“Huh? Why is it only mom here? Isn’t Dad away? ”

Mengmeng looked at Saifei who was sitting alone in the pavilion and also whispered.

“Mommy is here, Mommy is here! Something must have gone out daddy! It’s okay for us to ask mom things first! ”

Nana thought it was nothing, anyway, if Dad knew, Mom would know.

Then it’s the same for the two of them to ask their mother together!

“Hmm! Also! Then let’s pass! ”

When you think about it, this is also the truth.

Then Mengmeng and Nana quickly ran to the pavilion together.



Mengmeng and Nana hugged Saifei left and right.

“Dream dream, Nana! You’re just right! ”

Saifi also looked at Mengmeng and Nana spoiledly.

“That’s right! Mengmeng, I have already told your father about you and Nana going to Aqua Blue Star! ”

Saifi held Mengmeng’s little hand and smiled at her.

“Huh? It’s true? So what does Dad say? Did he agree? ”

Mengmeng’s eyes lit up, as long as her father agreed, she could go to Aqua Blue Star again soon!

“Hmm! And your dad doesn’t have much opinion about your intended fiancé. ”

“It is estimated that when the time comes, wait for you to officially sign the marriage contract ceremony with him!” He can become your official fiancé! ”

Saifi also stretched out his hand and pinched Mengmeng’s smooth little face as he spoke, and his tone was also with an unstoppable smile.

“Hey, hey, hey! Thank you mom! ”

When Mengmeng heard her mother’s words, her eyes turned into a crescent moon, and her face was even more with a sweet smile of happiness and joy.

Nana on the side was also a little confused and surprised when she saw Mengmeng become like this.

Mengmeng looked like this, this is the first time she has seen it!

Can being in love really change a girl like this?

Nana thought of the changes that had occurred since Mengmeng returned from Aqua Blue Star, and she also became extremely curious and interested in her future brother-in-law again.

What kind of man can make Mengmeng like him so much?

Obviously Mengmeng has a very bad personality!

And he can make Mengmeng obsessed with him so much!

“Nana! You’re going to hurry up too! Now you’re alone! ”

Saifi also smiled at Nana and said.

“Huh? Mom, what are you talking about? How could I be the only one left? ”

Nana saw her beautiful mother say this about her, and she also said something she didn’t understand.

Isn’t Sister Lara still undecided?

How could she be alone!

Unless Sister Lara also found her fiancé

“Lara has found her fiancé! Your dad and I were still talking about this! ”

“And Lara and her fiancé have already made an engagement to Debiluk’s traditional ceremony!”


Nana was shocked, now she really became the only one alone!

Wouldn’t it be that when she reached her age, she would choose a fiancé in the side hall of the palace like Sister Lala?

Nana thought of those creatures of various planets with strange shapes and different aesthetics, and her face was suddenly frightened.

Even her little tiger teeth were scared out, and the whole mouth was big enough to hold duck eggs!

And Saifi also patted Nana’s little head and said: “Don’t worry, there are many handsome races in the universe, Nana can choose the one she likes.” ”

While Saifi was comforting Nana, Mengmeng also began to think about Lala.

“So Sister Lara has found her fiancé?”

“It’s a pity, in this case, then Sister Lara can’t join the Paradise Program anymore!”

Mengmeng thought with some pity, after all, with Sister Lala’s figure and appearance, Mengmeng was sure that Nangong Tianze would like Lala.

However, since Sister Lara already has a fiancé for the engagement ceremony, it is not good for her to plan Lara anymore.

“Mom! What planet is Sister Lala’s fiancé from? What race is he? ”

Mengmeng leaned on Saifei and asked curiously.

“Well, Lara and Mengmeng’s little fiancé are the same! It’s all aqua blue star, as for what race it is, Sarsteen didn’t say, let alone the name! ”

“Your dad just went to ask Sarstin!”

“Now, I should be back soon!”

Saifi is also answering Mengmeng’s question.

“Huh? Sister Lala’s fiancé is on Aqua Bluestar? That means that Sister Lara is now in Aqua Blue Star! ”

“What a coincidence!”

Mengmeng’s white little face also had a hint of abruptness.

And Nana was even more stunned!

Sister Lara and Mengmeng are actually looking for fiancés on Aqua Blue Star, are the men on that planet so good?

“Well, you two don’t think too much. When Sarstin comes back this time, let him send you back to Aqua Blue Star to live a good life for a while! ”

“Okay, thanks Mom!”

“Saifei, I know the name of the smelly boy who kidnapped Lara away!”

Cheetos suddenly appeared in the pavilion, and at the same time, his voice also reached the ears of the mother and daughter.

“Eh, Daddy!”

“Daddy is here!”

Nana and Mengmeng are also happy to call Kita, who looks like children.

Cheetos didn’t make much of a wave.

It’s really because of his current physical state to hold his daughter, he will feel very embarrassed.

After Cheetto continued to sit on Saifi’s lap, Cheetos also let Nana and Mengmeng sit next to him separately.

“I was already in touch with Sarstin just now! I also know the name of Lara fiancé! ”

“This time, I asked Nana and Mengmeng to come over and want to tell you about your fiancé.”

“But before, Saifei told me that Mengmeng had booked a boy in Aqua Blue Star in advance, right?”

As Cheetos spoke, he also looked at his youngest daughter.

And Mengmeng also nodded with a slight blush on her cheeks.

Facing his parents, Mengmeng is still very well-behaved.

And when Cheetos saw the appearance of Mengmeng, he also sighed.

So soon, his two daughters are about to get married!

Well, and Nana!

While sighing, Cheetos also looked at Nana.

“Since Mengmeng has also found her future fiancé, then my next words, Nana, you will listen carefully!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Oh! I know, Dad! ”

Nana also looked at her father with a confused look and put on a very serious expression.

“Nana, Dad hopes that the fiancé you find is a husband who can protect you, love you, and listen to you.”

“It’s better to be Nana, whatever you say, he will do! Do you get it? Nana! ”

Cheetos looked at Nana and said seriously.

And Nana listened to her father’s words and nodded stunned.

Although Nana didn’t know why her father would say these things to her, she still subconsciously nodded her cute little head.

“Cheetos! Didn’t you say you know the name of Lara fiancé? You said it! ”

“How did you start educating Nana! What do you think? ”

“And also made these demands for Nana’s future husband.”

Saifei also waved his knife and gently patted his husband’s head.

“Ahem! Forgot, I’ll say it now. ”

Cheetos faced Saifi’s doubts, and after coughing, he was ready to tell the news he had received from Sastin.

And Saifi, Mengmeng, and Nana also looked at Cheetos curiously.

Lara’s fiancé, they all want to know it!

“Sasteen told me that Rara’s fiancé lives on an island nation called Sakura Country on Aqua Blue.”

“His name is Nangong Tianze! It is a young man with spatial ability. ”

“Oh! By the way, this is his video material. ”

After Cheetos finished speaking, he also immediately pointed in the air.

A handsome, tall young man also appeared in front of everyone.

And Saifei, Mengmeng, and Nana all opened their mouths at this moment, an unbelievable look.

Especially Mengmeng, her whole person is stupid!

Listening to her father’s words and information, her little tail, which she always liked to wag, directly stiffened into a long stick.


How could it be that Tianzejun and Sister Lara made a marriage contract.

And they also made their traditional engagement ceremony for Debbie Lux.

Obviously, she is from the main palace!

Even if it is Lara’s own sister, she should be the main palace!

Because she dreams of being the first Debi Luxing person in Nangong Tianze to grab Opai!

“Huh? What’s wrong with you guys? ”

“What’s this expression?”

Cheetos was also curious to see his wife and daughters shocked.

But before he could react, Mengmeng ran away alone in a hurry.

And after Nana saw Mengmeng’s action, she also followed.

“Mengmeng, slow down! Wait for me! ”

Cheetos just wanted to catch up and ask, but Saifi also held him down.

“Let’s leave this matter alone now, wait for Mengmeng to go to Aqua Blue Star to solve this matter first!”

Saifi sighed and whispered to Cheetos.

And Cheetos was also confused by the cloudy operations of his wife and daughters.

“What the hell is wrong with you guys? How did you see Lala’s fiancé become like this? ”

Cheetos turned to look at Seifi.

“Cheetos, it was that Nangong Tianze who had a marriage contract agreement with Mengmeng in advance!”

“Oh! And then what? What do you say about this??? ”

Cheetos looked at Saifi and suddenly made an extremely shocked sound.

“Nangong Tianze, who is now engaged to marriage, is the young man who dreamed of agreeing on in Aqua Blue Star before!”

Saifi’s expression was also very puzzled and puzzled.

She never imagined that Lara and Mengmeng would actually like the same person.

“Nangong Tianze! You stinky boy!! ”

“I actually abducted my two daughters!!”

“Ah! Yes! Yes! ”

Cheetos is also a little stuck in Bengbu!

His two lovely daughters are planted on the same person, and it’s strange that his old father is not angry!

And in the back garden of the Debi Luxing Palace, there was the sound of Cheetos roaring.

Along with it, there is a huge force that can shake the planet.

On the other hand, Nana also caught up with Mengmeng.

“Mengmeng, what are you going to do?”

“I’m going back to Aqua Blue Star now!”

“What? Are you crazy Jen? ”

“I said, I will go back to Shui Lanxing now to find Tianzejun and Sister Lala!”

After Mengmeng said something with a black face, she also flew straight towards the outside of the palace.

“Hey! Dream dream, wait for me! I’ll go with you. ”

Nana saw Mengmeng like that, she really didn’t worry about Mengmeng alone, so she had to follow Mengmeng out of the palace together.

PS: Thanks to some mysterious boss for the 60,000 flowers! No book friend told me about this, I don’t know!

At the same time, thank you to other book friends for their monthly passes and tips! .

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