"The hero said that Allen will inevitably break through the S rank when he is an adult." In fact, after confirming this matter, he had already given up. However, it is impossible for them to transfer their feelings according to his will, "Have you really thought about it?"

"I have already thought about it." The other female replied: "I don't want Ellen's female to have a bloodline level that matches him." He wants to give Ellen the best of everything, not to mention the most important thing. companion.

"Moreover, I also want to give Alan some time to rethink our relationship."


Virtual Worm Health.

Allen refused Lancelot's request-Lancelot wanted him to stay and teach the new males who joined the Southern Branch of the Male Society to drive mechas this year.

Allen waved his hand carelessly, "Brother Lancelot, please. I will be responsible for their assessment then."

The mech operation course only requires the instructor to demonstrate the operation in the front, but the assessment requires the male to end the battle. The latter is far more difficult than the former.

Allen continued to compliment: "Our branch argues that the mecha operation is rigorous and no insects can get out of Lancelot." He also gave his own example, "Isn't I the Lancelot taught me at the beginning." He has now beaten the Invincible Hand of the Southern Sky Branch of the Male Insect Association.

Lancelot looked at Alan coldly.

The Southern Branch of the Male Worm Association will absorb some males with excellent bloodlines in about ten years. When new members just joined the club, being their instructor and guiding them to operate the mech is a good time to build prestige.

If Lancelot asked Allen to do this two years earlier, it would definitely cause a lot of dissatisfaction within the Southern Branch of the Male Society, but the recent meetings, as well as the Open in the Underground Universe, were all given to Allen. It brought a lot of popularity, and the other males became more and more convinced of Allen.

Now, it is a good time for Lancelot to push Allen to the fore.

The Southern Branch of the Male Society is not a utopia like most females and males who don't know here imagine. It's more like a small empire, where there will be powers and gangs.

From a certain point of view, the Zerg tribe is now in a three-legged situation, and the three biggest forces are the cabinet represented by the prime minister, the royal family represented by the worm emperor, and the male worm association represented by the Nantian branch.

If Allen didn't choose to join the Southern Sky Branch, but went to an official career, he would be divided into the prime minister's camp. If Alan was born in the royal family, or if he will marry a royal female in the future, he will be transformed into a royal S-class male.

For such a force that controls 1/3 of the empire’s energy, no males in the Southern Tian Branch are completely neutral. They are either attached to a powerful A-level male, or they are lucky enough to join a certain S-level male. .

Allen's situation is different again.

Almost all S-class males have extremely noble and long-standing bloodlines.

The power of their family is also interpenetrating with the Southern Sky Branch of the Male Worship Association. When there are excellent male bloodlines in the family, they will pave the way for the males in the family early, and draw good people inside the Southern Branch of the Male Society, and let the S-class males enter the Southern Branch of the Male Society when they are adults. , Can integrate these forces as soon as possible.

Then, after these males have a firm foothold, they can take advantage of the Southern Branch of the Male Association to grab more benefits for their family.

Although Allen was born in the Elpsos family in name, they all knew what was going on. Not to mention that Alfred was born in this generation of the Elpsos family, who is the best among the A-level males, and the Elpsos family has put most of their energy on him.

Even without Alfred, Allen didn't want to borrow the power of the Elpsor family.

All efforts in this world are rewarded. Allen can comfortably accept the money Lance and Carol offered him because they are his father-in-law and male father. He can accept Nolan's kindness to him because Nolan is his elder brother.

They are relatives.

Whenever they are in need, Alan will do everything he can to give them.

And the Elpso family...

Allen will not accept their help for no reason, because the return they want in the future is probably something he cannot afford.

Lancelot naturally thought of this, so he now wants Allen to train the manpower in the Southern Branch of the Male Worm Association.

There is nothing better than Alan to contact them in person, teach them, and understand them better; there is nothing better than Alan to talk to them and fight with them, to let them know that Alan is good.

If it is other A-level males, they can still choose to join Lancelot and David’s camp, but Allen... his origin, his blood, his wisdom, and his strength are all destined for him. Be alone.

These A-level males must have some family backgrounds, and before they came to the Southern Sky Branch of the Males Association, there were faintly close forces.

However, there are also some A-level males in the upper-middle class. They luckily broke through the A-level because they met the requirements of the Nantian Branch of the Male Association and were absorbed.

Of these two, the latter is naturally easier to become Allen's helper, but the former is also extremely valuable.

Of course Allen knew that Lancelot was paving the way for him, but he had more important things to do now. Seeing that he was not telling the truth, Lancelot would definitely not let him go, so he had to say: "This group of members can't do it, at least not this year."

Noting Lancelot's scrutiny gaze, Allen confessed: "My brother's 17th birthday will be two days later, and there is still a full year before he is promoted at the age of 18. This year is too crucial for my brother. I I know, you want to say that Nolan has no chance to break through the S-level. I was wasting my efforts, but even if there is only a little hope, I want to do my best to fight for..."

"I didn't say that Nolan is completely impossible to break through the S grade." Lancelot had to interrupt Allen's endless description of how important Nolan was this year. He said: "I just want to say that I am promoted to this one. You can only rely on him, and you won’t be able to help you go back."

Lancelot suddenly became a little hesitant when he noticed the black eyes that Alan stared over.

He seemed to remember something, and whispered softly: "In fact, the female worm wants the greatest chance to break through the S-level, not to the main star..."

Lancelot's voice was too low, Allen did not hear clearly, he asked in doubt: "What?"

Lancelot thought that Carol was from the Elpsos family and that Lance had been in the army for a long time. Carol and the others might not have been able to think of anything he could think of.

Lancelot decided not to say more.

"Nothing." He said to Allen: "This time I can let you go back and let you escape, but after 10 years, new members will come in. At that time, you want to come to the Nantian Branch and have no less status than me. I I can't ask you, and I don't want you to have other excuses."

Don’t look at Lancelot's usual indifference, but Allen knows that Lancelot is the most concerned about him in the Southern Branch of the Male Insect Association.

It was countless times better than his unreliable little uncle Alfred.

"I know." Allen turned around and left the virtual insect.

Only the ending sound of "Thank you Brother Lancelot" was still floating in the small white bungalow of the Southern Branch of the Male Insect Association, with joy.


What Allen didn't expect was that Nolan turned down his request to go to the main star.

Finally, the stalker let Lancelot let go, and no longer assigns tasks to him this year, and wants to spend this crucial year with Nolan, "Why?!"

Allen had already thought about it. If Nolan said that he was reluctant to bear his father-in-law and father-in-law, he would go to Lancelot and David and ask them to guarantee Lance to return to the main star.

Alan has nothing to do with Lancelot, but if David doesn't agree to him, he will fight until David dare not enter the virtual insect life. Anyway, if he doesn't take the task, Lancelot won't be able to go on his own. In all likelihood, he will send David. When that happens, David will be in the small white bungalow every day. Alan doesn't believe that the other party still has a way to avoid him.

Nolan looked at Allen standing at the door of his study, the beautiful-looking male worm boy, whether in the quiet Tianma elementary school or on the bustling commercial street, he could easily attract the eyes of all worms.

At this moment, the young male worm was staring at him intently, as if there was nothing but him in his pupils like the night.

Even looking at his bulging eyes, it's beautiful.

Nolan really didn't want other females to get this kind of attention.

He used to think that he would become a virtuous and generous female, and treat all the females and cubs in the family friendly. On weekdays, he also sneered at the quarrels of other females and female servants.

But at this moment, Nolan understood that his exclusivity might be stronger than all the females he knew.

The thought that Alan might look at other insects with his gaze made him feel annoyed.

If it was a female who didn't know him, they wouldn't have thought that his Allen was so soft and well-behaved. They couldn't imagine how good his Allen could be, breaking through his heart so easily.

Nolan no longer wanted to hide Alan, "I went to your room to find you just now."

Nolan really didn't expect Alan to know the truth, even before him. He handed Alan the book he had just opened, "I found this behind your game compartment. I thought you would leave the virtual insects soon, so I opened it to take a look and wait for you by the way. ."

Allen lowered his head and quietly looked at the book Nolan handed over.

Biology textbook for level 12 in the Southern District.

Allen felt his eyes were a little sore.

The page Nolan was looking at just now was the gene spectrum he drew. He was using this book at the time, and he counted countless times with a pen on it. The result was the same conclusion-he could not be Lan. S and Carol’s worm cub.

"I'm sorry, Alan." Nolan said apologetically, "I thought it was a textbook, so I just opened it and read it."

Nolan knew when Allen had previewed this lesson.

Allen also knew that the handwriting on the book couldn't be faked, and he couldn't even pretend that he hadn't read it.

Is their peaceful life about to be broken?

"It's because I'm not your brother?!" Allen felt angry, "Yes, brother, no, Nolan, you didn't know before, but both the male father and the female father know how we get along before, and we will do it again in the future. How to get along, is blood relationship really that important?

You have been good to me for so many years, but are all your liking for me fake? It's so easy, just because I'm not your brother by blood, do you want to get rid of it? "

"No." Nolan's voice was surprisingly gentle. He said, "Ellen, I don't know if the insects of the Southern Branch of the Male Worship Association told you that when you joined the Southern Branch of the South Team 7 years ago, the female father and the male father The adoption relationship with you was terminated. Your current household registration is linked to the Nantian Branch. Not only blood, we are not brothers legally."

Nolan's tone, Nolan's attitude, there is no place to release Allen's anger.

He said: "How could my liking for you be fake. I like that you are happy every day, but if you only call me Nolan when you are angry, I really want you to be angry every day."

Allen didn't react.

He seemed to understand, and he didn't seem to understand anything.

Nolan walked slowly in front of Alan. He could not help but comb Alan's hair behind his ears with his fingers, revealing his youthful but unconcealed face.

"Ellen, of course blood is important." He said: "The nature of the Zerg means that we will not fall in love with individuals who are of similar blood.

Don't you understand, Alan? Even if the hippocampus does not change before adulthood, the forgetting zone will not disappear. I can't remember how you came to the house, even if I didn't see the level 12 biology textbook...

When I know that my feelings for you are like, love, the kind of love that I want to be your prince...

...As early as that time, if I understood the meaning of that feeling, I should know that you were not my brother. "

Allen was completely stupid there.

If he understands correctly, his brother...

...No, Nolan.

Nolan is confessing to him, right?

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