From the Ghost Emperor Realm to the Yama Realm is the process of ascending to the God.

But the absorption of soul power will not stop.

Moreover, as the realm is upgraded, the soul power required reaches a massive level.

Although the soul power of 10 billion soul coins is not much, it accumulates little by little, and it can be gradually improved.

It is better than stagnating.

"Everyone, I have another question."

"Please speak."

"Do you know the way to ascend to the God?"

"The way to ascend to the God?"

Several people subconsciously looked at Grandma Black Wood.

In fact, they have all heard of this way to ascend to the God, but if they want to explain it in detail, they can't say anything.

After all, their current focus is to find a way to break through the Emperor Realm. As for the road after the Emperor Realm, it is still too far.

And Grandma Black Wood is the most knowledgeable ghost king in Black Wood City.

Even before the establishment of Black Wood City, Grandma Black Wood has traveled in the Dead World Continent for countless epochs.

If there is anyone who knows the most about the road to godhood, it should undoubtedly be Grandma Heimu.

Seeing everyone looking at her, Grandma Heimu organized her words:

"Regarding the road to godhood, I once heard a close friend in the Emperor Realm mention it."

"But my close friend also practiced and explored at the same time, and many of his words were just guesses."

"My close friend said that in the underworld, there is only one way to become a god, and that is to perform the duties of the underworld and accumulate Yin virtues."

"Regarding this road, Elder Lin must have known."

Lin Yan nodded: "Yes."

Grandma Heimu continued: "As for the rest of the roads, they are all in the Yang world."

"The Yang world?"

"Yes, my close friend said so."

"For this reason, he also deliberately used means to sneak into the Yang world."

"Since After that, we lost contact. It has been 20 million years. I don't know if my best friend succeeded in becoming a god."

After Grandma Hei Mu finished speaking, Lin Yan was thoughtful: "It seems that if I want to find the answer, I need to go to the world of the living."

"Grandma Hei Mu, do you know how your best friend entered the world of the living?"

Grandma Hei Mu shook her head: "That's his secret, I don't know."

"Is that so."

Lin Yan thought for a while and looked at the Bride of Flower Shadow: "Bride of Flower Shadow, can you tell me how to contract a ghost master?"

Bride of Flower Shadow was stunned, and hurriedly spoke carefully: "Master Ghost Emperor, do you know that I am a contracted ghost spirit of a ghost master in the world of the living?"

Lin Yan nodded.

"What? You are actually a contracted ghost spirit?"

Grandma Hei Mu, Wei Ting and General Tiger Face were all surprised.

"No wonder you are promoted so quickly!"

Obviously, they didn't know the secret of the Bride of Flower Shadow.

The Bride of Flower Shadow knew that since Lin Yan had exposed her, she could no longer hide anything, so she said:

"Ghost Emperor, and all the ghost kings, what I am going to say next involves a ghost emperor. Please decide whether you are involved in this cause and effect."

"Another ghost emperor?"

Lin Yan was naturally not afraid of other ghost emperors, so he was unmoved.

The other three ghost kings looked at each other, and finally chose not to leave.

Seeing that no one was leaving, the Bride of Flower Shadow continued:

"It all started three hundred years ago."

"Three hundred years ago, I was an ordinary woman in the Qingyuan Continent of the Yang World. For some reason, I died unjustly on my wedding night. With all my resentment, I stayed in the Yang World and became a ghost bride."

"At that time, a ghost emperor happened to build a spiritual realm in the Qingyuan Continent."

"I was chosen by the ghost emperor, who recruited me to become a ghost guarding the spiritual realm and built a level specifically for me - "Marriage in the Underworld."

"In the spiritual realm, I screened and eliminated the challengers according to the rules set by the ghost emperor."

"Once, due to some coincidence, I was contracted by a challenger and became a ghost. "After that, I was fighting with the ghost divisions while guarding the spiritual level. And settle here. "" But the ghost contract with the ghost master did not stop, he could still summon me to go back to fight at any time. Question. Huaxing bride frowned: "The ghost emperor was very mysterious and never revealed his taboo to me, and he didn't even show his true body in front of me. I don't know his identity.""I once heard another ghost guarding the spirit realm mention that the ghost emperor had signed a contract with the strong man in the world of the living, using the spirit realm to help the world of the living select talents. In exchange, he would get the souls of the eliminated." "For the ghost emperor, the souls of the living world, in addition to being delicious, seem to have other uses..." "So that's it." Lin Yan thought thoughtfully. The ghost emperor who created the spirit realm and the ghost emperor's best friend of the black wood grandmother are planning something in the world of the living. It seems that, as the ghost emperor's best friend said, most of the ways to become gods are in the world of the living. "What about the ghost contract?" Lin Yan continued to ask. The Bride of Flower Shadow said everything: "In the Qingyuan Continent where I lived before, people and ghosts coexisted, fighting each other, but also cooperating. " "Ghost Master is a psychic profession that can control contracted ghosts to fight. ”

“The conditions for signing a contract are very harsh.”

“First, the ghost tamer needs to have strong enough soul power and master the contract method.”

“Then, there must be a platform for mutual contract communication.”

“Every once in a while, Qingyuan Continent will organize a contract ceremony, and the contract ceremony is a good communication platform.”

“But this is not absolute. The contract between me and my ghost tamer was completed under special conditions.”

“The third and most important one is that the ghost tamer and the ghost spirit need to match their souls.”

“This one is the most difficult to achieve.”

“Many humans who choose to become ghost tamers cannot successfully contract ghost spirits throughout their lives because they cannot find ghost spirits that match their souls.”

“After completing the contract, the ghost tamer and the contracted ghost spirit become the closest partners.”

“Fight together and grow together.”

“Since humans’ realms are improved very quickly, it will be easier for ghost spirits to improve their realms after the contract.”

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