The Lightless Sea 30

Su Rong’s high school mathematics is really zero-based. She can do the first two multiple-choice questions in mathematics, and she may not be able to get it right. She doesn’t know anything about the big questions, so she will write a “solution”.

Kai Xin asked her how much she knew about functions, and she said she basically didn’t. She asked if she could solve triangles, and she said no, and she didn’t know anything about conic sections. The more Kai Xin asked, the more Su Rong felt that she was an idiot, she didn’t know what to ask, and she was so ashamed that she wanted to lower her head to the ground.

Kai Xin picked out a not-so-difficult paper from her summer homework and asked her to do it, and she finished it in fifteen minutes, because Su Rong only had those few questions, so of course she wrote it very quickly.

Kai Xin had to open her high school textbook and break it up from the first unit to tell her.

After the three-hour class, Su Rong was extremely frustrated.

“You don’t have to feel ashamed that you don’t know these things.” Kui Xin said bluntly, “I’m afraid it’s not that you don’t know it, but that you are so discouraged that you don’t want to learn. Your Chinese and English scores are good, and you have made up for your weaknesses. Studying is a long journey. The process cannot be expected to produce results in a day.”

Su Rong said tiredly: “I know, Sister Xin Xin, you have to learn even if you bite your teeth.”

Kui Xin said, “Do you still have the test papers and study materials that you have been handed out by the school since the first year of high school? Find them out.”

Su Rong found the math papers at the bottom of the press box from her bookcase. The thick stack was basically blank.

Kai Xin flipped through the papers, and circled a few simple fill-in-the-blank questions for her on each paper. With Su Rong’s mathematics level, she can only do these at present.

“I will finish these questions before I come to class tomorrow. Don’t look at the answers. If I make a mistake, I will tell you.” Kai Xin said, “It is unrealistic for you to learn the math textbook from beginning to end. Get points, just give up on difficult questions, and get points for easy questions.”

“Okay.” Su Rong said humbly.

At six o’clock in the afternoon, Kai Xin declined the invitation of Su Rong’s mother to stay for dinner, and went home alone.

On the road, her mobile phone buzzed and vibrated, and the Meteorological Bureau issued a rainstorm warning text message. Kai Xin looked up and saw that the evening sky was covered by dark clouds, and it might rain soon.

She hurried into the subway station, trying toGet home before it rains.

Just in time for the rush hour, the subway was full of people. Kai Xin was pushed left and right by the crowd, and finally squeezed into the car.

“Oh my god, it’s too scary. Look at the news.” Two young people were chatting softly in the subway, “The whole family is dead…the cult is killing people.”

Since Kaixin’s physical fitness in the two worlds has inexplicably assimilated, her physique, physical strength, agility, and five-sense acuity have improved dramatically compared to before. She can easily hear the two people in the noisy subway. voices of young people talking.

“Hiss…killed his whole family? Are you crazy? I think he looks quite normal.”

“If he wasn’t crazy, how could he believe in a cult? The police arrest warrant has been issued, and the reward is 100,000…”

Kai Xin caught the keyword, and nervously turned on his phone to search for news.

She heard from Shu Xuyao ​​that the secret sects in the Second World not only practice superstition and consume divine blood, but also do some particularly cruel things, such as living sacrifices, so the federal government’s suppression methods against religious groups have been escalated.

People who take the blood of the gods will mutate their bodies, and gradually lose their minds and become crazy under the erosion of the blood of the gods.

This was the first day of Kai Xin’s return, and she had to think a lot.

As soon as Kai Xin turned on the phone, a piece of news popped up. The blue background arrest warrant issued by the police came into view. The basic appearance characteristics and home address of the suspect were clearly written. The reason for being wanted and the charges were clear at a glance. , the suspect had mental problems because of his belief in a cult, so he killed his whole family.

The suspect killed someone last night and fled immediately. The place where he committed the crime is actually quite close to the city where Kai Xin lives. It is in the next city, and it only takes 20 to 30 minutes to get there by high-speed train.

“Regional mission trigger.”

A light curtain flashed in front of Kai Xin’s eyes, her pupils shrank, and her mood sank to the bottom.

Why… Why can the real world trigger missions? !

Kai Xin has only triggered one mission so far, which is the “Investigate the Port Explosion Case” she accepted when she first entered the second world. She has not yet completed this mission.

But she never expected that the first world could also trigger missions, and the ones that were triggered were “regional missions”, which were new types of missions she hadn’t been exposed to before.

“[Mission Description]: Unknown changes have occurred in your hometown and the area you are familiar with. The peaceful city is no longer peaceful, and the stable life is no longer stable. Mysterious shadows and extraordinary forces have invaded your life. In order to To maintain the peace and stability of your hometown, you may have an obligation to investigate this terrible incident.”

“As a regional quest, you are not the only one who received the quest invitation. Other players who live in the same area as you also received the quest reminder. You can work together or investigate alone.”

“You can choose to accept the mission, or you can choose to reject the mission.”

“Of course, you need to take certain risks to accept it. If you refuse, you can gain temporary stability. After all, it is only a small probability to trouble yourself to find the door.”

“[Task Content]: Investigate the murder case of the cultist.”

At this moment, Kai Xin could no longer hear the noisy voices in the subway car.

She pursed her lips, grabbed the pull ring and stood there for a long time. It was not until the subway arrived that she recovered her senses and got off the train with the crowd.

The difference between the first world and the second world is getting smaller and smaller, which makes Kai Xin uneasy.

Two worlds, two game fields, Cyber ​​Online and Earth Online.

The reality that Kai Xin lives in is changing and becoming strange to her.

It seems that while her bodies in the two worlds are becoming assimilated, the first world and the second world are also becoming assimilated.

And she thought that body assimilation may not only be a phenomenon that happened to her alone, but a common phenomenon that happened to all players, except that most of the other players are ordinary people, and their physical fitness is not as good as that of Kai Xinna Generally, there is a leap-forward growth.

But if a player happens to become a member of a secret sect, takes the divine blood, transforms his body with the divine blood, and then returns to the first world, will his body in the first world also undergo the same mutation?

Did his spirit fall into madness like those members of the secret sect?

Could the murderer who killed the whole family last night and escaped overnight be a player?

When Kai Xin got out of the subway, it started to rain, so she ran home in the rain.

Such heavy rain made Kai Xin involuntarily think of the days before she just traveled to the second world, it was raining every day in Heihai City.

As soon as she entered the house, she took out her mobile phone to check the forum.

“Let’s get a password right, Jingchu area, regional mission.”

1L: That’s right. I am in the south of the province, several cities away from the place where the case happened, but I still received the task trigger notification. How much does this regional task cover? Have all the players in the province received it?

2L: Maybe the whole province, I have received it too. Will anyone choose to accept the mission? Too dangerous.

3L: I don’t know how many players there are in Jingchu Province?

4L replied to 3L: Calculated according to the population ratio, there should be about 70 people.

5L: What are you talking about? What regional mission?

6L: It’s terrible… Is this still the hometown we know? I’m afraid, folks, the danger is so close to us. For the first time in my life, my hometown felt so foreign to me. Back in the first world, we are not far away from danger. On the contrary, danger is approaching our life with the return of players. This is not what our world should be like.

Kai Xin turned off his phone, changed his clothes and shoes and stood in front of the window looking at his owncity.

In the hazy rain, the neon lights are dazzling, the bridge across the river is decorated with colorful light tubes, and the cars on the road are rushing forward with their lights on… But she is in a dark and dilapidated old community, downstairs is a dilapidated stone road And broken street lights, separated from the bustling city.

The development of this era is too fast. A city has two appearances, the gorgeous appearance and the dilapidated appearance coexisting at the same time.

At this moment, Kai Xin had a serious illusion, as if she was still in Heihai City, not her hometown.

Kai Xin doesn’t like the second world, she doesn’t want her reality to be polluted by things in the second world.

Awakened people, people with different blood, secret sects, believers…these things shouldn’t exist.

And these things are changing her world beyond recognition, including herself.

The world is out of control, the trajectory of life is out of control, and the peaceful life is out of control. Kai Xin is a person who is good at planning her study and life. She needs to control her time and arrangements in order to feel at ease.

But fate is like a wild horse running wild, out of Kai Xin’s control.

As stated in the mission description, the peaceful city is no longer peaceful, and the stable life is no longer stable. Those ordinary daily life are far away from her. to the previous state of life.

But even so, Kai Xin still wants to try her best to protect this pure land, not for the task, not for others, but for herself, just for herself.

For this reason, she wants to clean up the things that pollute her life one by one.

“I accept the task.” Kai Xin said silently in his heart.

“You have accepted the mission.”

“[Task progress]: 0%.”

Kai Xin discovered that the tasks issued by the game system have a characteristic, that is, there is no clear direction.

It said “investigate”, not “handle”. The popular explanation is that all the tasks issued by the game system are only to provide a direction for the task executor. As for whether the task target is to be killed or additional disposal is required after the task is completed, the game system has no restrictions at all.

This greatly increases the degree of freedom, and Kai Xin can do whatever she wants.

The task issued by the game system is a reminder to her, a warning, a wake-up call telling her that her life has changed.

Therefore, Kai Xin has a completely different mentality when accepting the mission this time.

When she accepted the task of investigating the bombing case, she really only wanted to investigate the cause and effect and settle the matter. But now she accepts the task of investigating the homicide of the believers, and she is not rushing to investigate.

She went for the purpose of “clearing up”.

Just like the Department of Public Security’s removal of heterogeneous organisms to catch people with different blood, Kai Xin wants to clean up all the pollution and instability factors around him, get rid of them all, and leave no future troubles.

Kai Xin looked at the neon lights of the city outside the window and fell into long meditation.

Ten minutes later, she turned on her phone and saw that there were still no responses to the posts on the forum asking about information about alien species. The relevant posts were blank and there were very few replies.

So Kai Xin posted the first post since logging into the forum.

“I will explain to you what is a heterogeneous creature, what is a secret sect, and what is a person with different blood.”

Less than a minute after the post was posted, the forum exploded.

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