The sudden words also made Kibri jump sharply, and then he looked back.

I saw a handsome boy in a school uniform standing on his spaceship.

“You are Nangong Tianze!”

After Kiburi saw Nangong Tianze’s face, he also instantly recognized that this was the target he was looking for.

“Nangong Tianze, give up Lala’s fiancé identity, that position can only be my Kibri’s.”

Kibri’s body stood tall, and he didn’t seem to put Nangong Tianze in his eyes.

It seems that he also thinks of Nangong Tianze as an ordinary human being.

Nangong Tianze didn’t care about this jumping beam clown in front of him, he just glanced at Kenichi Saruyama who was trapped and Riko Yuzaki, who had fainted.

After Nangong Tianze snapped his fingers, the faint power of space bloomed, and the blood-red tentacles bound to Saruyama Kenichi and Yuzaki Riko were also instantaneous~ falling apart.

“Nangong-san! You”

Sarutama Kenichi naturally knew Nangong Tianze, but he did not expect that Nangong Tianze would appear in front of him and Yuzaki Ri-ko in such a form.

“Saruyama-san, you better go check it out – Yuzaki-san!”

“This little thing, I will watch him first.”

Nangong Tianze said to Saruyama Kenichi.

He is still quite optimistic about Kenichi Saruyama, although this person is very sexy, but he is still very righteous to his friends.

If Kenichi Sarushan could make up a pair with Riko Yuzaki, he would still agree.

In this way, Kenichi Sarushan can also slightly protect Riko Yuzaki, the unfortunate girl!

What Nangong Tianze said to Ape Shan Kenichi was naturally heard clearly by Kibri.

Furious, he once again took the remote control to control the tentacles and attacked towards Nangong Tianze.

After Nangong Tianze just glanced at Kibri, Kibri instantly became unable to move.

The whole person is also directly frozen in place.

“What’s the situation? Why, why can’t I move? ”

“Is he? Is it Nangong Tianze? ”

“He’s not an ordinary human?”

Kibri’s big eyes were first puzzled, then frenzied with fear.

What kind of creature can make other creatures immobile with just one glance?

Kibri fell into deep fear.

And Nangong Tianze didn’t care what this Kibri in front of him thought.

Because Kibri was nothing more than a scum in his eyes.

It’s not just a character of being weak and bullying.

Also because this ugly and disgusting guy went around to various planets in the universe to sow seeds, and after sowing it, he ran away irresponsibly.

Even his wife and children did not care, and his wife and children came to him one by one.

Such a guy also wants to spy on Lara?

Nangong Tianze felt that Kiburi was here to be funny.

However, he is not in a hurry to deal with Kibri now, he has already cast a spatial enchantment in this realm, and no one can enter.

Unless he is a national strength.

“Saruyama-san, do you want to beat up this disgusting guy?”

“Don’t worry, he won’t have those tentacles to deal with you.”

Nangong Tianze walked to the side of Kenichi Saruyama and Riko Yuzaki.

“Nangong classmate”

Sarutama Kenichi also looked at Nangong Tianze a little stunned, and his hand was holding Yuzaki Pear.

“Don’t say you don’t dare! He almost did that to Riko Yuzaki! You wouldn’t dare to, would you? ”

Nangong Tianze looked at Sarutama Kenichi condescendingly.

If Saruyama Kenichi didn’t dare to throw a fist at Kibri, Nangong Tianze felt that he was somewhat unworthy of Yuzaki Riko!

A man who does not dare to make a move for the girl he likes, that is all soft eggs, and he is not a man!

“I know!”

After Saruyama Kenichi heard Nangong Tianze’s words, he also answered seriously.

He then carefully placed Yusaki Riko on the ground, and then ran angrily towards Kibri.

Seeing this, Nangong Tianze also lifted the control effect on Kibri.

Kibri, who resumed his operation, also immediately sensed the danger coming, waiting for him to look back.

I saw the hedgehog-headed human before rushing towards him with a fist.

“Human, what do you want to do?”

Kibri looked at the furious Saruyama Kenichi, who was also startled, and roared at Saruyama Kenichi.

“Kill you! Stinky Goblin! ”

“You actually want to do something like that to pears!”

Sarutama Kenichi slammed a punch into Kibri’s body, looking at the strong muscles, and also roared angrily.


Kibri was also violently knocked a few meters away by Kenichi Saruyama’s punch.

Kenichi Saruyama’s original state of anger also immediately subsided.

How did this disgusting guy fly a few meters by his punch?

And Kibri, who flew to the ground by Sarutama Kenichi, also instantly changed from a green-skinned strong man with originally ligated muscles to a green-skinned dwarf who looked weak and could not help the wind.

“It hurts! It hurts.”

Kibri lay on the ground, also covering his chest and calling.

It seems that Kenichi Saruyama’s punch hurt him a lot.

“This is his true face, Saruyama-san!”

“By the way, don’t you go up and punch a few more punches? One punch to relieve the gas? ”

Nangong Tianze is also quite satisfied to look at Kenichi Sarutama, this old color batch in the original work, it seems that he really likes Yuzaki Riko!


Saruyama Kenichi also understood Nangong Tianze’s words.

It turned out that the disgusting guy with a glimpse of the goblin was actually a paper tiger, and his combat effectiveness could almost be counted except for the previous tentacles.

So Saruyama Kenichi’s face also showed a tyrannical expression.

“You thing, you keep saying that we are weak human beings!”

“I think you are the real weak.”

“Without tentacles and spaceships, you’re not even a fart.”

Kenichi Saruyama also punched and kicked Kibri.

Beat Kibri on the head, bleeding, crying and calling for his mother.

Just when Nangong Tianze watched with relish as Ape Shan Kenichi violently beat Kibri.

Riko Yuzaki also woke up leisurely.

“Well, you’re Nangong?”

Yuzaki Riko looked at Nangong Tianze’s side face, and also recognized that the man in front of him was the figure in the school – Nangong Tianze.

“Huh? You’re awake! Would Yusaki-san want to see Saruyama-san’s heroic posture? ”

“That green-skinned monster before has already been beaten by Sarusan-san!”

Nangong Tianze looked at Yuzaki Riko who woke up, and he also reminded him.

“Huh? Saruyama-kun? ”

After Yuzaki Riko heard Nangong Tianze’s words, she also immediately turned her head to look.

It was found that Kenichi Saruyama was stretching out his slap and was pumping a little green-skinned man who was kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy.

And the little green-skinned man has been calling out for words like daddy spare his life.

“Nangong classmate, this”

“It was Saruyama-san who did this to protect Yuzaki-san!”

Nangong Tianze looked at Yuzaki Riko and also said.

“This way!”

Yuzaki Riko’s gaze towards Kenichi Saruyama was also full of tenderness.

Saruyama-kun has indeed been protecting her for more than a year!

After waiting until the evil breath in Saruyama Kenichi’s heart came out, he kicked Kiburi in front of Nangong Tianze and Yuzaki Riko.

“Now, apologize to Pear!”

Sarutama Kenichi stood behind Kiburi and said coldly.

He was really about to die of anger, he already knew that such a guy was such a combat power, then wouldn’t it be right for him to sneak up on him earlier!

It’s so complicated

Kibri knelt on the ground, his original green skin was also bruised and purple.

The whole face was swollen into a pig’s head, and even the two large front teeth in his mouth were knocked off by Kenichi Saruyama.

“Woo hoo sorry! I’m sorry” (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Kibri apologized incoherently to Riko Yuzaki.

Nangong Tianze also had no sympathy when he saw this guy’s appearance.

Don’t look at this guy like this, his previous evil and murderous thoughts are real.

“If you admit your mistake!”

Riko Yuzaki didn’t know what to say, after all, Kiburi was beaten like this by Kenichi Sarutama.

“Okay, so be it! I’ll take this guy into custody first! ”

Nangong Tianze saw that Yuzaki Riko and Saruyama Kenichi also had no other moves, and he also slightly activated the power of space, and took Kibri and his spaceship into his spatial enchantment.

This guy, he’ll deal with it later.

Saruyama Kenichi and Yuzaki Riko were also shocked when they saw Nangong Tianze’s palm move, and these things disappeared.

Nangong-san is not an ordinary person? Is he also an alien creature?

“Saruyama-san and Yusaki-san should help me keep this little secret, right?”

After Nangong Tianze finished cleaning up, he also looked at the two people behind him and said.

“Of course, if it weren’t for Nangong-san today, maybe Lizi and I would be in danger.”

Saruyama Kenichi naturally agreed, and Riko Yuzaki beside him also nodded.

Although they were curious about Nangong Tianze’s identity, they could help them.

Then Nangong classmates will definitely not be bad people, right?

“Hmm! If only you could understand. ”

Nangong Tianze was also very satisfied with the performance of the two.

Looking at Yusaki Pear, Nangong Tianze also thought of something.

“Yuzaki-san, this thing may help you to be less unlucky! You can wear it on your body and try it for a while. ”

Nangong Tianze took out a non-stream-level item that he had obtained before, the Divine Power Peace Talisman.

This is also something he has planned to do for a long time, and now he is taking this opportunity to give it away!

For Yuzaki pears, Nangong Tianze naturally had no idea to receive it.

His help is also to see that Yuzaki Riko is very unlucky, plus this divine power peace talisman is of little use to him, if it is given to Yuzaki Riko, maybe he can brush the relationship level between her and Saruyama Kenichi.

“Thank you! Nangong classmate! ”

Yuzaki Riko looked at the yellow peace talisman in Nangong Tianze’s hand and hesitated slightly, and took it.

Because she really wants to make herself less unlucky, whether it’s for herself or Kenichi Saruyama beside her.

“Well, it’s okay! I don’t know if this thing works. ”

“Okay, so be it! It was almost time for school, so I left first. ”

After Nangong Tianze smiled at Riko Yuzaki and Kenichi Saruyama, he also immediately opened the door of leap and left.

In the gate of jumping, Nangong Tianze also immediately received a prompt from the system.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host and Kenichi Saruyama for reaching the friend stage in the association level (72)”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host and Riko Yuzaki for reaching the friend stage in their association level (71)”

“Ding! A total of 6 associated reward packs of the first acquaintance, familiarity, and friend stage have been distributed to the system space, please pay attention to check! ”

Nangong Tianze was also very satisfied with this.

Sure enough, as he expected, as soon as that peace talisman was sent, he directly earned numbness.

Then, Nangong Tianze also opened the small space where Kibri was being held, and lifted him out with one hand.

Nangong Tianze also sneered at him.

And Kibri also looked at Nangong Tianze with green bean eyes in fear.

“How dare you spy on Lara like this? I really don’t understand! ”

“Are all those diplomats on Debbie Luck sick? Any cat or dog can propose to Lara. ”

“It’s good that Mengmeng didn’t experience those things, otherwise”

Nangong Tianze is also spitting on the diplomat on Debi Luxing.

As far as he knows, as long as they sign up or have the will, those who have the ability can go to Wang Xing to ask for Lala.

In this way, it is strange that Lara can not get bored.

Nangong Tianze’s eyes looking at Kibri also gradually emitted a faint cold light.

This guy is also one of the creatures that annoys Lara Ray!

Then it’s okay for him to kill this kind of guy!

This morning, if he hadn’t sensed that the spatial barrier of Cainan University had been hit by something.

He didn’t even know that alien creatures were coming.

It’s good that he came in time, otherwise the guy would have really humiliated Riko Yuzaki to death in front of Kenichi Saruyama.

“Please, let me go! I still have a wife and children! ”

“They’re all waiting for me to come home!”

Kibri was afraid to look at Nangong Tianze again, so he also played the emotional card.

“Now remember that you have a wife and children? Oh, it’s night! ”

Nangong Tianze also scoffed at Kibri’s words.

Then he stopped grinding and waved with one hand.

The power of annihilation enveloped Kibri’s body.

Kibri also watched his body being devoured little by little by a black-purple special energy.


Kibri screamed in pain.

Nangong Tianze also threw him at will, swallowed by his power of annihilation, and Kibri would definitely die.

Such a guy, Nangong Tianze can’t raise the mood of abuse.

ps: I beg the audience who read the book to point out the data!.

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