Just now, Ye Qiubai felt a prying gaze, although that gaze only flashed, Ye Qiubai still felt that the gaze seemed to be full of exploration, and it was not like the gaze swept by passers-by.

“Xiaobai, what’s wrong?” Uncle Maori asked.

“Nothing.” Ye Qiubai shook his head and said.

Ye Qiubai took the beer and continued to touch a glass with his uncle, and drank it.

After a drink, Uncle Maori stood up, because of the drink, Uncle Maori was a little unstable, and the chairs were knocked over.

“Dad, what are you doing? Drunk? Seeing this, Xiaolan hurriedly asked.

Xiaolan knows that her father’s amount of alcohol can be said to be very poor, and she will get drunk if she drinks a little.

“I’m not drunk.” Uncle Maori said and walked to the side.

“Uncle, are you going to the bathroom?” Ye Qiubai asked.

“Yes.” Uncle Maori said.

“Uncle, you’re going in the wrong direction, the toilet is not there. Let’s go, I’ll go too. Ye Qiubai got up and said.

After lifting up the chair, Ye Qiubai helped Uncle Maori to go to the toilet together. After draining the water, Ye Qiubai returned with Uncle Maoli.

“Uncle, brother Xiaobai, we have to get out of here quickly.” As soon as he arrived here, Conan ran over and said.

“Conan, what happened?” Ye Qiubai asked puzzled.

Conan walked over, raised his hand, obviously intending to whisper, Ye Qiubai and Uncle Maori also squatted down at the same time, and heard Conan whisper: “According to my observation, it seems that there has been a kidnapping case.” ”

“What?” Hearing Conan’s words, Uncle Maori immediately sobered up.

Regardless of whether what Conan said was true or not, Uncle Maori pulled Conan and Xiaolan and ran outside.

Ye Qiubai shook his head, ran to the front of the stall, took out a few banknotes and paid. Without waiting to find money, Ye Qiubai chased after Uncle Maori and the others.

Uncle Maori had already stopped a taxi and was waiting for Ye Qiubai. After Ye Qiubai got into the car, Uncle Maori let the driver drive.

“Conan, you just said kidnapping, is there any basis?” Ye Qiubai asked Conan.

“It’s like this, I just heard that uncle call and say that he is alone, and said why he canceled, he has prepared the money, did not call the police, and asked the other party to let him listen to what sound.” Conan said.

“It seems that it is really a kidnapping.” However, the other party did not seem to call the police. Ye Qiubai said.

“Yes, it seems that now is the time for my detective Mori Kogoro to appear.” Uncle Maori said solemnly.

“Maori Kogoro? Are you Detective Maori Kogoro? The driver heard Uncle Maori and immediately asked in surprise.

“That’s right, Mr. Driver, you also heard, there may be a kidnapping, please follow the car in front, he needs my help.” Uncle Maori said to the driver.

“Don’t worry.” The driver nodded.

The car that followed the man Conan had come to the outside of a house with the Endo Dental Hospital sign. After the man got out of the car, he walked in.

After the car stopped, Ye Qiubai and Uncle Maori looked at the dental hospital.

“It seems to be here.” Ye Qiubai said.

“But how do we get in? In case the kidnappers are watching around, we really don’t want to bother rushing forward. Uncle Maori said.

“Since it is a hospital, we pretend to be patients is the best choice.” Ye Qiubai said.

“Ah, my teeth hurt.” Conan immediately shouted.

“Let’s go, uncle, let’s get off.” Ye Qiubai said.

After getting out of the car, Ye Qiubai paid for the car, told the driver’s uncle to keep it secret, and the car left.

“Ah, my teeth hurt so much, sister, it hurts.” Conan covered his cheeks and kept shouting.

Looking at Conan’s embarrassing acting skills that made people want to die, Ye Qiubai couldn’t help but be a little speechless. It’s just a toothache, do you need to shout so loudly? Just cover your cheeks and pretend to be in pain.

Uncle Maori did not complain about Conan’s acting skills, walked over and rang the doorbell.

“Is there something going on?” After ringing the doorbell, a sound came from inside.

“I’m really sorry, you came to disturb you after resting, our child has a toothache, please help her take a look.” Uncle Maori said apologetically.

The people inside apparently also heard Conan’s yelling, and within seconds the door opened, and the person he had seen before came out and said, “Please come in.” ”

“Thank you.” Uncle Maori thanked and walked in, followed by Ye Qiubai, Xiaolan and Conan.

“It hurts.” Perhaps it was too deep into the play, and after closing the door, Conan shouted again, and Uncle Maori punched Conan on the head.

“It hurts.” Punched by Uncle Maori , Conan really cried out in pain.

“Stinky boy, when else are you going to call.” Uncle Maori said to Conan.

Hearing Uncle Maori’s words, Conan also came back to his senses and stopped calling.

“Can you please come to the treatment room?” Dr. Endo said to Conan.

Hearing Endo’s words, Uncle Maori stood up and straightened his suit and said, “Sorry, I haven’t introduced myself yet.” Hello, I am a detective named Mori Kogoro. ”

Hearing Uncle Maori’s words, Dr. Endo immediately said in surprise: “Are you the detective?” ”

“That’s right, we were also eating at the Starlight Hotel tonight, and this little devil overheard you calling and saying that your relatives may have been kidnapped, so we followed you all the way here to see if there was anything we could do to help you.” Uncle Maori said.

“So it is.” Dr. Endo suddenly realized.

“Mr. Yuanteng, if it is convenient, can I talk to you? If what this kid says is the truth, I’m willing to do you a favor. Uncle Maori said.

“Well, since that’s the case, it also means that we have a fate, you are right, my son was kidnapped by someone else.” Dr. Endo heard Uncle Māori’s words, pondered for a while, and nodded. At the same time, he also took out a photo and put it on the table and said: “His name is Keita, and he was playing alone in the courtyard this afternoon.” But when I went out, I found Keita gone. There was a piece of paper on the door that said they kidnapped Keita and told me not to call the police, they would contact me. ”

Uncle Maori took the piece of paper written by the kidnapper and looked at it and said, “The paper used by the prisoners is just ordinary photocopy paper, so what about later?” ”

“Then a young man called and asked me to put thirty million old bills in my bag, and he told me to take the money to the Starlight Hotel at six o’clock this evening, and he would come to me himself. But I waited, and after six o’clock they called and told me that the ransom exchange was going to be canceled. Dr. Endo said, pulling out the box containing the money.

“Did the murderer say why?” Uncle Maori asked.

“No, they just said they would call me again tomorrow morning.” Dr. Endo shook his head.

“Could it be some accident on the prisoner’s side?” Uncle Maori guessed.

“Probably not.” Ye Qiubai suddenly said.

“Xiaobai, did you find anything?” Uncle Maori asked.

“When we were drinking tonight, I suddenly felt that someone was spying on me, but after snooping for ten seconds, my eyes looked away and never fell on us again. I thought it was strange at the time, but now it seems that the kidnappers are checking to see if there are any police around. Ye Qiubai said.

“Xiaobai, can you be sure?” Uncle Maori asked in surprise.

“I can be sure, and the direction of the eyes at that time was the direction of the Starlight Hotel. It is likely that the kidnappers were in the hotel at the time, or that the kidnappers may have lived in the hotel. Ye Qiubai said.

“But that’s not necessarily.” Conan said.

“It’s really just a possibility, I’ll go to the hotel to check later, I remember that there is surveillance in the hotel, I asked the red queen to check, at least to see if there are any suspicious people.” Ye Qiubai said.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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