The village chief ignored the inquiry, and Qin Yao couldn't continue to ask further questions.

Holding the gong, he followed the way the village chief and Liu Qi usually did, beating the gong and shouting in the village.

Inform them that the rice seedlings will be planted on the eighth day of the lunar month and that Magistrate Song will lead people from other villages and towns to observe and learn.

The whole village shouted, their voices hoarse.

Qin Yao thought to herself that if she were the village chief, she would definitely ask Carpenter Liu to build a big speaker.

Otherwise, if you have such a voice from time to time, sooner or later it will turn into a broken voice.

As soon as the news of Magistrate Song's arrival was released, the entire Liujia Village was in a state of excitement.

In the past, everyone was not so particular about it, but now getting up early in the morning to do hygiene, cleaning windows and sweeping away cobwebs, is comparable to the Chinese New Year.

Zhang's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the old house took out the new clothes they wore during the Chinese New Year from the bottom of the box, spread them flat and hung them on the shelf. After the wrinkles smoothed out, they put them on and went to the fields that day.

Liu Baizhi said that Mr. He was crazy. Who is a good person who goes to the fields to plant rice and wear new clothes?

Mrs. He yelled at him: "What do you know! You don't care what I want to wear, as if you know how to wash clothes!"

Liu Bai was choked and speechless.

Soon, the appointed time arrived.

Although they knew that it was impossible to arrive so early from the county seat to the village, the villagers of Liujia Village followed the village chief to the entrance of the village early in the morning and stretched their necks to look at the road.

Farming is a big deal, and the stationery factory was closed for two days, leaving enough manpower for everyone to plant rice.

There was nothing to do in the factory, so two outsiders, Qian Wang and Yin Le, came to watch the fun and help hang up a banner brought by Qin Yao and Liu Dafu.

The fabric is precious, and the banner was kindly provided by Qin Yao’s family. It was hung on the clothes drying pole outside Carpenter Liu’s tea shed.

This location faces the main road into the village, and the terrain is high, so visitors can see it at a glance.

Liu Dafu has already discussed with Carpenter Liu that the people coming today will eat in his tea shed.

The ingredients are collected by each family in the village, and the person who cooks the dishes is a female member of Liu Dafu's family. Whoever is free from the remaining families in the village comes to help.

After hanging the banner, Yin Le stayed at Carpenter Liu's house to help.

She followed Mr. He and Mr. Qiu in the factory cafeteria. She had not learned the skill of cooking a spoon for the time being, but she had already become proficient in cooking, washing dishes, and mopping the floor.

A hard-working girl, she will not cause trouble anywhere. Even if Yin Le doesn't like to talk much, the wives in the village will take her with them if they see her busy and have fun.

Besides, she was still protected by He, so no one dared to bully her.

After Qin Yao and the people from Carpenter Liu's family told Song Zhang and the others where to sit for dinner, they turned around and saw Yin Le busy in the kitchen, and raised their eyebrows in surprise.

With a scarf tied on her face, she was carrying a plate and soup while running around the kitchen.

The aunts and sisters-in-law who were busy working on the chopping board said, "Yue Niang, come here!"

During this period, Qin Yao was busy receiving visiting study groups and didn't go to the factory much. In addition, Yin Le hadn't appeared in front of her recently, so she almost forgot about this person.

It seems that the goal of a thousand words has caused a lot of obstacles to Yin Le. Perhaps, he has recognized the reality and no longer struggles.

Qin Yao left Carpenter Liu's house secretly satisfied, came to the entrance of the village, and drove back the villagers who were still waiting there.

"The sun is about to rise. If we don't hurry up and plant rice seedlings while it's cool now, it will be even harder to work when the sun comes up."

Qin Yao's words made sense, but the villagers still looked at the village chief and clan chief subconsciously.

The patriarch didn't say anything. He wasn't going to the ground anyway, so he had the leisure to wait.

The village chief smiled helplessly and waved his hand, "It can't come so fast. You guys should go down to the ground first."

Time waits for no one, and good seasons don’t come every day. Farming is still important.

The villagers, who were already a little worried about the sun, immediately dispersed.

The excitement of the county magistrate's arrival had passed after waiting for so long. After a while, the fields were filled with the sound of splashing water.

"I'm going too." Qin Yao smiled at the two elders, "You two elders can rest under the tree and watch."

Especially the village chief, he is recovering from a serious illness, so don’t fall down from exhaustion again.

The village chief glared at her, expressing dissatisfaction that his body was still strong.

Only the sound of his heavy breathing revealed his true physical condition.

After glaring Qin Yao away, the village chief turned around and sat down, making the clan leader laugh, "When you get old, you get old. Just admit it openly and openly. How can you hold on?"

Unexpectedly, the joke caused the village chief to sigh loudly.

"Oh~, you think I want to hold on? If our village couldn't find someone to replace me, old man, I would have been entertaining my grandson at home!"

The clan leader looked at the clansmen busy in the fields and couldn't help but sigh, "It would be great if there was a boy in our village who was as capable as Yao Niang."

His eyes fell on the busy tea shed of Carpenter Liu's family, and the patriarch tentatively said, "But I think Dafu is not bad."

"And your Liu Qi, you are a bit young, but young people are good. Young people are energetic and quick-thinking, but the prestige is still lacking." The patriarch himself said that he felt tired.

He glanced at the village chief angrily, it was all his fault!

The two old men were sitting under the grass on the roadside, lamenting that there was no successor. The sound of horse hoof wheels reached their ears, and they immediately stood up in excitement.

I'm coming!

As soon as the gong struck, the villagers who were bending down and busy in the fields immediately straightened up and looked towards the entrance of the village.

At the beginning was a green carriage, followed by four ox carts and some young men on foot.

In front of the leading carriage were two horse-riding officers wearing official uniforms.

One look at this posture and knew that the person in the car must be the county magistrate Song Zhang.

The people sitting on the bullock carts behind them were Li Zheng and village chiefs from various towns in Kaiyang County.

Following them were the more promising descendants of their respective clans.

Li Zheng from Jinshi Town was familiar with the village chief of Liujia Village, so he shouted first: "He's from Liujia Village!"

The village chief came forward with a smile, and the young people in the village who had just gone to the fields, such as Liu Qi, Liu Bai, Liu Gong and others, also rushed over.

Liu Dafu was very fast. He ran straight down from Carpenter Liu’s house and greeted him enthusiastically.

He could talk, and the place immediately became heated. The village chief and the clan chief looked at each other, secretly feeling satisfied.

Song Zhang got off the carriage, and in order to experience planting rice in the field for himself, he changed into simple clothes that he thought were suitable for going to the field - a white cotton shirt and a pair of cotton white trousers.

"Where is Qin Yao?" Song Zhang got out of the car and asked with a frown when he didn't see the familiar figure.

Don't you know he's coming and avoid it because it's troublesome?

Just as he was thinking this, he saw a man wearing a hat, gray linen clothes, trousers rolled up high, and bare feet outside the crowd, waving to him.

"Come over here, roll up your sleeves and trouser legs, and follow me to the fields!"

She has already prepared five acres of land for them at home!

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