Yin Le casually wiped the tears on his face with his sleeves. After his vision regained clarity, he walked to the bedside and touched it for a while, then pulled out a key like a magic trick.

He walked to the old wardrobe, opened the iron lock, and took out the red bellyband that had been kept at the bottom of the box and dared not move around.

The red has faded a bit, and the bright red has turned into rose red, but the pattern of a pair of crow-green mandarin ducks embroidered on it is still very clear.

But that's not the point.

The point is, there is actually a line of black ink on the bellyband, written in seal script -

[Drunken with red wine and rich dew, remaining graceful and beautiful for the rest of the spring]


Seeing Qin Yao staring at the line of small words, Yin Le asked curiously: "Benefactor, is this a poem?"

Qin Yao asked unexpectedly: "Are you illiterate?"

Yin Le nodded and said, "I didn't expect my benefactor to be literate." There was a hint of envy in his words.

From Yin Le's description of her family situation, it can be inferred that her family background is very good. Qin Yao did not expect that the Yin family's parents did not let their daughter learn calligraphy.

But then I thought about it, there were very few literate men in Kaiyang County, let alone the women who had been isolated in the back house.

Thinking about it this way, Ding Xiang is already luckier than most women in the boudoir because he has received enlightenment from his family and is quite knowledgeable.

Qin Yao explained for Yin Le: "This is a poem describing peony, which means that the bright red flowers covered with dewdrops, the slightly tilted posture seems to be drunk, leaving all the beautiful gestures to the dying person. Spring is a way of personifying people, and it also uses flowers to metaphor people."

"The person who can leave such a poem must be very fond of the beauty of the girl you mentioned."

Yin Le frowned. She didn't know what she was thinking about. She suddenly picked up the bellyband and threw it to the ground, shouting: "Dirty!"

Qin Yao quickly snatched the red bellyband back with quick eyes and hands, pointed at the poem on it and said seriously:

"This is important evidence. If you destroy it, tragedies like Peony will continue to happen!"

Only then did Yin Le suddenly remember to ask Qin Yao why she came to Xinghua Village.

Qin Yao didn't know who Zhaoda was, but she confiscated the bellyband first.

After folding her bellyband and putting it into her baggage, Qin Yao sat down and explained to Yin Le, "I'm here to find Yueniang."

Yueniang is Yin Le's nickname in the brothel, and it is also the name she hates the most. Whenever someone calls it to her, it always reminds her of that dark life.

However, she was afraid that the scar would heal and she would forget the pain, and she was also worried that her real name would be exposed, so she always used the name Yueniang outside.

She wants to remember those days and use them to whip herself over and over again!

Not only to avoid stepping into the same abyss again, but also to use repeated stimulation to eventually achieve the goal of numbness and indifference.

She would not allow anyone to mention this name next time, and she would have to suffer the mental torture caused by this hellish life.

So now she nodded heavily and responded: "I am Yueniang."

Qin Yao raised her eyebrows secretly, thinking that this girl was really cruel to her.

But judging from her reaction, she probably doesn't know what is happening in the city now.

Qin Yao told Yin Le: "The brothel was closed down by the county magistrate, but someone leaked the news and asked Pan Meiren to run away."

"Now all the county officials are arresting her, and her situation is very dangerous. In order to save her life, she will probably go to the people above her for help, so it is not easy to convict her of death in one fell swoop."

After listening to Qin Yao's words, Yin Le was stunned for four or five seconds before blinking his eyelashes twice. He raised his eyes in disbelief and asked her: "My benefactor, are you saying that this evil person like Mother Pan has finally been caught by the government? "

Qin Yao: "Caught, but not completely."

Qin Yao mentioned the red mandarin duck bellyband again, "Shaoyao gave this to you. Do you know who wrote the poem to Shaoyao? What is their relationship?"

Yin Le was still digesting the news of Pan Meiren's arrest, feeling surprised and happy. Faced with Qin Yao's inquiry, she was obviously at a loss. Her brain was shut down for a while, and she opened her mouth for a long time, unable to speak a complete sentence.

It was already late at night. Seeing that she was not in a good condition, Qin Yao was not in a hurry and changed the topic.

"Looking at how you look now, you don't have the energy to recall such small details. Let's talk about it at dawn tomorrow."

Qin Yao asked jokingly: "Is your bed big enough?"

Yin Le's tense expression relaxed a little, and he quickly took out a worn-out thin quilt, and said with some embarrassment:

"The conditions are poor and I have wronged my benefactor."

"Don't call me my benefactor, call me Qin Yao."

Qin Yao quickly took off her shoes and coat, put the knife at the end of the bed, and lay down on the outer half of the kang.

Yin Le smiled and shouted: "Sister Qin."

The woman's voice was soft and soft, and her sister's cry was so sweet that it was so sweet to the heart.

Qin Yao's goosebumps instantly appeared on her back. She crossed her arms and shuddered. Just as she was about to correct her title, Yin Le spoke first.

"Sister, I'm going to sleep first. When I wake up tomorrow morning, I will remember what you need to know."

After that, he lay on the back side of the bed, closed his eyes and snored softly, which showed that he was really sleepy and couldn't stand it any longer.

Qin Yao sighed helplessly, closed her eyes, got rid of distracting thoughts and fell asleep.

The remote Xinghua Village was very quiet, surrounded by the chirping of insects and birds. Qin Yao slept quite comfortably.

In the early morning, a ray of light shone through the broken window lattice, and the two women on the bed yawned and woke up at the same time.

When the two saw each other, they were both stunned for a moment. The memories before going to bed came back, and Yin Le was the first to speak cheerfully: "Sister Qin~"

Qin Yao rubbed the numb goose bumps on the back of her hands and complained softly: "This voice should be the queen of sweet songs."

Yin Le didn't hear clearly and asked while getting out of bed and getting dressed: "Sister Qin, what did you say?"

Qin Yao hurriedly shook her head and said it was nothing. She got out of bed and got dressed. She looked at her knife again, picked it up and put it on the baggage on the table, making a decision in her heart.

"Yin Le, I will take you to see Magistrate Song." Qin Yao said while taking out the remaining buns.

It's not a discussion tone, but a notification tone.

Yin Le was stunned for a moment. He didn't know whether it was due to blind trust in his benefactor or something else. He nodded firmly, "Okay, I'll go with you. I want to bring Pan Meiren to justice!"

She just remembered a lot of things that should be very useful to her benefactor.

However, Yin Le obviously misunderstood. She thought Qin Yao was now serving the government.

And she already knew her benefactor's name.

After all, after wiping out the horse bandits, Qin Yao, the brave man who revealed the reward, became very popular in Kaiyang County.

Even if you don't see him, you still know his name.

The name Qin Yao is well-known in Kaiyang County.

Therefore, even if such a warrior is a woman, the government will definitely recruit her to serve the court and bring those damned evildoers to justice!

Qin Yao vaguely realized that the ruthless sister in front of her had misunderstood something, but she did not bother to explain.

He handed the bun to her and said, "Eat quickly. Once you're full, you'll be on your way."

Yin Le frowned, why does Sister Qin's words sound weird?

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