The Lightless Sea 11

Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Adam, show the video provided by the hospital.”

“Yes.” Following Adam’s answer, a video popped up.

In the white treatment room, the chief psychiatrist sat behind a table, and the mentally ill criminal Chai Jian sat opposite the table.

He had thin cheeks, stubble all over his face, sunken eye sockets and heavy bags under his eyes, and was tied to a chair with a restraint belt.

He tried his best to open his eyes wide and clenched his hands into fists: “I’m really not from Heihai City. My name is Chai Jian, yes, but I haven’t committed a crime, and I’m not a mentally ill prisoner! I’m not sick!”

“Okay, I know. Please calm down, Mr. Chai!” The psychotherapist leaned back and spoke cautiously, for fear of irritating Chai Jian who was emotional.

Chai Jian said fiercely: “What do you know? I’m not lying! I’m not a criminal! No crime! No mental illness!”

“Mr. Chai, I understand what you mean.” The psychotherapist’s hand quietly pressed the alarm button under the table. If Chai Jian made an attack, the guards outside the door would rush in to subdue him.

“You know what a fart! I just fell asleep and woke up to find myself in this ghost place! I am Chai Jian, from Jinling, and I have not committed a crime!” senseFeeling the despair and confusion exuding from him, “Lawyer, find me a lawyer! I want to call the police!”

The psychotherapist said: “Mr. Chai, you are a sixth-level citizen and have been deprived of your political rights. You have no right to appeal. We cannot help you hire a lawyer.”

“Damn it, what nonsense are you talking about!” Chai Jian broke free from the restraint belt, and jumped up from the chair to grab the psychotherapist’s collar.

The psychotherapist pressed the alarm button and dodged back.

The door of the treatment room slammed open, and the hospital guard rushed in and subdued Chai Jian, pressing his face hard on the table.

“I’m not a criminal, I’m not!” Chai Jian’s face was deformed, his words were vague, and he persistently repeated this sentence.

The psychotherapist quickly took out a tranquilizer from his white coat and stuck it into Chai Jian’s neck.

Chai Jian murmured dully: “Let me…go home…”

He closed his eyes and fell asleep under the influence of the medicine.

Kai Xin watched this scene expressionlessly.

Her start was dangerous enough. Compared with her, Xi Liang’s start was mediocre, with financial difficulties at most. But Chai Jian… Looking at his tragic experience, Kai Xin didn’t know which of them was worse than Chai Jian.

Chai Jian’s emotions are extremely agitated, and he is in an irrational state. If he calms down, he should be able to smoothly call out the light curtain of the game system and figure out his current basic identity. He was so panicked and terrified that he lost his judgment.

Kai Xin was thinking, how many people read the announcements and documents carefully when they signed and agreed to play the game, and how many people remembered the six points of advice and decided to abide by them? She knows that many people will directly click to confirm when they see a statement that requires consent when they are playing games.

Maybe Chai Jian didn’t read the game email seriously at all. He didn’t know the rules of survival, which made him passive.

Kai Xin learned that the death penalty in the Federation had been abolished 80 years ago. If Chai Jian did not do anything well and stayed in a mental hospital for treatment, he would not be in danger for the rest of his life, and he could still die. The price he paid would be loss of freedom.

But Chai Jian escaped.

Once he escapes, the Investigation Department has the right to directly shoot him dead while tracking him down.

Kai Xin killed two robbers without even receiving any punishment. If the seventh team killed Chai Jian, not only would they not be punished, but they might even get meritorious service.

“The criminal Chai Jian lacks anti-tracking experience. After escaping from a mental hospital, he appeared on the street several times. The city surveillance network tracked his whereabouts.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Map.”

Adam listed out the city map. The map marked the place where Chai Jian appeared and the trajectory of his actions with small red dots and red lines.

“He was active in the North District. He tried to buy food in a convenience store an hour ago, but he failed because his account was frozen. According to my calculations, Chai Jian is still in the North District. He cannot take public transportation or enter public transportation. Occasion.” Shu Xuyao ​​zoomed in on the map, “The slums in the North District are rarely monitored, and they are the best hiding places for fugitives, so we need to focus on searching.”

“Chai Jian’s mental state is extremely unstable. His extraordinary ability has no lethality, but the effect is unknown.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “This time we adopted a combination of long-range and short-range actions. I, Jiang Ming, and Liu Kangyun hunted down. Lan operates the drone group. Kuixin, you are a long-range sniper, is it okay?”

Long-range sniper? This is a big problem, she has never touched a gun!

Kai Xin was silent, and Shu Xuyao ​​took her silence as stage fright for a newcomer. He encouraged: “If the arrest goes well, no snipers will be needed. You are the last safety bolt, the safety bolt that guarantees that the prisoner will not escape. Your The fire test was a perfect score, I trust you.”

“Can you do it, newcomer?” The man on Kai Xin’s left looked her up and down, and said aggressively.

Combining his appearance with the information he had read, Kai Xin recognized him as Lan Lan, who is equivalent to a technician in the seventh team, responsible for maintenance and operation of various technological equipment. Everyone in this room, she has carefully memorized their information.

“I’m fine, captain.” Kui Xin accepted the order bravely.

“Okay, without further ado, let’s change the equipment.” Shu Xuyao ​​said.

Everyone stood up, left Shu Xuyao’s office one after another, turned right to the door marked “Equipment Room”, and scanned their irises one by one.

Kai Xin also scanned the irises, and then entered.

Adam’s voice came from nowhere: “This mission requires bulletproof combat uniforms, standard firearms, standard melee knives, K80 new long-scope sniper rifles, micro-drones, data monitors, backup communicators, explosion-proof helmets, emergency Medical kit.”

“Please check that everything is correct before leaving the equipment room.”

The entire equipment room is filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke from ammunition and ammunition and the smell of gun maintenance oil.

Rows of pitch-black firearms were neatly hung on the racks. Various types of bullets and magazines glowed with a cold luster. Kai Xin glanced at them and saw many strangely shaped and useless equipment.

Kai Xin followed her teammates to get a suitable size bulletproof combat uniform, and went to the women’s locker room to change.

The black bulletproof combat uniform is simple in style without any extra decorations. It is a little tight after wearing it, and the fabric is thin but elastic. Kai Xin wears a belt with many hidden buckles, which seems to be used to put guns and magazines.

After changing her clothes, she approached the display cabinet where the firearms were placed. She observed the movements of her teammates out of the corner of her eye. Following their example, she took a standard pistol and pinned it to her waist according to the weapon label, and took two magazines and a knife edge. The sharp blade has a short blade with anti-reflective treatment.

Kai Xin came to the shelf where the explosion-proof helmets were placed, took a helmet and put it on. this helmetIt is not all-inclusive, the main protection is the position of the back of the head.

She is a sniper and needs to be equipped with an extra K80 long-scope sniper rifle.

Kai Xin saw that the display case where the sniper rifle was located was too big. This gun…is too big, and what’s more terrible is that it is in an unassembled state!

Her scalp was numb, staring at the parts of the K80 at a loss.

“What’s the matter?” Lan Lan leaned over and asked, “Hurry up and go on assembly. The captain said that you have perfect marks for shooting. After working with you for so many days, your teammates haven’t seen you load a gun yet. Let me see.”

Kai Xin closed his eyes, and touched the gun parts with both hands.

Barrel, receiver, brake, bracket, connection block, scope… The parts were assembled in her hands at a dizzying speed.

Lan Lan was dumbfounded and opened her mouth wide.

When the last part was assembled, Kai Xin’s fingertips inadvertently twitched.

The god of luck is on the side of Kaixin. The inherent talent of fighting instinct includes the category of firearms. When a person has assembled a firearm a thousand times or 10,000 times, he can use his muscle memory to control the gun with his eyes closed. Complete the assembly.

Kai Xin picked up the K80 and said to Lan Lan, “I’ve seen it, how is it?”

“Awesome, you!” Lan Lan posted over with a playful smile, grabbed the spare communicator that Kai Xin hadn’t had time to grab and pinned it to her belt, “The gun is in your hands, I’ll get the communicator for you.”

“Thank you.” Kui Xin said.

She can’t rely too much on her fighting instincts, she can’t do without a little theory in her head.

“Security Officer Kui Xin” still has the textbooks for her criminal investigation technology major at university, which are on the desk in her bedroom. When she has time, she must read them carefully to enrich her blank brain.

After leaving the equipment room with his teammates and coming to the corridor, Adam said: “The members of the seventh team, please proceed according to the yellow light. Captain Shu Xuyao ​​has arrived at the apron.”

“Little Kai, you forgot to open your helmet.” Lan Lan and Kai Xin stood shoulder to shoulder.

“No hands…” Kai Xin had a hard time carrying the K80.

Fortunately, this body’s physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people, so she can walk quickly in the corridor holding a gun weighing tens of kilograms.

Kai Xin added: “Don’t call me Xiao Kai, it sounds boring.”

“Hey, is there? You can call me Xiaolan.” Lan Lan stretched out her hand with a smile, “I’ll help you open the helmet.”

He tapped on the side of Kai Xin’s helmet.

Suddenly, a green data image appeared in front of Kai Xin, and Adam said in her helmet: “Hello, trainee security officer Kai Xin. I will be responsible for filtering the communication in the team for you, and collecting wind direction, wind speed, humidity, Obstacles, target distance, shooting pitch angle, ground turning deflection force and other information provide data support for your sniper accuracy.”

… so advanced? Kui Xin smacked his tongue.

The elevator door opened, the elevator door closed, and Kai Xin and the others went straight up to the apron on the top floor.

Shu Xuyao ​​stood neatly equipped in front of an extended police car: “Get ready to go.”

“Yes, Captain!” Team Seven said in unison.

Everyone got into the car one by one, and Kai Xin took the last row with a big sniper that was more than one meter long.

The police car levitated into the air.

At this moment, Liu Kangyun, who had been silent all this time, said, “Everyone checks the safety of their guns, so they don’t go off.”

Jiang Ming said speechlessly: “Every time I perform a task, I say… my ears are getting callused.”

Lan Lan turned around from the front seat and explained to the bewildered Kai Xin: “His gun’s safety was broken before, don’t let it go off when he was sitting in the car on his back, he missed anyone, but hit the police car. The car was flying in the sky at that time. It caught fire on the spot and almost fell, which caused old Liu to have a psychological shadow, hahaha…”

After hearing this, Kai Xin lowered his head reflexively to confirm whether the safety of the standard firearms around his waist was intact.

“Don’t be too nervous, Kai Xin.” Shu Xuyao ​​in the driver’s seat said, “You just need to hold the gun tightly and aim at the target to stay focused, and you don’t have to think about anything else.”

“Yes, captain.” Kui Xin said in a low voice.

The torrential rain is endless and never stops, and her heart is as heavy as the weather.

The windows of the police car were covered with raindrops, blocking Kai Xin’s sight. The police car flew for thirty minutes, then landed slowly.

“Arrive at the location where the target appears.” Adam said, “The best sniper position is the signal tower of Liberty Square in the North District. Please ask the security guard Kuixin to go there. The security guard Lanlan can go to the signal tower to control the drone group together. The signal tower is 230 high. Ten meters away, the view from above is relatively wide.”

“Go.” Shu Xuyao ​​said.

The members of the seventh team looked at each other. Kui Xin and Lan Lan left the team first and boarded the signal tower not far away.

When he reached the top of the signal tower, Kai Xin took a deep breath, half-kneeled on the ground, set up the K80, and aimed it into the eyepiece.

Lan Lan opened her backpack and took out a metal box. When the metal box was opened, five drones, the size of a fist, separated from the metal box. Like hunting birds of prey, they plunged into the rain curtain and flew towards the residential area below.

“This thing is mainly used for scanning. After all, it is a residential area. You can’t use drones loaded with weapons. It is easy to cause accidental casualties. The accuracy of sniping is better.” Lan Lan held up the control panel to control the drone group, “Adam can also Control the drone swarm, but its main function is to collect and analyze data. Manual operation can save computing power and make Adam’s feedback more rapid and thorough. Tsk, in fact, the investigation department should upgrade Adam’s core, so that we can save a lot of trouble Son.”

Kai Xin was engrossed and did not answer.

She was searching the residential area below with a high-magnification scope to see if she could find Chai Jian.

Kai Xin moved the K80 millimeter by millimeter. She captured Captain Shu, Jiang Ming, and Liu Kangyun.After confirming their positions, she removed the scope and pressed the trigger weakly with her fingers. She is focused to the extreme, and the gun is an extension of her body.

She didn’t even realize that her muzzle was unconsciously chasing and aiming at all moving objects in the lens—whether it was teammates or ordinary people moving in the slums.

Kai Xin’s “fighting instinct” has been fully awakened. At this moment, she is a goshawk flying in the sky to search for prey, and a boa constrictor hiding in a cave. She didn’t need to do it deliberately, the instinct of hunting took control of her body, making her a predator.

For a moment…for such a short moment, Kai Xin had the urge to shoot all the moving objects in the scope.

She breathed gently, adjusted her mentality, and got rid of distracting thoughts.

“The target appears.” Adam said suddenly.

Lan Lan controls the drone to track the past.

Kai Xin immediately turned the gun and looked for the target under Adam’s mark——she found it!

A hurried figure appeared under her scope. The man was running barefoot on the street with a loaf of bread in his mouth. His back was pitiful and funny.

“The target distance is 986.2 meters, the current wind force is 2.3, and the angle…” The data came into Kai Xin’s eyes.

She locked on Chai Jian and put her index finger on the trigger.

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