The Lightless Sea50

“This is the washroom. We flush the toilet with domestic waste water, and the excrement of the crew is flushed directly into the sea.” Anton introduced one by one, “This is the kitchen. Behind the kitchen is a refrigerator. Most of the food in it is canned. We will put enough food in it for half a year at one time, fresh vegetables and meat are difficult to preserve, and the stock is small. Look over there—there is the entertainment room.”

He stopped in front of a door hung with a dart board, and pushed the door with a smile: “Look, the mahjong table, we can play card games or mahjong here, as well as billiards and table tennis. Next to the entertainment room is Gym, the crew can exercise in it. Sea sailing is too boring, we need to find something interesting to do, otherwise… people will go crazy.”

Captain Anton clearly had a hearty smile on his face when he said the last sentence, but for some reason, his smiling face with big white teeth made Kai Xin feel extremely…distorted.

“The environment here is not bad.” Lan Lan said, “The facilities are all very new.”

“Because our Kraken is a newly built freighter, the freighter with the largest loading capacity in the world.” Anton said proudly, “In order to ensure the transportation capacity, the crew’s rooms are arranged in the rear part of the hull. One layer. The rest of the cargo ship can be used for loading. The amount of cargo loaded on the bow and stern needs to be balanced,Otherwise the hull has no way to maintain balance. ”

Kai Xin looked around and asked, “How many crew members are there on board?”

“There are forty-three crew members.” Anton said, “but there are not so many people on board at present. Didn’t I say that many of our crew members vomited and diarrhea because of food problems? They disembarked for treatment, and now there are only twenty-two people on board, including the five of you, there are twenty-seven people in total.”

“Is vomiting and diarrhea so intractable?” Liu Kangyun asked strangely, “There are only 22 people on such a big boat, how do you manage it?”

“It’s easy to cure. It will be fine after two days of infusion of potion. But our freighter company is very urgent to rush the goods. We rested for a day in the last port city, put down the crew and changed the food in question, and then left.” Ann Dong scratched his forehead helplessly, “Now the workload on each member of our team has doubled, and they need to undertake work that did not belong to them.”

Jiang Ming frowned: “Is this company so over the top?”

“Actually, it’s okay. As long as the work is properly allocated to maintain the operation of the freighter, there will be no problem. Many of the equipment on the Kraken are semi-automated, and the ship’s artificial intelligence can assist us in handling most of the things… As a result, the unfortunate thing happened again! Manual There is a problem with the intelligence, a part of the computer library is short-circuited, and the person on our ship who can repair the computer has already disembarked for gastrointestinal treatment!” Anton said, “In addition, some armed elements occasionally appear on the sea to rob passing ships. , our life is very worrying…fortunately, you are here!”

“Guys, are you suffering from bad luck?” Lan Lan was stunned, “I’m a technician, and I should be able to repair the artificial intelligence on board. The team sent by the investigation department has an accompanying team doctor, who is on the frigate accompanying the cargo ship.” , you can contact me directly if you need it.”

“There’s no need for a doctor. No one is sick on board for the time being.” Anton said, “The repair of artificial intelligence can be left until tomorrow. You must be very tired by helicopter. Let’s rest tonight.”

Lan Lan insisted: “It will be repaired tonight. Artificial intelligence is of great importance. Repairing it early can allow Adam to take over the sailing work of this ship as soon as possible.”

Anton paused, “Okay, then I will trouble you.”

“Two people will be on duty on the deck tonight, and the rest will rest, and we will alternate.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “It’s past three o’clock in the morning, and we will be on duty until six o’clock in the morning.”

Kai Xin thought for a while and said, “I slept on the plane for a while, and I’m not sleepy at the moment, and I’m in good condition. Leave tonight’s duty to me.”

“Really? You just said you had low blood sugar.” Lan Lan asked suspiciously.

“I’m not so fragile. It’s just a sudden dizziness. I’ve taken the medicine that comes with me, and I’m fine.” Kai Xin said, “Please rest assured to entrust me with the patrol work. I’m not a brave person.”

Shu Xuyao ​​looked at Kuixin carefully, confirmed her condition, and said, “No, you can’t be on duty today. As the team leader, I don’t think your condition is good enough to complete the task. You go to rest tonight, and you will be on duty tomorrow.”

“…That’s good.” Kui Xin felt like shooting himself in the foot with a stone. If she had known about it, she would have changed her reason. Why did she use hypoglycemia?

To be honest, sleeping on the Kraken made Kai Xin very uneasy. She didn’t have a problem with the bed, it was purely because the atmosphere on the Kraken was so weird that she couldn’t sleep peacefully.

“I’ll be on duty at night,” Jiang Ming said, “I’m in good shape, and I just slept for a while on the helicopter.”

“I’m also on duty at night. I’ll go to the computer room with the captain later so we can fix the artificial intelligence.” Lan Lan said.

Shu Xuyao ​​said: “Okay, let’s make arrangements like this for tonight. If there is any unexpected situation, notify Adam in time, and Adam will tell me and the teammates on the escort ship.”

After the tasks were assigned, everyone performed their duties. Those who should go to rest should rest, those who should patrol should patrol, and those who should work should work.

Jiang Ming stepped on the steps to go to the deck to perform duties, while Lan Lan went to the engine room under the leadership of the captain.

Lan Lan said: “I’ll go to see if the situation in the computer room is serious. If it’s not serious, try to fix it tonight. Lao Jiang, go to duty first, and I’ll tell you the situation later.”

“Okay, I’ll go up first.” Jiang Ming nodded.

Kai Xin has a separate room where she can sleep and rest, and the rest room of Shu Xuyao ​​and Liu Kangyun is next to her.

The space on the ship is limited, and the room is not equipped with a separate washroom. If you want to wash up, you can only go to the washroom outside the corridor.

Kai Xin unloaded some of the heavy and cumbersome equipment, left the resting place and entered the bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror above the sink in a trance.

The echoing heartbeat sound was definitely not her illusion, but judging from the reactions of Shu Xuyao ​​and others, they didn’t hear those sounds at all.

Why was she the only one who heard it?

“Adam.” Kui Xin called out in a low voice.

“I’m here.” Adam said in her headset, “please tell me.”

“Did you catch any strange noises when we first boarded the ship?” Kai Xin said, “For example, the sounds made by life forms, the sounds made by life forms other than us.”

“I didn’t.” Adam said, “I heard the sound of ocean waves, the sound of rotors, and the beating of human beings through the equipment on the members of the seventh team, and there was no sound from life forms other than you. Maybe you can send more detailed information to Shall I describe your confusion?”

“No, it’s okay. I’m probably hallucinating.” Kui Xin said, “There’s a little tinnitus in the helicopter.”

“You can massage the acupointsAlleviate tinnitus. said Adam.

Kai Xin was really upset, so he rubbed his temples and said casually, “Okay, thank you for your suggestion.”

Adam: “You’re welcome, serving you is my duty.”

Three minutes later, Kai Xin walked out of the bathroom. As soon as she opened the bathroom door, her eyes froze.

There was a man standing upright behind the bathroom door, a tall man.

He stood close to the bathroom door, and Kai Xin almost knocked his chest when he opened the door.

His black hair was tangled together, he looked like he hadn’t showered for a week, his body smelled of sweat, and the yellow plaid shirt on his upper body was crumpled and covered with spots of stains. The man had a sallow complexion and an unshaven beard, deep-set eye sockets, deep and heavy dark circles, the whites of his eyes were bloodshot, and there were two deep tear grooves on his face. He seemed to have not slept for several days and nights.

His overall image is so terrible that it is unimaginable, he can almost seamlessly appear in horror movies.

“What are you doing? This is the women’s bathroom.” Kai Xin took a step back, reflexively moved to the gun at his waist, “Are you a crew member? Tell me your name.”

“It’s the crew, my name is Tang Guan.” The man grinned stiffly, and made a poor excuse, “I’m sorry for scaring you, I wanted to use the bathroom, but I accidentally saw it wrong…”

As Tang Guan said, he staggered and staggered a few times as if he was about to faint, and almost bumped into Kai Xin, but Kai Xin couldn’t dodge and was touched by him, she hurriedly turned sideways, and flashed out of the bathroom.

Tang Guan held onto the door frame and stood firm. He turned his head and glanced at Kai Xin. He bent and walked away quickly while leaning on the wall, without going to the men’s bathroom next to him.

Is this person sick? Kai Xin was stunned, she came back to her senses, and walked towards her room with a blank face, but just two steps away, she found something strange in her pocket.

She lowered her head and found that a crumpled note had been stuffed into the pocket of the combat uniform at some point. The handwriting on the note was quite messy, and it could be seen at a glance that it was written in a hurry.

“Go to the kitchen freezer.”

Kai Xin’s brows twitched, and he subconsciously looked in the direction where Tang Guan disappeared.

This is a note left by Tang Guan!

She lowered her eyes in thought.

Tang Guan has no malice. If he harbors strong malice towards her, then her inherent talent will definitely take effect.

The mysterious atmosphere spread silently, and the giant cargo ship Kraken seemed to be shrouded in some inexplicable horror.

Kai Xin stood in the corridor thinking for a moment, then walked quickly back to her room, she checked the bullets with a blank face, put on the magazine, and said at the same time: “Adam, call the captain and Liu Kangyun, there is something wrong with this ship, let Don’t rest for now, go with me to check everywhere. Also inform Lan Lan and Jiang Ming, let them pay attention to vigilance, it is best to join us in action.”

Adam said: “Obey, I have informed your teammates.”

In less than thirty seconds, Shu Xuyao ​​and Liu Kangyun pushed the door out almost at the same time.

They asked at the same time: “What happened, Kai Xin?”

“Let’s take a look around the ship and check every cabin.” Kui Xin said, “A strange crew member just handed me a note. I hope you don’t think I’m overreacting…”

She showed the note in her hand to the two of them, and said solemnly: “There is something wrong with this place, we must check.”

Shu Xuyao ​​and Jiang Ming looked at each other, nodded and said, “Okay.”

“Adam, tell the team on the escort ship to stand by.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Let them send an additional team on board.”

“Yes.” Adam said.

After a pause for a few seconds, Adam suddenly said: “Captain Shu, the security guard Lan Lan lost contact. I repeated the call three times, but got no response. I couldn’t detect the heartbeat of the security guard Lan Lan three seconds ago. ”

“Is it here?” Lan Lan asked in surprise, “Did the computer room get burned? Why is the damage so serious? Judging from your tone, I thought it was slightly damaged.”

“The parts of the engine room caught fire and burned this place.” Anton said, “The fire-fighting device on the ship was triggered, so the fire did not spread.”

“This is difficult.” Lan Lan squatted down and unfolded the toolbox. “Let me try to salvage a few data boards first. The flight data recorded on them is also very important.”

Lan Lan manually used a wrench to disassemble the case blackened by the flames. The helmet was a bit in the way, so he temporarily took off the helmet.

The electrical system in the computer room was also damaged, so he turned on the flashlight for illumination.

He didn’t notice that Anton had come around behind him, holding a crowbar in his hand.

Anton picked up the crowbar with a smile and said, “Thank you, sir.”

Then he raised the crowbar high and slammed it down.


Blood spattered on the computer room.

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