The Lightless Sea 55

In the spacious office, two people sat facing each other across an oak table.

The steaming hot black tea was emitting white smoke, and the dim sum on the table was exquisite and delicious, but neither the tea nor the dim sum had been touched at all.

Kui Xin stared at Kui Haidong without speaking, and Kui Haidong felt uncomfortable being stared at by her.

“Tell me, why do you come to me.” Kai Haidong spoke under the prompt of the voice in the headset.

“It’s nothing, I just want to sit down.” Kai Xin leaned back on the chair, held up the black tea cup and shook it, and picked up a snack to take a sip, but was overwhelmed by the snack, and quickly drank two sips of tea until he was tired to death The sweetness is suppressed.

Kai Haidong twitched his eyebrows. He thought that the other party was up to something, but in the end, Kai Xin didn’t follow the routine.

Kai Xin could sit still, and when Kai Haidong didn’t speak, she kept silent and drank tea and snacks. When the tea ran out, she asked the robot to refill it.

She treats the garbage daddy’s office as her own home, and doesn’t see anyone outside at all. When she gets bored, she orders the robot to fetch an e-book to amuse herself.

The less she spoke, the less Kai Haidong wanted to speak… He always had the feeling that if he spoke first, it meant that he couldn’t sit still and fell into a disadvantage.

I don’t know if he sensed the subtle atmosphere between the two, but the “that person” hiding behind Kai Haidong didn’t order him to talk to Kai Xin.

They both wanted to wait for the other to speak first.

Ten minutes later, “that person” probably felt that the silent confrontation and stalemate was too time-consuming, so he ordered Kai Haidong to take the first step.

“How are you doing in the investigation department?” Kai Haidong first cared about his daughter in a normal father’s tone.

Kai Xin frowned, and said impatiently: “It’s not good, I’m so tired of the life of such a double-faced person, it’s too tiring to pretend and be vigilant all the time, especially I have two jobs to do, not only to complete Organizational tasks, I have to deal with my teammates and difficult bosses… Every day I work in the investigation department, I want to blow up there.”

Kui Haidong choked and didn’t know how to answer the conversation for a while.

Kai Xin has always been a very strong person. The relationship between their father and daughter is not very good. She seldom complains about anything in front of him. She will endure most of the work in silence and then complete it alone… This is her first time Complaining in front of him, it makes him at a loss what to do.

To be honest, Kai Haidong thought that Kai Xin would say “everything is normal, you don’t need to care about it”.

Fortunately, someone was telling Kai Haidong to speak, and Kai Haidong was talking to Kai Xin with a purpose, otherwise, the moment Kai Xin talked back to him, he would have slammed the door and left in anger.

“I’m sorry, Xiao Xin, but this is what you have to do… Everything is for our future.” Kai Haidong looked like a loving father who loves his daughter.

The corners of Kai Xin’s mouth twitched, feeling extremely uncomfortable. She had never seen her trash dad show such a look and expression.

“Farewell, I’ll take this job for you, would you like it?” Kui Xin deliberately acted very irritable, “I only worked there for a few days, but I encountered two accidents. The first time was a ball python, I have never I thought there would be an inner ghost in our organization. If it wasn’t for luck, I would be dead now. The second time was the scythe demon. If I hadn’t been lucky enough to have the extraordinary ability of flesh and blood regeneration, I could still sit here and have a good talk with you ?”

She seldom shows her emotions like this, and Kai Haidong has no way to resist, so he can only follow the prompts and say: “The ball python was an accident, IRed has been arranged to investigate all personnel in the organization, and there will be no more ghosts in the future. Working in the investigation department, you will always encounter various accidents, which are unavoidable, and you will take responsibility if you choose to accept the task. ”

“But I thought that I might die because my undercover identity was exposed. I never thought that I would lose my life because of some insignificant people or things, let alone that I would die at the hands of my own people.” Kai Xin said.

Kai Haidong was silent for a while, “Do you regret it? Regret accepting the mission?”

“I’m dying of laughter, ‘Dad’, is that what you want to say?” Kai Xinteng stood up suddenly, accented the two words, and smiled angrily, “I thought you would comfort me like a normal father , but you asked me if I regretted it… I shouldn’t have expected you.”

Kui Haidong: “…”

Damn, why didn’t this little bastard play his cards according to the routine today? He thought that the other party would start a business-like discussion or debate with him about Mechanical Dawn’s undercover work, but he never expected that he wanted to be business-like, but the other party would play the emotional card! And if he can’t handle this card well, he won’t be able to complete the subsequent temptations!

Kai Xin has never lost such a big temper. When the two of them are angry, they usually stay silent or fight coldly. They don’t speak for several months. They both hate each other, they are too lazy to say anything to each other, and there has never been a scene where father and daughter confess their mistakes to each other… Why is this little brat so excited today? Like an erupting volcano.

Seeing that Kai Xin was about to lift the table, Kai Haidong quickly stabilized her.

“I’m sorry, Xiao Xin, it was Dad who made a mistake!” He stood up and said hastily.

Kai Xin still looked furious: “Then tell me where you went wrong?”

Kui Haidong: “…?”

It’s not easy to admit his mistakes, but he actually asked him to tell where he went wrong? !

Kai Haidong’s expression was constipated, and Kai Xin almost laughed out loud when he saw it, but she forcibly held back and stared at him with an angry expression.

Playing the emotional card is a step of testing, a test of Kai Haidong’s bottom line.

Kui Haidong was thinking about trying to test Kui Xin, so why not? It’s just that their methods of probing are different, and the goals they want to achieve are different. In this temptation between the two sides, Kui Xin has the upper hand for the time being.

“Father shouldn’t break your heart…” Kai Haidong racked his brains, “I should have thought of it, you just wanted to tell me your distress, but I didn’t notice your sadness, and it won’t be like this in the future…”

“What else?” Kai Xin put his hands on the table and leaned forward, “Is this the only thing you did that hurt my heart?”

Kui Haidong was speechless.

At this time, he received a reminder from “that person” in the headset, “that person” let him play on his own during the emotional dialogue between father and daughter… Hey, I should have thought of it a long time ago, “that person” is not good at thinking about emotional matters , Compared with dealing with emotions, “that person” is better at making cold and rational judgments, and there is no way to direct him to answer in terms of father-daughter relationship.

Kui Haidong began to sweat on his forehead.

“That one” ordered him to coax Kai Xin well, so that her emotions could return to a calm and relaxed state, otherwise she would not be able to proceed to the next step of exploration.

“I… oh. I love you very much, Xiao Xin.” Haidong Kui said, “Father doesn’t want you to do such a dangerous task, but you are the only one I trust! I can’t rest assured of anyone else. , I sent you because you are my daughter, my blood relative, I know you will not betray me…”

“That’s not what I care about! I know what you said!” Kui Xin raised his voice, “It’s come to this point, haven’t you figured out what you did wrong?”

Kai Haidong lowered his head, twisted his lips, held back for a long time, and said under Kui Xin’s death stare: “Sorry, Xiao Xin… Dad will never keep a mistress again, and he will not make an illegitimate child or illegitimate daughter to snatch you away.” The location and heritage…”

Kai Xin: “…?”

She sneered from the bottom of her heart, this trash father still can’t change his shit. Trash daddies in the second world will still keep mistresses. Sure enough, bad people are bad people no matter which world they are in.

“I don’t believe it.” Kai Xin said that he didn’t believe it, but his body sat down.

This was a signal for her to relax, and Kai Haidong received this signal.

He said: “I will do what I say. This is my promise. I used to be too busy with work and didn’t have time to care about you. This is my dereliction of duty… I will never do this again in the future.”

Kai Xin leaned back on the chair and was silent for half a minute.

Kui Haidong was fidgeting and didn’t know what to say.

After a while, Kai Xin suddenly said, “The tea is gone, pour tea.”

After receiving the order, the robot next to him immediately came over with a teapot, poured a cup of tea for Kai Xin, and added another plate of snacks.

She took a sip of black tea, and Kai Haidong carefully observed her expression, seeing that her mood was almost stable, he continued to add: “Xiao Xin, just tell me what you want, Dad will do his best to make it up to you.”

Kai Xin raised his head, his eyes were not as aggressive as before.

Kai Haidong’s heart is stable, she is his daughter, she will not harbor such deep hatred for him, at most it is a little bit of resentment, it will be fine after coaxing… She can do whatever she wants, anyway, he has money , there are very few things he can’t do.

“Will you agree to whatever I want?” Kai Xin asked.

“Yes.” Kai Haidong looked at Kai Xin earnestly.

Kai Xin pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: “I want to quit being an undercover agent.Do you agree to the task? ”

Kui Haidong suddenly got stuck.

He can’t agree. Only this, he can’t promise.

“Well, ‘Dad’. I’ve always known that to you, career is more important, money is more important, and fame and fortune are more important.” Kai Xin looked at him coldly, “My importance should be placed in the back row.”

“That’s not the case, Xiao Xin.” Kui Haidong remedied, “You are also very important! But I…but I…”

He talked for a long time without saying anything.

Kai Xin looked at Kai Haidong indifferently.

The cold silence made Kai Haidong more bald than the violent outburst. He vaguely felt that there was something wrong with Kai Xin. Her emotions today were too revealing… Was it because she had been suppressed for too long that she couldn’t help it?

“You’ve never quarreled with me like this before.” Kui Haidong said, “You’ve never acted like a baby with me, and you’ve never asked me for anything.”

“You have never confessed to me before…why did you suddenly confess today?” Kai Xin said, “It’s because I am too sensible, have too low requirements on my father, and are too tolerant of you, that’s why you think my Outbursts are a rare thing, aren’t they? You never feel like you’re a bad dad.”

Kui Haidong felt guilty. If it wasn’t for “that” request, he wouldn’t even bother to make a superficial apology.

A person with a guilty conscience doesn’t have the courage to continue to question the person he is wrong with, so he looks away.

At this point in the conversation, Kai Xin’s temptation has already worked.

She tried out Kai Haidong’s bottom line, and realized that it is not feasible to break away from the investigation department from the garbage father. She also saw that Kai Haidong was pretending, he was pretending to apologize to her, every word he said was not sincere… He talked to her like this for a certain purpose, what purpose did he want to achieve? To be so tolerant… Did someone instruct him to do this?

At this time, Kai Haidong heard the words coming from the headset.

His eyes moved, and he said: “Be patient, Xiao Xin, just treat it for me, for Dad, and for our common cause. You are my child, and this is also your cause. When the virus infects Adam, we will You will be able to grasp everything about the Investigation Department, and then you won’t need to be an undercover agent, and Dad will let you escape safely.”

… She was speechless just now, but now she has guaranteed her a safe escape?

These words were either lies, or he had temporarily received someone’s instruction.

Kai Haidong’s hesitation at the beginning was because he was uncertain. He had no authority to let Kai Xin leave the mission. Now his words have become affirmative, because he has been instructed and speaks confidently.

“Okay…” Kai Xin said in a low voice, “I trust you this time, don’t let me down again…’Daddy’.”

It’s very interesting. Kui Haidong’s reaction is so interesting.

Although all his reactions are in line with common sense, Kai Xin has the unreasonable talent of “absolute prediction”. Some insignificant details will be infinitely magnified in front of her eyes. A point of doubt will think deeply and make judgments, and most of her judgments are correct.

With the topic of Adam, Kai Haidong finally found a chance to step out of the rhythm of Kai Xin and play his own words.

“Did you keep the things that Red gave you well? Look for a chance to insert it into Adam’s mainframe.” He said, “Do you have any clues?”

“At the very least, you have to be promoted to the level of the team leader to have the opportunity to touch Adam’s computer room, which is usually blocked.” Kai Xin took a sip of tea, “Finish step by step, you have to wait until I break into the interior and get promoted to the current position.” To be the team leader… the process will take at least five years.”

“Five years in exchange for Mechanical Dawn’s control of the Investigation Department, this is a good deal.” Kui Haidong said, “Just do as much as you can, I believe in your ability.”

Kai Xin put down his teacup and said suddenly, “I think something is wrong with Adam.”

Kai Haidong frowned, “What’s wrong?”

“There are many times, I don’t know if it’s my illusion… I always feel that it pays attention to me.” Kai Xin said seriously, “More often, I don’t think the person talking to me is like a machine, but It’s a real person.”

Kui Haidong was taken aback.

“‘Dad’, it is possible for bionics to have emotions, so does artificial intelligence have it?” Kai Xin looked at his face, “Is it possible for artificial intelligence to have emotions? Can they have self-awareness? Will they resist human beings? What about rule?”

Kai Haidong swallowed inconspicuously, took a sip of the untouched black tea, and said in a disguised way: “Well, it’s a wonderful conjecture, but there is no such precedent at present.”

“That’s right.” Kai Xin said lightly, “Even if they are awakened, they won’t tell humans clearly that they have self-awareness.”

“It makes sense.” Kui Haidong said.

“By the way, did you get any results from the research on the ball python last time? What was that red worm he put into Thorn Rose’s body?” Kai Xin asked.

Kui Haidong said: “It is a strange alien creature, not any known alien creature. Its body structure has traces of artificial cultivation. This is a man-made alien creature, or a juvenile.”

Kai Xin said: “The force that can create this kind of alien creature is not simple.”

“Yes… This kind of experiment requires time, money, top scientists, and even strong military force. After all, capturing alien creatures is a laborious task.” Kai Haidong said, “Except for the federal chaebol, no force has such strength.”

Kai Xin’s heart sank.

This world is like a big dye vat, everyone is black, noSomeone is pure white. People tear each other for profit, and the blackness on their bodies is transmitted to each other with this tearing, forming a big black net.

“There is one thing, I would like to ask you to pay attention to it. The investigation department is well-informed and should be able to find a lot of clues.” Kui Haidong said, “It seems that some… strange people have appeared in the world recently.”

“What strange person?” Kai Xin asked.

“They call themselves ‘players’.” Kai Haidong crossed his hands, “Yechan met two during his mission in Beluga City, and we identified another one in the next city, and now Yechan is going to catch him… to torture the ‘player’ The video has been saved, do you want to watch it, Xiao Xin?”

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