The shooting scene of the "Big Movie" program.

Julius and Milo are in the same group, Antonio is in the other group, and they are in another studio.

In Pegasus, Julius has been in business for many years and is already the top traffic.

Leon Entertainment Company saw that Julius had reached a state of inability to rise in Pegasus, so he re-planned his route.

Two more paths were placed in front of Julius again, and he continued to stay in Pegasus to consolidate his achievements; still go to the main star, go to the place that can affect the entire interstellar, and become a real superstar.

Julius chose the second path without hesitation.

This is undoubtedly a huge adventure-to go to the main star, Julius' career may indeed take a higher level, but if he leaves his base camp for a long time and fails to get out of the main star, it will be extremely difficult for Julius to restore his former glory. .

But because of a secret thought in his heart, Julius was still determined to come to the main star.

Julius did not expect that the first variety show he received after the main star would see the familiar figure on the second floor.

Julius can't help but think too much at this time, even if he is sensible in normal times, is he here to see me?

Allen and Sellers are sitting on the second floor.

Here, they can easily overlook the insects below, including Julius, Milo, the screenwriters, directors, and photographers in their group.

And the real director group of the show, they are also on the second floor. The photographers of the program group operated the flying camera to shoot the scene of the next floor at 365 degrees without blind spots, and these pictures were synchronized to the screen on the second floor in real time.

As the producers and judges of this show, Sellers and Allen should have focused on observing the performance of the contestants below.

But in fact, the two males only occasionally observe the interaction of the female below. More often, they listened to each other intently.

"We have known each other since we were young, and we grew up together..." Allen was talking to Sellers about his and Nolan's transition from the principal star to the Pegasus star. At the very beginning, Allen’s narration had an element of performance, but as he narrated more and more fragments, he would return to the state of mind at that time from time to time, his voice began to become gentle, and his eyes became more and more gentle...

"...The male father had just finished refitting a floating car and put the space ring with the floating car on the bedside table. When I was young, I didn't use the space ring, so I wanted to try it with the male father's space ring. I didn't know what happened. I lost the space ring. I rummaged through the house and found nothing.

At that time, we moved to Pegasus for a few years. My father-in-law's company hadn't been opened very large, and the father was restrained in spending money. Throughout the year, the father also modified two suspension vehicles by himself. It is conceivable that if I lose the floating car, the father will definitely be unhappy. He ran directly to the male father and lifted the tank for me.

He is so stupid. He also didn't want to think that I was a male, young, and staying in the male father's room every day, playing with the space ring, the male father would not be very angry. He is different. He doesn't go to the male father's room all year round. As a result, he went while the male father was away, and the space ring just happened to disappear, as if he had done it deliberately.

The male father was indeed very angry and asked him to stand outside to reflect. It was winter and there was a lot of snow, and the male father did not let him in. By the time I knew it, several hours had passed, and he was about to be piled into a snowman. He said that the female is in good health and there will be nothing wrong, and he wants to call me back. "

On the first floor, the director of the Milo organization was arguing with Milo aloud, and the directors behind Alan and Sellers also twittered and pointed at the screen.

There was noisy surroundings, and Cyrus listened to Alan slowly telling the past, but his heart became strangely calm.

He seems to have returned to that snowy day.

He asked Alan: "Then have you gone back?"

Allen said: "I wanted to go to the male father at that time and tell him that he was wronged. After all, not all families are like the Drinkwater family..." Sellers understood Allen's words instantly. . He was raised like a female when he was young.

Allen continued: "They always think that the male worm is very delicate, and the male father will definitely not throw me in the snow. But when he was a child, he was gentle and stubborn, so he didn't agree with me to surrender to the male father. But I didn’t want to go back. We were deadlocked. The stars were big and bright that night. I don’t think I would ever see such a beautiful starry sky again. We stayed outside all night..."

"The next day, the male father and the female father thought we were missing. They rummaged through the house and found two poor insects nestling together in the garden." Allen's tone suddenly became helpless again, he said. "The male father completely forgot that he let his female cubs stand outside. He also scolded us for being stupid, saying that he was punished before and would sneak home by himself."

Sellers said: "Which bug can think of this."

In a Zerg family, the male father is always the absolute authority in the family.

Allen angrily said: "I have thought of it! But he is too crazy to listen to me at all! He said that if he went back with me, I would be punished along with me. He completely forgot about him at the time. Why are you standing in the snow!"

"He must like you very much." Sellers said suddenly.

The corners of Allen's unconscious mouth snapped down, and he remembered his mission again.

"Perhaps so." Allen sighed, "But who knows what he really desires in his heart? Is he willing to get married, or do he want to make contributions."

Seeing the sigh of such a beautiful male, Cyrus was also a male, and he couldn't help feeling pity.

He really didn't understand, how could there be a female who doesn't know what is good or bad and makes such a perfect male sad.

Sellers suddenly asked, "Do you want to know about me and Milo? I think there may be no male more unfortunate than me."

Allen did not act eagerly, he said: "If you want to say it."

Sellers was silent for a moment, as if trying to sort out his thoughts.

At this moment, Allen noticed Milo's glance toward the second floor.

For a moment, Allen and Milo looked at each other.

This is really a very strange scene.

All worms who know Ellen and Milo will not deny that Ellen and Milo are definitely the most popular males and females.

Allen-Undoubtedly, the bloodline that reached S rank when he was a minor has never been recorded in the history of the Zerg. This also makes the appearance of the soon-to-be-adult Allen become more and more refined. He seems to be the most perfect fantasy. Even the picky artist can't find any disharmony in his facial features and figure. He can make all females go crazy. Because of this, Sellers was inexplicably comforted by seeing Alan like this.

Milo-he has natural, dazzling red hair, his facial features are just normal in the entertainment industry, but as long as he stands in front of the camera and acts intently, his expression will instantly become vivid. When he smiles vaguely at you, he can easily confuse all the males he sees. It is no exaggeration to say that Milo is now the female of all the main star males most wanting to marry.

But the most popular male and the most popular female looked at each other, and they did not produce hormones at all. On the contrary, Allen could feel the sparks between them, sparks of hostility.

Allen looked at Milo with a smile at the corner of his mouth. He looked like a smile, and he seemed to be winning.

Allen finally found this task interesting.

In the past, whether it was a male or a female that Allen knew, the first time they saw Allen, their reaction was mostly like the Cyrus just now. Alan could already see the surprise in their eyes easily, and seeing their expressions instantly turned into a trance, as if surprised by the existence of such a perfect male in this world.

Milo didn't feel that way for Allen at all.

He was as calm as looking at the passers-by who can be seen everywhere on the street.

In the past, Allen has only met a few generals like this. They are all S-class military females, determined and completely unmoved by foreign objects.

Although Milo is a big star, his bloodline is only C, far from being compared with S-class military females. What's more, Allen also saw a deep guard in Milo's eyes.

Allen took a step forward inadvertently, just blocking Milo and Sellers. Because Alan was taller than Sellers, Milo couldn't see Sellers at all.

Ellen finally saw Milo's expression change as he wished.

Alan put his hand on Cyrus' shoulder and put his head to his ear. "Should we talk to another place?"

"Okay." Sellers didn't think much about it. There were so many people on the set, it was really not a good place to talk.

He followed Allen out of the door without thinking.

Although Alan didn't look back, he could still feel the gaze piercing his back like a sword light.

Allen got into the suspension car that Sellers had parked outside.

Sellers accompany Allen to the auditorium where he cancelled the engagement ceremony he had previously scheduled-that is the most popular place for the main star. Here Allen has just cancelled it, and it immediately shows that the re-booking has been successful.

Afterwards, Sellers asked him: "Where do you want to go?"

For females, the easiest way to establish friendship is classmates and robes. Grow together in the time of youth and ignorance, and live and die together in the age of blood and blood.

But for males...

Their campus time is relaxed and comfortable, and it is even more impossible to throw their blood on the battlefield. The fastest place for them to establish revolutionary friendship is naturally another battlefield-in the main star's Fengyue place, it is easier for them to treat each other frankly and confide in their concerns.

Allen said: "Go to the club, let's drink and talk."

Sellers has no objection to this.

Although Sellers cares about Milo, he comes from a family and usually socializes, and he also treasures the clubs on the main star.

He hit the steering wheel and drove the hover car to a very famous **** for the main star.

He just watched Alan cancel the place of the engagement ceremony, and realized that Alan must be in a bad mood at this time, so he planned to take Alan to play some exciting games, so that Alan would temporarily forget his troubles.

At this time, a few light-years away from the main star, a mechanical sound rang from a small starship, "After 5 minutes, prepare for space jump. Please return to your seats and turn on the protection mode."

Dominic cursed and fixed himself in place. It is a pity that there is no safety mode device on his "seat", not even the most primitive seat belt, he can only put his hand on the nearest alloy box to fix his body.

One week ago, Dominic had never thought that there would be such a broken starship in the world. He felt that even if the Zerg had just entered space to open up wasteland, the conditions could not be worse than they are now.

On the small starship, alloy boxes of all sizes are piled up everywhere. Dominic is sitting on a flat alloy box. There are also more than 2 meters high alloy boxes behind him and on the left side. On his right side is Nolan.

Because the location is too small, he hasn't straightened his legs ever since he boarded the starship. But he can't complain, because Nolan sits in a 10 times worse position than him. He just can't move. There are several alloy boxes of different sizes piled on Nolan's back and underneath, and he has been leaning for 7 days. , Even S-class females will feel extremely uncomfortable.

In addition, this small starship encountered the wreckage of a mecha two days ago, and the right side of the starship was directly bumped. An alloy box containing the corpse of a strange animal broke directly. Leaving the vacuum environment, the corpse of the alien animal quickly began to stinks, and the interstellar journey of the female with keen facial features was almost dead.

Dominic is still thinking: "I shouldn't follow you back to the main star, I regret it; I shouldn't follow you back to the main star, I regret it..."

After destroying the Grover Star Pirates in the Tianping Department of Operations.

Nolan told Dominic: "I have sent an application for support to the military, and soon there will be warships to clean up Star Pirates."

"Why?!" Dominic was puzzled.

The main force of Star Pirates has been wiped out by them, and they don't need to ask for support at this time. The battleship that joins the battle now is simply picking up military exploits in vain.

"The small group of star thief will be more difficult to restrain than when they are in a group. As long as they let go, they may harm a large number of civilians in the empire." Nolan said: "This time the first work is definitely ours. No one can take it away. There is no need to put the civilians of the Empire in such a dangerous situation for that bit of military merit. Also, I have a reason to drive back to the main star now."

Dominic cared: "What's the matter?"

Nolan did not speak. He sent an email to Dominic through the internal star network-an invitation written by Nolan himself, an invitation letter for the engagement ceremony of Allen and Nolan.

Dominic wailed, "Would you like to start so quickly!" Dominic has no doubt that on the day Allen becomes an adult, Nolan will ask Allen to go through the marriage procedures.

Dominic knew that it was impossible for him to stop Nolan from returning to the main star.

He thought about it. The Tianping Operations Department has been exhausted from the continuous raids for several months. If they continue to finish work at this time, they may suffer unnecessary casualties. He didn't hesitate anymore, and directly took the soldiers from the Tianping Operation Department back to the base.

At this moment, the military issued a commendation and planned to hold a celebration banquet for them at the base.

Dominic swears that Nolan must have never done such a rebellious thing before.

Nolan directly jumped at the celebration party specially organized for him by the military—if Nolan is still there, he will be the well-deserved protagonist of the celebration party—20-year-old imperial major general, super personal combat ability, and super-class Level of command. If Nolan breaks through the S-level, he is only known as the most promising new star of the military, then he now has the same power to talk to many big bosses.

The base will never allow Nolan to put so many big pigeons at the same time, let alone let him go back to the main star now.

Nolan did not hesitate to board the small transport ship from the base to the main star.

Nothing can stop him from going back.

As Nolan’s adjutant, Dominic doesn’t want to be blamed by countless bugs for looking down on the officer, and...

"Your engagement ceremony, the Nantian branch of the Male Worm Association is estimated to have a lot of cute males. It is very likely that there will be my future male lord among them, I am definitely going to participate!" Dominic said.

but now…

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-" Dominic was already going crazy. He never thought that the space jump of a starship dedicated to transportation would put such a heavy load on the human body.

Beside Dominic, Nolan looked calm.

He closed his eyes and was counting the time silently.

After the space jump, they only need to fly another 90 minutes to reach the main star.

When the main star is reached, he can find Allen in 30 minutes at most.

In other words, there are still 2 hours, 120 minutes, 7200 seconds before they meet again...

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