New Year's Eve is here.

In order to have a good New Year's Eve dinner, Awang arranged tasks for everyone in the family.

Liu Jidalang was responsible for writing couplets and hanging lanterns.

Erlang, Sanlang, and Siniang followed Qin Yao in a general cleaning, sweeping away last year's bad luck and ushering in good luck.

Awang himself contracted the kitchen and warned him in advance that no one would be allowed to come in and interfere with the kitchen without his call today.

Qin Yao, who rarely picked up a broom, said, "I want to switch with Liu Laosan."

Liu Jicai didn't change, so he finally got an easy job, so he just gave Awang a big hug to express his gratitude.

The red paper bought in advance was moved to the front door, the tables and chairs were placed, the pen was lifted, and he looked proudly at Qin Yao who was carrying a broom in the courtyard and couldn't start. After a few strokes, the first couplet with flying dragons and phoenixes was revealed on the paper.

【Good luck in the new year】

Qin Yao raised her eyebrows and leaned forward with a broom to look at it. She was surprised that the handwriting on the paper was very similar to Gong Liangxiao's.

The only thing missing is the soul.

It has its appearance but not its true character.

But even so, it was enough to make Qin Yao look at Liu Ji with new eyes.

"How did you do it?" Qin Yao turned over the red paper under the couplet in disbelief to see if it was a template he had prepared in advance, and it was not written at all.

This move made Liu Ji very unhappy. He firmly pressed her hand that was turning the paper and said angrily:

"Why can't I do it? Oh, am I useless in the eyes of my wife?"

Qin Yao is silent.

The silence speaks.

Liu Ji took a deep breath to stop himself from being mad to death. He took her hand away, picked up the pen and started writing the second line again.

[Have a safe and prosperous year and make a fortune]

Hengpi: Thousands of miles of rejuvenation!

After writing, put down the pen gently, put your arms on your hips and straighten your chest, look at Qin Yao with your chin, open your eyes wide and let me see if it is true or not!

Not surprisingly, he received a hard slap on the back of his head.

"Ouch!" Liu Ji jumped in pain and almost knocked over the table.

He quickly backed away, covering the back of his head in grievance, and said resentfully: "Madam, it's the Chinese New Year, can you give me some face?"

Qin Yao couldn't help but chuckle, stuffed the broom into his arms, pointed to the yard, "Sweep the floor, I'll post this couplet for you."

Liu Ji's lips moved. Under her indifferent gaze, he failed to muster up the courage to resist. Holding the broom, he turned back three times and warned worriedly:

"Remember to blow, the ink is not dry yet, so it won't be good if you spend it. I worked hard to write it."

He kept mumbling, noisier than the tongue-tied woman in the village.

But looking at the 'beautiful' couplet on the table in front of her, Qin Yao couldn't find a reason to call him out for the first time.

Qin Yao waited for the ink to dry before picking up homemade rice paste and pasting this couplet with beautiful meaning on the door of her house.

Last year's old couplet had been buckled by several children and was thrown to the ground by Qin Yao. After pasting the new couplet, he picked up the old one and burned it in the stove in the courtyard.

On the faded red paper, Liu Ji's dog-pawing handwriting last year was instantly devoured by the fire.

Instead, there are brand new couplets on the door. The handwriting is free and easy, no longer scrawled as before.

After the couplets are pasted, the lanterns still need to be hung up.

Qin Yao waved to Da Lang to come over. The young boy guessed what she meant, the tips of his ears turned red and he moved slowly.

Qin Yao found it funny, handed him the lantern, and lifted Dalang up with one hand, "Is it high enough?"

Dalang sat in her arms, not daring to move. His whole body was stiff and he replied: "Aunt Yao, be taller."

"Okay." Qin Yao gently touched the hook on the eaves and hung the lantern carefully.

After hanging this first one, continue to hang the second one.

After finishing the hanging at the main door, I went to hang it at the door of the main room. There was also a red lantern hung in front of each house, decorating the yard with joy.

Liu Ji also brought Erlang and Longfengtai over to clean every corner of the house and polish the tables, chairs and window sills.

All of a sudden, the flavor of the New Year is here, and the meal can be started just waiting for Awang’s delicious dishes to be served.

While it was still early, Qin Yao brought scissors and taught several children to cut out the Chinese characters for blessing. They cut the words and pasted them on the window, which made people feel good just looking at them.

Over in the kitchen, Awang shouted: "Get ready for dinner!"

The family of six in the house immediately stood up and ran over to serve the food.

The tip of Si Niang's nose twitched, "It smells so good!"

Liu Ji leaned over the stove to take a look. The milky white wolf bone vegetable soup in the pot was sloshing and rolling, the milky white and emerald green complementing each other.

It's a very simple soup, without adding any extra seasoning, and the original aroma is enough to whet your appetite.

In addition, there is a pot of braised pork belly, a carp with chopped pepper, a plate of scrambled eggs with shredded winter bamboo shoots, a plate of appetizing pickled radish strips, and a leaf of millet and red date cake.

Counting the soup in the pot, there are exactly six dishes, which is the auspicious meaning of Liuliu Dashun.

Qin Yao and Liu Ji served the dishes, Dalang Erlang served the rice, and the dragon and phoenix twins helped set the chopsticks. They just waited for Awang to serve the soup. The door of the hall was closed, blocking the cold wind, leaving only a warm and fragrant atmosphere in the room.

I have never had such good food before. A family of six, big and small, were all full.

Only Awang is more restrained.

Rather than the deliciousness of the food, he prefers to see the people around him look satisfied with their cooking skills.

This made him feel that he was an indispensable member and had a sense of accomplishment.

Naturally, the task of clearing away the dishes, tables, and chairs also fell to Awang. Who allowed him to move?

After the New Year's Eve dinner, it was completely dark. The children couldn't wait to take down the lanterns with long bamboo poles and light them all.

The small courtyard was filled with red candlelight and the cheerful laughter of children was inside.

The stove in the courtyard was burning brightly, and the specially selected long bamboos were burned in it, making crackling sounds.

But the four brothers and sisters of Dalang were not satisfied with this noise. They dragged their father to take out the firecrackers they bought, each of them divided a long piece, lit an incense stick, and ran towards the village with them.

This is nothing more than a child's ability to show off.

Compete to see who has more money and see whose firecrackers are longer.

Soon, the sound of firecrackers came from the village, adding to the excitement.

Qin Yao and Liu Ji followed them out. The old house also had dinner. The two families gathered together, chatting about this year and thinking about the coming year.

The hunger and cold in winter in my memory have long been replaced by the warmth and satisfaction of today.

The house in the old house was expanded by one room along with the large army in the village. The thatched roofs were all replaced with green tiles, the ground was paved with gravel paths, and two red pomegranate trees were planted in the corners.

This scene is completely different from the first time Qin Yao stepped into the old house.

During the vigil, white snow was falling, and it started to snow again.

Old man Liu was sitting under the corridor, looking up at the flying snow in the sky, and said with a smile: "The auspicious snow heralds a good year, and the coming year will definitely be a good one." (End of this chapter)

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