing the Internet, he did see news about the typhoon. When he saw it yesterday, it said that it would land the day after tomorrow.

I didn’t expect it to be so soon.

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